(867 b)
Updated: 11-08-17 05:39 PM
File Info
Shadows of Argus (7.3.0)
Updated:11-08-17 05:39 PM
Created:09-15-12 08:06 PM
Categories:Combat Mods, Mini Games, ROFL

Combat Howl!

Version: 1.2.4
by: Nynaeve [More]

Combat Howl!

My niece loves werewolves, to a nearly terrifying degree. She told me she thought it would be "SUPER AWESOME"* if there were an addon that played a werewolf** howl sound*** upon entering combat.

Sound is set to play in the master channel, so you can still hear it, even if you have your other sounds turned down.

*Yes, she speaks in ALL CAPS.
**Werewolf, in this case will be Worgen.
***This was the howl she chose, out of the options I found.

If you have a preferred worgen howl sound ingame, please let me know, and I will try to find the script. I may make a random howl sound addon.

Updated toc for 7.3something

Updated for 6.2something

Fixed/Updated toc for 5.4 to work for 5.4.7

1.2.1 updated .toc
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