Updated: 12-20-13 11:19 AM
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Updated:12-20-13 11:19 AM
Created:03-28-13 08:39 PM

Lulleh's UI

Version: 5.4b
by: Lulleh [More]


This UI is only focused for my own needs, I don't plan on making requested changes. How ever, feel more than free to change around things and personalize it for your own needs! Therefor I'd appreciate if you don't criticize/ask me to change things because I won't.

Feel free to ask questions regarding the UI and how to fix things that are not working as intended, using the comments here on wowinterface. I'm quite busy though so I won't take time to help you create something new.

I'm running with
1920x1080 resolution, haven't tried anything else so no guarantees it'll work with other resolutions.

Feel free to check the pictures and/or go to YouTube to see how the UI performs in combat.
How to Install

1. Please make a backup of your Interface & WTF folders.
2. Download and extract the UI (using 7zip or winrar) to your desktop.
3. Open the WTF folder and follow the next step.
  • I'm playing on the EU realms. If you're on the US realms, please do the following: Open the WTF folder and open with notepad. Find the line that says (SET locale "enGB") and make it say (SET locale "enUS") and save.
4. Enter the Account folder and rename the folder
ACCOUNT NAME into your account name.
5. Enter the folder you just renamed (ACCOUNT NAME) and rename the folder
SERVER NAME into your server name.
6. Enter the folder you just renamed (SERVER NAME) and rename the folder
CHARACTER NAME (CLASS) into your Character's name. (If you have multiple toons, just copy the CHARACTER NAME folder as many times as you like and rename them to what ever your characters are named.
7. Put the 4 folders (Interface, WTF, Fonts and Other_Colors) where they belong. In my case,
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft
8. When installing for the first time, make sure you check "Load out of date Addons".
9. Login and type: "
/reflux switch LullehUI"

Additionally, go to the options in SCT and set the profile to "LullehUI".

Optional; in case of a manual update of 'Aurora: Missing Textures', make sure that the 'TARGETINGFRAME' & 'ACHIEVEMENTFRAME' folder is removed along with its contents as well as the .blp files listed below. (These are located in the folders named 'Buttons', 'Calendar', 'LFGFRAME', 'MINIMAP' 'Tooltips' and 'PetBattles')


In addition to this, I've also deleted the Blizzard_AchievementUI from the Aurora folder and I encourage you do to the same as it looks much better without the skin.
* Indicates that LullehUI needs to be manually set

!NoTaint - reduce the chance for .lua errors when changing talents.
_Corpse, tells you the faction, online status, and other information about corpses you see.
_Cursor - adds detailed, customizable cursor trails.
_NPCScan - rare mob tracker w/ alert.
_NPCScan.Overlay - adds map overlays for rare mobs.
A Bigger Bag, adds tooltip information to any relevant NPC in Pandaria for [Going To Need A Bigger Bag].
Ace3 - AddOn development framework
Ackis Recipe List - scans trade skills and and provides information on how to obtain recipes.
Addon Control Panel - adds the "Addons" button to the game's "Esc" menu which allows you to manage your addons in game.
Action Bar Saver - allows you to setup different profiles for your action bars.
AggroNotifier - visual aggro notification.
alDamageMeter - lightweight damage meter addon.
Align - creates a grid on your screen to aid you in aligning and centering your UI.
Auctionator - makes the auction house easier to use.
Aurora - reskins the default Blizzard interface elements to a smooth, minimalistic theme.
Aurora DBM, a plugin for Aurora to make it apply its theme to Deadly Boss Mods.
AutoLagTolerance - automatically adjusts the "Lag Tolerance" to match your latency. This should be set to 250 + your home/world ms. To do this, type "/autolag offset 250" once in game.
Auto Safari Hat - automatically equips your Safari Hat when fighting wild pets or battling Pet Tamers.
AutoTurnIn, auto turnIn/accepts quests.
Bagnon - merges all of your bags. Similar to OneBag.
BanditsGuileHelper - supports Combat Rogues to have a better view on Bandit's Guile Status.
Bartender4 - full ActionBar replacement mod.
BattlegroundTargets - shows all battleground enemies.
BattlePetCount - shows if you have the pet you face.
BetterPowerBarAlt - makes the PlayerPowerBarAlt frame movable. Not sure if it's doing anything though since I have another AddOn for this, may remove in future release.
Bigger Tradeskill UI , resizes the Tradeskill UI to the same size of the spellbook.
BigWigs - boss encounter add-on. Only using the "countdown lady" though. DBM handles the rest. Friends Counter - show how many friends you have. (Limit is 100)
Blitz - automatically accepts and delivers quests for you. (The best up-to-date AddOn for this)
BossesKilled, creates a row of buttons showing you how many bosses you've cleared in each LFR/Flex wing.
BubbleBobble - chat bubble replacement.
CameraDistanceMaxFactor - runs /console CameraDistanceMaxFactor 5 on startup increasing your maximum zoom drastically.
Cancel Pet Fight - prompts about canceling the current pet battle/duel if no rare pet is found on the opposing team.
Ceaphyrel's Auto Accept Invite - allows you to automatically accept invites.
CinematicCanceler - automatically and immediately cancels all in-game cinematics and movies.
Collectinator - provides information for determining which companions and mounts you are missing.
ColorPickerPlus, text entry for colors (RGB and hex values). (Similar to photoshop)
CombustionHelper - provides easy optimizing of the mage talent Combustion.
Deadly Boss Mods - boss encounter add-on.
Destiny - automatically selects your role whenever you join a raid depending on what spec you use.
ExtraCD - cd/rppm tracking for spells, procs and trinkets.
FreebTip - changes the default look of the game tooltip.
GatherMate2 - used to track herbs, mines, fishing pools, gas clouds, archaelogy finds and treasures, and displays them on the world map and the mini map.
GFW_DiggerAid - adds flavor text to the item tooltips for completed artifacts & shows a message when looting archaeology fragments.
GFW_Faction Friend - enhances the reputation watch bar.
GFW_ScrollMaker, adds a “Create” button to apply the enchant directly to an Enchanting Vellum, creating a scroll.
GFW_XPVisualizer, adds extra shading in the default UI’s XP bar to indicate the amount of experience points you’ll gain upon turning in any complete quests in your quest log.
GFW_ZippyLighter, adds a button for Basic Fire to the side of the Cooking window. (supports Lil’ Ragnaros, Little Wickerman, and Grim Campfire.)
GladiatorlosSA - spell alert AddOn for BGs or Arena. Haven't taken the time to set it up properly yet.
Gladius - adds enemy unit frames to arenas for easier targeting and focusing. Not currently working.
HaloPro - creates a customizable bar that ensures you can accurately cast and time your use of Halo.
HandyNotes - notes for your maps. Currently shows the Zandalari Warbringers locations as well as the rare NPCs on Isle of Thunder.
HandyNotes_LostAndFound - a HandyNotes plugin to show the Lost and Found items on your map.
idQuestAutomation - automatically accepts all quests from an NPC and completes all quests that you can complete. (I'm aware I've got AutoTurnIn as well)
idTip - adds SpellIDs and ItemIDs to the tooltip windows.
IgnoreNotes - adding notes to the default ignore list.
infBanner, tracks Skull Banner uptime & cooldown of all available banners in party/raid.
infClassTimer, class timers (bars).
infDK, buff tracking for Death Knights.
infMonk, buff tracking for Monks.
infBlackBarKiller, "hides the black filter bar shit above the Combat Log"
InlineAura - displays aura information directly inside action buttons.
ItemTooltipCleaner - lets you hide a lot of information that is normally displayed in the item tooltips.
LibStub - minimalistic versioning library that allows other libraries to easily register themselves and upgrade.
LittleWigs - BigWigs modules that add some warnings to the bosses found in 5-man instances.
LoseControl - makes it easy to see the duration of crowd control spells by displaying them in a dedicated icon onscreen.
Lulleh QuitConfirm, asks for confirmation if you press 'Exit Game' regardless of being at an inn or not.
lumStats - shows new mails (m), talent spec (*), durability, fps and ms.
Mapster - very simple world map enhacement addon.
mNameplates - nameplates display addon. I don't think it's used to be honest. (Tidy Plates)
myBigIgnite - designed to allow fire mages to quickly decide whether it is worth to trigger their Combustion spell.
NCATeamRating - displays the team name, current team rating, previous team rating, and mmr of both teams after a game is completed.
nibWatchFrameAdv - lightweight Quest Tracker modification addon.
nMainbar - replacement for picomenu (the little green square in the minimap), does exactly the same.
Obituary - announces deaths, why it happened and how.
OmniCC - turns all the standard analogue cooldowns into digital ones.
oRA3 - set to display certain abilities on the cooldown monitor.
Overachiever - tweaks making the lives of players seeking Achievements a little bit easier.
PetBattleTeams - allows creation of premade pet teams that you can easily switch between.
PetJournalEnhanced - offers additional sorting options to the pet journal.
Postal - offers enhanced mailbox support.
Power Auras Classic - similar to WeakAuras, does almost the same but offers a slightly different configuration which allows the full screen effects for example, as well as an animation not available in WeakAuras.
Prat 3.0 - chat enhancement addon.
Quse Boss Styles - DBM and BigWigs skinning that match Quse UI, by Qupe.
QuseMap - rectangular shaped minimap, by Qupe.
QuseTweaks - various UI tweaks and /slash commands - type /qt in-game for a list of commands.
RaidAchievement - tracks achievements in dungeons/raid instances (glory) and warns if someone fails or if the objective is completed.
rBuffFrameStyler - styling the player aura icons.
Reflux - easier installation of the UI.
ReforgedTooltip - changes the "Reforged" line in tooltips of reforged items to "Reforged (100 Spirit -> 100 Haste)". Not working since 5.1 q.q | idTip does this but I prefer this one.
ReforgeSaver - allows you to save and restore reforging profiles for your equipped items.
Raeli's Spell Announcer - Spell Announcer, got both this and WakeSpams, not sure which one actually does the job. Just keep both I guess...
SafeQueue - removes the "Leave Queue" button for arenas and battlegrounds and disabling the popup window being closed by hitting the ESC key.
SavedInstances - keeps track of the instance/raid lockouts saved against your characters, and related currencies. Also displays if world bosses has been killed.
SaySapped - alerts if you're sapped by a rogue in /s. Much like the Durumu LifeDrain.
*Scrolling Combat Text - Set to only display the Killing Blows which triggers Victory Rush. Using the default Combat Text for damage.
ShaOfFearAssist - graphical assistance in the form of a pie to the dance during Dread Spray at the Sha of Fear encounter in Terrace of Endless Spring.
SharedMedia - inserts media(fonts, bars, borders, etc) into LibSharedMedia's storage. They can then be selected by any addon that supports LibSharedMedia, a lot of them do.
SlashIn ( /in ) - provides the /in command for delayed announcing/execution. (Examples: /in 1.5 /say hi | /in 10 /cast Rallying Cry)
SpamThrottle, filters the trade channel and /yells so that any individual message is only displayed ONCE every XX seconds. Currently set to 60 seconds.
stExperienceBar - simple experience/reputation bar addon. (The one below the minimap)
teksLoot - teksLoot is a rewrite of XLoot Group.
TidyPlates - enhances the floating health bars (nameplates)
Tidy Plates: Threat Plates, different skin for Tidy Plates. Now look like Blizzards default nameplateswhile still showing debuffs on enemies.
TriviaBot - allows the user to host quiz games for other players. Used during Sha of Fear hc progress. (don't ask) (See plugins for additional Quiz's)
Tipachu, adds an icon of an item to the left of its name in its tooltip.
tullaRange - allows the user to make action buttons change color completely. Not sure I've seen this one working, Bartender4 is probably overwriting.
WakeSpams - used to announce your usage of important abilities. Similar to RSA.
Veev's SpellNotifications, displays spell misses, successful interrupts, dispels, and removes red error text spam.
WeakAuras - allows you to display highly customizable graphics on your screen to indicate buffs, debuffs, and a whole host of similar types of information. You can almost do anything with this, all you need is some creativity (and good .lua knowledge for the more advanced stuff).
WoWDBProfiler - collects a multitude of different points of information from the in-game world and sends to WoWDB which helps them keep track of droprates etc. Not sure if this is pulling the performance down but if you feel that you've got a bad frame rate or what ever I guess you could delete this one. Although, if you don't have any problems might as well keep it in.
xanErrorDevourer - allows you to hide or block standard error messages that occur when you use skills or object. ("Not enough rage", "Out of range")
xDamageFont - Not updated for a year, works like a charm!
yClassColors, colorize player names by their class in friend list, who list, guild list, etc..


Aurora: Missing Textures, a plugin for Aurora. It replaces over 500 of the missing Buttons,
Textures and Borders of the default UI.
oUF - unit frame framework.
oUF_Fader - condition based fading of unit frames.
oUF_Mlight - what makes the unit frames look so awesome.
oUF_MovableFrames - allows you to move frames/headers created by oUF.
PetBattleInfo - displays everything you need to know while pet battling.
PetTracker - displays the locations of all pets on the world map, tracks your progress of catching pets in your current zone, shows the rarity of pets in battle and warns you of upgrades as well as showing enemies action bars during pet battles.
XLoot - small group of addons which improve looting in WoW by replacing default frames. (group loot module is removed, using teksLoot for that.)

My Macros

I've been asked to share my macros so I thought I'd add them here as well. Start by installing the UI and logging in making sure thing are working. Then simply follow the links below, then navigate to the appropriate location (see the link name) in your WoW directory, open the files called "macros-cache" by using a text editor and and copy+paste the macros that you want. (Keep in mind that I've used most slots already.)

\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\ACCOUNT NAME


Additional Notes:
1.) To change gear I use the Blizzard Equipment Manager so make item sets there and make sure they match the names in the macros. (/equipset SETNAME)

2.) There's a action bar swap macro that I've bound to a mouse button. It will change the main bar (under the unitframes) from Page 1 -> 4. (/swapactionbar 1 4)


To all the AddOn authors keeping my UI up and running but especially to Qupe for giving me the idea through his UI compilation (Quse UI) back in WotLK.

All credit goes to the addon authors, I take no credit what so ever for creating any AddOn. How ever I've modified some of them to fit my own needs.
(See AddOns section)

Hope you guys like it / find any use for any of the AddOns I'm using. As I said in the "About" section, feel free to take parts and make your own UI based on this... that's how I made this!
To Do

Compilation by Lulleh of Stormscale (EU)

Feel free to contact me in-game, although I'd prefer questions regarding the UI to go through the comments here on

I'll upload new versions at major WoW patches (5.2.1, 5.3.0, 5.4.0) and name the version accordingly so it's easier to keep track of when it was last updated. New releases will always come with all AddOns updated.


- Changed the text font/size on oUF.

- Added a ActionBar and made Bar2 "clickthrough".

- Now supports Warrior & Rogue! (Separate folders included)


- Added A Bigger Bag, because why not. :)
- Added BossesKilled, Creates a row of buttons showing you how many bosses you've cleared in each LFR/Flex
- Added infBanner, Skull Banner tracker.
- Added infClassTimer, Timer Bars CDs
- Added infDK, Buff Tracker icons for Death Knights. (Will be removed on next update and replaced by WeakAuras)
- Added infMonk, Buff Tracker icons for Monk. (Will be removed on next update and replaced by WeakAuras)
- Added infBlackBarKiller, removed the black bar on top of the combat log.
- Added AutoTurnIn,
- Added ColorPickerPlus, text entry for colors (RGB and hex values).
- Added SpamThrottle, definitely worth having if you're on a populated server.
- Added Aurora DBM, totally missed this one.
- Added Bigger Tradeskill UI , more space.
- Added Tidy Plates: Threat Plates, different skin for Tidy Plates. Now look like Blizzards default while still showing debuffs on enemies.
- Added Lulleh QuitConfirm, asks for confirmation if you press 'Exit Game' regardless of being at an inn or not.
- Added _Corpse, tells you the faction, online status, and other information about corpses you see.
- Added GFW_ScrollMaker, adds a “Create” button to apply the enchant directly to an Enchanting Vellum, creating a scroll.
- Added GFW_XPVisualizer, adds extra shading in the default UI’s XP bar to indicate the amount of experience points you’ll gain upon turning in any complete quests in your quest log.
- Added GFW_ZippyLighter, adds a button for Basic Fire to the side of the Cooking window. (supports Lil’ Ragnaros, Little Wickerman, and Grim Campfire.)

- Removed MapAlert, no longer needed.
- Removed RareCoordinator, I'm done with the achievement.
- Removed Auto Loot Spec, didn't work out as I wanted.
- Removed Vengeance, replaced the bar with a WeakAura.
- Removed EnhancedColourPicker, replaced by ColorPickerPlus.
- Removed Hermes, not really using it.

- Changed the _Cursor's background glow.

- Deleted Blizzard_AchievementUI from the Aurora folder.

- Relocated ActionBars

- Added new WeakAuras, this includes auras for Monks (WW).

- Only supports Warrior, didn't have time to configure it for other classes sorry. Might add more classes in a future update.


- Added yClassColors, colorize player names by their class in friend list, who list, guild list, etc..
- Added Veev's SpellNotifications, displays spell misses, successful interrupts, dispels, and removes red error text spam.
- Added Tipachu, adds an icon of an item to the left of its name in its tooltip.
- Added Battleground Timers for DBM. (finally)
- Added RareCoordinator, Timers for Rares on Timeless Isle.
- Added Auto Loot Spec, lets you pick a loot specialization for each boss of a raid, and automatically changes the loot spec when that boss is targeted. (Coining Healing tier gloves as Shadow Priest is NOT fun.)

- Removed WorldBossStatus, World Bosses are now listed in raid info.

- Now includes separate CHARACTER NAME folders depending on class. (Supports Warrior, Shadow Priest and Hunter)


- Added Power Auras Classic, found some old backup from t13 so couldn't resist when I saw this was updated for MoP.
- Added Blitz, the most up-to-date auto turn in addon.
- Added HaloPro, for Priest.
- Added ExtraCD, replacement for gxCooldowns.
- Added NCATeamRating, I keep forgetting to check the scoreboard after games...
- Added Hermes, another cd monitor. Using together with oRA3 to see what's actually available.
- Added nMainbar, as a replacement to PicoMenu (The little green square on the minimap) which is still in the files, can be enabled in World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\QuseMap\picomenu.lua. nMainbar is located just below the right action bar. It does exactly the same, just different position and new look of the button.
- Added teksLoot, finally a replacement for the blizzard loot roll frames that fits my preferences.

- Added a list of files & folders that should not be included in the Aurora: Missing Textures in case of an update.

- Removed Examiner, as it's no longer needed. (Used for Achievement on 2nd boss in Scholo)
- Removed AutoTurnIn, already using 2 other Addons doing the same thing and the quest reward text printing was annoying.
- Removed TurnIn

- GladiatorlosSA is now properly set up .

- Made new Weak/PowerAuras, this includes auras for Hunters & (Shadow) Priests.


- Added Friends Counter
- Added Destiny
- Added Reflux for easier installation.

- Removed Durumu LifeDrain, as it's not needed, I made a Weak Aura instead.
- Removed MoveAnything, bugging too much. The buffs are now moved back to its default position.
- Removed Dominos, too much conflict with vehicle bar using both Dominos and Bartender3.
- Removed gxCooldowns, last updated 10-13-10 so I replaced it with some WeakAuras instead.

- Swapped the Enrage Timer and Raging Blow! uptime in Weak Auras and Inline Aura. The WeakAura bar now shows Enrage duration while the Raging Blow! timer is showing on the Raging Blow button (Action bar).

- Moved Bartender Bar 2 to where the stance Aura was located (right of Unitframe) and I now use this with a macro to track stance to be able to see the 3sec cd efficiently as well + a lot of unused buttons on Bar 8.
(Warriors only: The stance macro switches between Battle and Berserker but the icon will show what stance you're currently in!)
- Moved Bartender Bar 3 to the top left corner.
- Moved buff frame back to original position (next to the minimap)
- Moved the Quest tracker back to original position (below minimap)

- Out of Range Indicator is now "Full Button Mode" instead of Hotkey only.
- Bartender bar 9 is no longer used and you can use it in any way you want by enabling it in the /bt options.
- Bartender bar 7 now hides with Override bar & vehicle ui.
- oRA now tracks the Skull Banner cooldown.
- oRA now tracks the Soulstone cooldown.


Initial Release
Optional Files (0)

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Unread 03-20-14, 01:16 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Want more Videos Lulleh OT, The pack is still working good after the latest patch?
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Unread 12-20-13, 11:58 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Enjoy this years last update! =]
Last edited by Lulleh : 12-21-13 at 08:18 PM.
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Unread 10-09-13, 12:44 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Thumbs up !

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Unread 10-09-13, 12:39 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Small update, due to the lack of my imagination I simply named it 5.4a, MIGHT release a 5.4b but don't wait for that, this is it for now. Cheers
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Unread 09-20-13, 09:48 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Hoobler_
Originally Posted by Lulleh
Originally Posted by Hoobler_
Seems to work good so far i see you have changed abit with the ActionBar swapping aswell!
Yeah, it wasn't the most clever solution..
I like the new layout
Glad to hear, there will be another update in a month or so with some minor improvements & tweaks.
Last edited by Lulleh : 09-20-13 at 03:30 PM.
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Unread 09-15-13, 05:22 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Lulleh
Originally Posted by Hoobler_
Seems to work good so far i see you have changed abit with the ActionBar swapping aswell!
Yeah, it wasn't the most clever solution..
I like the new layout
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Unread 09-15-13, 02:33 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Hoobler_
Seems to work good so far i see you have changed abit with the ActionBar swapping aswell!
Yeah, it wasn't the most clever solution..
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Unread 09-15-13, 12:03 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Seems to work good so far i see you have changed abit with the ActionBar swapping aswell!
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Unread 09-15-13, 08:53 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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5.4.0 Released

..and it's up !

First of all it looks like I missed to update some AddOns. Just do this via the curseclient. Also, there is a new version of WeakAuras out, WeakAuras2, that you should get.

If you are coming from WeakAuras 1, just delete 1, install 2 and you are ready to go. All your auras will be there. You can do this manually or via Curse Client, please don't forget to untick the option to delete your settings though!

Before uninstalling WeakAuras, go to \Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Media\Sounds and copy "Whisper_2" to somewhere on your hd (desktop).

To uninstall it, just go into the curseclient, find WeakAuras and rightclick -> and MAKE SURE THE BOX IS UNCHECKED like on the picture and you'll keep everything. Then just install WeakAuras2.

Once you've got WeakAuras2, follow the path posted below and paste the sound file in the same location.
(This copy-paste thing is needed every time you update WeakAuras(2))
Last edited by Lulleh : 09-15-13 at 09:25 AM.
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Unread 09-14-13, 11:45 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: 5.4.0

Originally Posted by Lulleh
There will be an update tomorrow, just can't be arsed to clean out the WTF etc.

I probably missed some stuff but that's what comes to my mind at the moment.
Sounds good Lulleh, I will download the new version when it is released and contact you if something would be broken for some reason

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Unread 09-14-13, 06:12 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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There will be an update tomorrow, just can't be arsed to clean out the WTF etc.

What you can expect;

*New WeakAuras (For Warrior, Priest & Hunter)
*In-game menu replacement (nMainbar)
*BagBar is is hidden, nMainbar replaced its position. (No point in showing it since you can access bags from within Bagnon)
*Bartender4 Bar 3 has been moved right above Bar 8 with Fadeout enabled. (The smaller bar ontop of the left actionbar)
*A new better looking updated version of Freebtip. (It looks awesome)
*A replacement for the blizzard loot roll frames
*Hermes, a CD tracking monitor for easier overview of what's available within the party/raid in addition to oRA3.
I probably missed some stuff but that's what comes to my mind at the moment.
Last edited by Lulleh : 09-14-13 at 06:19 PM.
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Unread 09-14-13, 06:17 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Originally Posted by Hoobler_
Originally Posted by Lulleh
New Bagnon works fine. Can't see pets though + some other stuff but I'll look into that later (Prob Aurora)
Yeah, what i can see it´s some problem with the text when you are talking to NPC, i think thats about it. At the time.

And the WA needs aswell in the future, With Debuffs etc.

I will inform you if i noticing anything else.

The text is Aurora. Just update it like normal.
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Unread 09-11-13, 09:04 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Lulleh
New Bagnon works fine. Can't see pets though + some other stuff but I'll look into that later (Prob Aurora)
Yeah, what i can see it´s some problem with the text when you are talking to NPC, i think thats about it. At the time.

And the WA needs aswell in the future, With Debuffs etc.

I will inform you if i noticing anything else.

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Unread 09-11-13, 09:07 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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New Bagnon works fine. Can't see pets though + some other stuff but I'll look into that later (Prob Aurora)
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Unread 09-11-13, 07:57 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Lulleh
Update Bagnon manually, the old version will make the bag all fucked. (Blue outline on all slots, really annoying.) I don't want to release anything yet since I don't know everything works as it's supposed to.
Alright, Yes i also have noticed it´s abit buggy now my bag :/
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