Updated: 03-01-13 07:33 PM
Updated:03-01-13 07:33 PM
Created:09-28-12 02:32 AM
Categories:RolePlay, Music Mods, Mounts & Pets

I Choose You!

Version: 1.1
by: columnFive [More]

A Diglett-sized addon that plays Pokemon music during pet battles (wild encounter themes when engaging wild pets, trainer battle themes when battling NPCs or other players).

Currently includes music from Red/Blue, Gold/Silver/Crystal (Johto daytime), Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, FireRed/LeafGreen, Diamond/Pearl, and HeartGold/SoulSilver (Johto daytime), with the ability to add more if it floats your boat. By default, it uses Red/Blue's themes only, but you can set it to use another generation's music (or select one of them at random for each battle).

Please note that I Choose You! has no in-game configuration - if you want to change how it behaves, open config.lua inside the addon's folder with any text editor and modify the options listed there.


v1.1 - horrendously late/small update to correct a serious bug where battle loops would not play if music was disabled and alwaysOn was. Sorry about that.

v1.0 - initial release.

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