Updated: 08-23-16 05:39 PM
Legion (7.0.3)
Updated:08-23-16 05:39 PM
Created:07-29-16 08:16 AM

GS-E Sequence Translator

Version: 1.3
by: TimothyLuke [More]

You need to have GnomeSequencer-Enhanced to use this mod. This version works with version 1.2 or higher.

This mod has undergone significant change. This is now a language pack addon to GS-E. If you want to translate from enUS to your local language you wont need this mod. You need this if you want to translate between languages like frFR to deDE. The translation functions have been merged with GS-E and are now apart of the core of that Mod.

Now Supporting

  • deDE
  • enGB
  • enUS
  • esES
  • esMX
  • frFR
  • itIT
  • koKR
  • plPL
  • ptBR
  • ruRU
  • zhTW

Compatability with GS-E 1.2 and higher

zhCN support
enCN support

Many Many optimisations
Native Support now for all Languages
Instead of being 22Mb for 4 languages its also now 2Mb all languages. There is a tradeoff to this. I have a process that takes 4 hours to run that generates the languages and it obtains that information from Blizzards out of game API. There are currently 250,000 spells in that API. The initial release had a 85,000 spell subset. I have narrowed that down now to 2,000. When that 4 hour process works it just downloads those 2000 spells. There is the possibility that I have missed an ability.

FIxed a number of problems in the translator dealing with malformed sequences. Some sequences still contain things like target=combat these need to be changed to [target=combat]

Initial Version
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