Updated: 01-05-12 09:57 AM
File Info
Updated:01-05-12 09:57 AM


Version: 1.04
by: Hamstah-Emeriss [More]

GrapeVine is a mod designed to make it easier for multiboxers to communicate with people that don't know which character to whisper. Simply install Grapevine on the clients of each multiboxed character (including the relay target) and add your relay targets to the WoW Friends list.

To add a friend to the Grapevine list, type /gv add [name]

Then when anyone whispers one of your characters, the main character will see the relayed whisper.

Slash Commands:
/gv add [name] - ticks [name] on current character's friends list if it is there
/gv remove [name] - unticks [name] on current character's friends list if it is there
/gv removeall - unticks all names on current character's friend's list
/gv list - views friends currently in Grapevine's relay list

1.0: Original version
1.01: Fixed a possible bug that (under very rare circumstances) could get confused if two characters relayed massages to the same destination at the same time with the exact same ID. Also tidied up some memory usage.
1.02: Attempted to fix a bug which caused the character that received an outside whisper to repeat it to itself numerous times
Added slash commands for use through multiboxing macros
1.03: Removed tick box code due to updated friends frame (will look into adding it back in future versions)
Added the /gv list command to view current list of friends being relayed
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