Updated: 07-19-10 03:05 PM
File Info
Updated:07-19-10 03:05 PM
Created:07-17-10 03:09 PM


Version: 3.3.5
by: BigMary [More]

This specific add-on is intended only for use on Jubei'Thos.

For this add-on to work on other servers someone would have to clone the add-on, rename it and keep it updated. The add-on structure is very simple and anyone can do this, message me for help.

The add-on does a simple pop up message warning you if you join a group with a ninja looter in it or if a ninja looter joins your group. The list of ninjas is updated through who only add ninjas with proof. The add-on is dependent on players reporting ninjas either on the realm forums or the site intended for this purpose on

Slash Commands:

To see the people listed as ninjas do either /jtn list or /jtninja list

To see if a specific character is on the list do either /jtn "name" or /jtninja "name"

Example: /jtn BigMary

will tell you if BigMary is on the list or not. (I'm not )
Used with express permission of TheJediDK

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