Updated: 08-19-14 12:16 PM
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Updated:08-19-14 12:16 PM
Created:03-29-09 07:52 PM

Raid Roll  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 4.7.12
by: killerpet1986 [More]

Raid Roll is an addon that can be used to perform a raid roll. A raid roll lists all players with an ID beside their name. Then it performs a roll and announces who the winner is (based on the ID). You can also track rolls made by players on any loot that drops. This function supports the EPGP system of distributing loot. The addon also contains a loot tracker which can be used to announce or monitor loot that has dropped.

1. Raid Rolling

A raid roll is a roll for a piece of loot that anyone in the raid can use. This may be a mount or a bag of gems. Normally this is very confusing for people and the leader may be accused of "ninjaing" the loot. Using this addon you can perform a raid roll by listing each player with a number beside their name and then rolling and announcing the winner.

* /rr - Raid Rolls
* /rr [Itemlink] - Raid Rolls (includes the itemlink when announcing winner)
* /rr re - Rerolls
* /rr re [Itemlink] - Rerolls (includes the itemlink when announcing winner)

2. Roll Tracking
Standard Rolls

By default the roll tracker will appear whenever someone says an itemlink in raid warning or when someone says the word "roll" with an itemlink in the same sentence. It will then track any 1-100 rolls made within 60 seconds of the announcement. By default it hides all other types of rolls and duplicate rolls but these can be shown by enabling the option in the options menu (see 4. Options Menu) or in the mini options menu (click the v on the roll tracker).
Finishing Rolls

When you are ready to award the loot you can click the button "10 sec + Announce Winner". This will announce that there is 10 seconds left to roll, then 5 seconds left to roll, then announce the winner. You can skip this countdown by pressing the "Finish Early" button. If you want to skip the countdown altogether then this can be enabled in the options (see 4. Options Menu).
EPGP Support

This addon also supports the EPGP loot distribution system. When this option is enabled (either in the options menu or with the command "/rr epgp") then it will show the PR value (their priority) rather than their roll. It will show people with less than the minimum EP in red and those who are above the minimum EP in green. Players below the min EP will also have less priority on loot and will always lose to a player above the min EP value. This can be disabled in the options menu (see 4. Options Menu).

* You can mark a player by left clicking on their name. These marks do not affect the outcome of the rolls but may be used by the master looter to see who has received loot already
* You can ignore a person in the current roll window by right clicking on their name. This can be useful if people change their mind about wanting a specific piece of loot.
* You can announce the winner again after the rolling has finished by pressing the "A" button
* You can do a 1-100 roll by clicking the "R" button
* You can award the loot to a person by clicking the "Award Loot" button. You will get a pop-up to confirm your choice.


* /rr show - Shows the roll tracking window
* /rr disable - Disables tracking
* /rr enable - Enables tracking
* /rr mark [Name or RollerID*] - Marks the roller with an !
* /rr unmark [Name or RollerID*] - Removes the ! from the roller
* /rr mark !reset - Resets all ! on rollers
* /rr all - Toggles tracking of all types of rolls (e.g. 1-50, 50-100)
* /rr unan (/rr unannounced) - Toggles tracking all rolls or just announced rolls (An announced roll is when someone says "[Itemlink] Roll"), creates a new ID after 60 seconds

3. Loot Tracker
Loot Window

While using this addon you will send information regarding any epic loot to the raid and guild in the hidden addon channel. Anyone else using the addon will pick up these messages in raid (you can also pick up messages in guild by enabling the option in the options menu (see 4. Options Menu) ) and display the loots in the loot tracker window. You can link all the items that dropped from the current boss by clicking "Link Loot". "Clear Data" will clear all data. M1 and M2 are buttons that only show up for raid leader and assists, they announce in raid chat the strings: "Roll [Item] Main Spec" and "Roll [Item] Off Spec" {[Item] gets replaced by the itemlink automatically}. These strings can be changed in the options menu. You can also enable a third M3 button in the options.

... more to come
Setting Messages

* /rr loot - Shows the loot tracking window

4. Options Menu
5. Special Thanks

Special Thanks to:

* - For their kind donation
* Dridzt - Fixing up my code
* JLBurnett04 - For their feedback and suggestions
* natal - For their feedback and suggestions
* TagofFire - For their feedback and suggestions
* Lord_Deimos - For their feedback and suggestions
* b4nSh33 - For their help with the German localization
* StingerSoft - For their help with the Russian localization
* SWGolgoth - For their help with the Spanish localization


Modify roll chat message parsing to handle positional print arguments used by the German client

Finally nail down assigning loot to cross-realm players
Note: To help cross-realm player names fit in the roll window, you can increase Add Rank Width in the RaidRoll options

Rework chat message roll parsing to accommodate cross-realm characters from realms with a space in their name (aka multi-word realm)
Replace a lot of string parsing with locale independent regex parsing
Delete now unnecessary special handling of zhCN locale roll messages
Minor performance improvement in character name matching with multi-word realms
v4.7.9 (beta)

Added change proposed by Jfalcon to change RR_HomeRealmNameLower

Exclude Sha Crystals from loot so disenchanting doesn't add them to the loot tracker
A few cleanups

Fix bug that prevents multiple rollers from being displayed in roll tracking window

Merge the RaidRoll_EPGP addon into the main RaidRoll addon. The "Enable EPGP mode" option controls EPGP support.
Revamped roll tracking window columns and widths
Improved "Add Rank Width" option to add space to the name and rank columns
Add "Also show roll value" when in EPGP mode option
Delete never implemented "EPGP Quiet mode" option
Left clicking on a rollers name properly cycles their mark
/rr mark and /rr unmark commands fixed up
Lots of cleanups

Change roll frame custom image with builtin Pandaria image
Make loot tracking frame not always be above other frames
Add instance chat channel support for PR reporting after a /roll
Cleaned up /rr command processing
For testing, support raid rolls and raid re-rolls when solo

Change loot tracker to also sort items alphabetically so similar items are grouped
Replace loot tracker's custom Lich King image with builtin Siege of Orgrimmar image
Layout tweaks to loot tracker window
Instance channel support for all messages
Error messages (e.g. cannot assign loot) are prefixed with a red colored "Raid Roll error:" to better grab your attention
Applied workaround to properly open Interface -> AddOns -> Raid Roll from the roll window's Options button

Change loot roll detection to ignore messages from players other than yourself. This should prevent other people's chat messages from hijacking your current loot roll.
Fix party detection so RaidRoll can be used in a party again!
Converted lots of globals to locals
Converted lots of "if debugging on them print local message" to function calls
Removed or compacted many debugging statements

Fix option slider values being fractional
Any existing fractional values will be converted to integers on upgrade
Small consistency tweaks to options panel layout

Support 5.4.2 change that adds the realm name suffix to the guild roster character names (fixes PR/EP/GP for mains and alts always showing 0)
More code cleanup
Remove useless statement ending semi-colons

Bump TOC for 5.4.2
Show version in options panel title
Add more info to /rr help output (English only atm)
Lots of code cleanup

Russian fix attempt #3

Russian fix attempt #2
ToC update

Russian Locale fix?

Fixed some RR_Command errors (Like when you click on someones roll)
Raid Roll 4.6.4

ToC Update
Slash command fix (/rr)
Raid Roll 4.6.3

Itemlevel = nil bugfix on item sending
Raid Roll 4.6.2

UnitIsGroupAssistant fix
Raid Roll 4.6.1

Ignore sigils
Raid Roll 4.6

ToC Update
Various MoP Fixes
Raid Roll 4.5.2

Toc update
Raid Roll 4.5.1

Added option "/rr assign bank" to assign current target as bank
Added option "/rr assign de" to assign current target as disenchanter
Added option "/rr assign bank <player>" to assign <player> as bank e.g. "/rr assign bank killerpet"
Added option "/rr assign de <player>" to assign <player> as disenchantere.g. "/rr assign de killerpet"
The option for disenchanters or bankers shows up if noone rolls on loots or if you ignore all rollers (via right click). If only a banker or disenchanter is assigned then you can give the loot to them by clicking the button (left click or right click). If both are assigned you can assign the loot to the player of your choice. Left click to assign it to disenchanter. Right click to assign it to banker.
Added option to announce in chat what item is being assigned and the reason for assigning it (may be disabled in options)
Many phrases that were announced in "/say" when you were not in a party are now announced locally (if i missed any or any phrases are not working as intended please write a post)
Raid Roll 4.5.0

Toc Update
Fixed bug with mouse scrolling
Raid Roll 4.4.19

Shift-Clicking Itemlinks in the loot tracker is fixed
Raid Roll 4.4.18

Toc update
Raid Roll 4.4.17

Added check for ItemLink = nil
Raid Roll v4.4.16

ToC update
Raid Roll v4.4.15

Added "ACP Cataclysm Compatability"
Default GP = 1
Hopefully more accurate EPGP variable saving
Raid Roll v4.4.14

Updated toc file
Raid Roll 4.4.13a

Added Simplified Chinese Localization
Raid Roll 4.4.13

Item checking by id rather than name
Russian 1st letter bug fix (hopefully)
You can now award old loot with a click (ones that you have finished rolling on and are on a new item now)
Raid Roll 4.4.12

Even shorter addon messages sent
Raid Roll 4.4.11

Shorter addon messages sent
Raid Roll 4.4.10

Fixed a bug when scrolling with the loot tracker
Raid Roll 4.4.9

Added option to loot tracker - Only display loots for WotLK raids
Fixed "you are not in a guild" spam when looting mobs
Added option to accept "!bid" values with no numbers beside it
Raid Roll 4.4.8

Zh-tw attempt 2
Raid Roll 4.4.7

Zh-tw re-encoded
Raid Roll 4.4.6

Added slash commands for options
/rr config
/rr option
/rr options
Raid Roll 4.4.5

Minor bug fix
Raid Roll 4.4.4

Updated German and Chinese phrases
Raid Roll 4.4.3

GuildInfo fix
Raid Roll 4.4.2

Russian Locale fix
Raid Roll 4.4.1

Added option to announce Multi Rollers (People who roll more than once)
Added the EPGP module which must be enabled for EPGP to work (Disabling this module will reduce requests to the server)
Raid Roll 4.4.0

Fixed bug with spell/achievement links being treated like itemlinks
You can now track bids in chat. e.g. "!bid 28" Default: OFF
You can now track "!epgp" command in chat. Default: OFF
Raid Roll 4.3.4

Added French localization
Fixed Guildinfo bug
Raid Roll 4.3.4

Chinese language fix (Attempt 2)
Raid Roll 4.3.3

Fixed bug where loot tracker was always opening on a player looting rather than only opening when new loot was found
Fixed bug when using announce messages for 5th+ items
Fixed French roll tracking issue (hopefully)
Fixed Chinese roll tracking issue (hopefully)
Raid Roll 4.3.2

Removed debug message
Raid Roll 4.3.1

Hopefully fixed Chinese rolling error
Raid Roll 4.3.0

You can check if the addon has loaded using "if RaidRollHasLoaded == true"
You can have 3 buttons for announcing (Default is still 2)
You can show alts PR values as their mains PR value (EPGP)
Fixed naming conflict with Neat Freak
Raid Roll 4.2.9

Fixed a clash with EPGP
Added localizations
Raid Roll 4.2.8

Updated localizations (thx to all who contributed)
Moved some checkboxes
Raid Roll 4.2.7

More German localizations added
Raid Roll 4.2.6

Raid Roll 4.2.5

Added many tooltips
Added ability to report winner to guild (or officer)
Rearranged options menu
Moved priority options to its own category

Stable release
Raid Roll 4.2.1 Beta

+10% more russian
Raid Roll 4.2.0 Beta

Shows roll/epgp info on player mouseover
Loot tracker can be loaded optionally
Raid Roll 4.1.0 Beta

Added roll button
Added announce winner button
Added No countdown option
Raid Roll 4.0.1 Beta

Fixed Russian localization
Raid Roll 4.0.0 Beta

New Loot tracking interface
Can be shown by alt+left clicking the LDB button (or /rr loot)
Only sends and displays epics and certain rares looted in raids
Possibly only displays for raids in english client (If someone could clarify this it would be great)
You can disable the showing of the window in the options
You can also receive loot data from guildmates in guild channel (You dont have to be in the raid, disabled by default. May be useful for Guild Leaders)
Auto resend item data to reduce chance of item not being in local cache
Customizable messages for rolling on items
Added ability to ignore a person from the rolls list (right click their name)
This is only for that roll id / item
Added ability to mark a person with various marks (currently "!", "(N)", "(G)", "(NG)") (left click on their name)
This applies to all roll ids / items
Removed 5 second 5,4,3,2,1 countdown
Countdown counts from 10 seconds then announces at 5 seconds then announces winner
Added option to auto announce the countdown and winner
Added button to clear roll memory
Added button to clear mark memory
Renamed "clear" button to "new id" button
Countdown button now says "Awaiting rolls" when no rolls are present
Fixed bug with awarding items to players (doesnt find the player)
Fixed bug where it was not accepting "Roll [itemlink]" commands from party leader
Added ability to auto close window after awarding loot
Added ability to finish rolling early if there is less than 10 seconds left in the count
Raid Roll 3.9.2 (Temp Bugfix)

Fixed bug when people roll a non 1-100 roll
No longer announces 5,4,3,2,1

Added Russian localization

Added award loot button
3.8.3 Looter Alpha Cosmetic

3.8.3 Looter Alpha

Testing the loot tracking, players shouldn't notice any difference between this and 3.8.3, if you do then please leave a comment. If you want to display the loot frame type "/run RR_LOOT_FRAME:Show()" but remember it is still in alpha stages

Fixed bug when you roll and arent in a party
Added ability to change roll time (5s to 120s)

Added announce button
Auto tracking any items linked in /rw

German rolling fix

Added EPGP Support, You can enable this in the options menu
Fixed bug with setting ranks (Rank names not showing up)

Added class colors to the rolling screen
3.7.3 Dridzt Version General Cleanup (no functionality changes)

CODEBASE: version 3.7.3


reformat / properly indent RaidRoll.xml because: "it hurts our eyes!"
use 'self', '...' and the locally passed arguments making it wow 2.x+ compliant in place of the deprecated 'this', arg# globals.
remove the redundant extra frame creation in RaidRoll_OnLoad(). We already have a reference to the addon frame (see above).
fix the event handler accordingly RaidRoll_Event(). We already have a reference to the addon and the arguments. because: it's cleaner (doesn't create an unneeded extra frame), doesn't pollute the global namespace, current implementation will break eventually when the deprecated wow 1.x globals are removed.
make the RR_Test() function actually do something and use it for debug output instead of ChatFrame1:AddMessage and DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage because: consistency, actually checks that DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME exists before outputting, won't bug out on passing 'nil' or non-string arguments.
globally replace getglobal() with _G[] because: it's wasteful and adds performance overhead to call a global function to do a table lookup a gazillion times, instead of doing the table lookup directly.

Hopefully fixed the bug on startup
Added tooltip for the item being rolled on

German localization modification

You can now modify the guild rank priority

Modified the options menu's
Added scroll bar for scale
Added scroll bar for rank width
Added ability to show/hide group
Hopefully fixed scrolling error
Fixed rerolling error
Added more words to be localized

added the slash handler /rrl (i will remove it if there is any conflicts)
Fixed the "Leer" to "Leeren" in german localization
Catching rolls is now localization independent thanks to zanglang and his addon "RollTracker Lite"
Removed those annoying SendAddonMessage whispers for users from Lightning's Blade
You can now raid roll in a party as well as in a raid. The commands are still the same (/rr and /rr [Itemlink])
Added a debug option ( /rr debug ) which can help in finding and reproducing any bugs you find

DB nil error bugfix

Localized in German

Fixed a null bug

Added scrollbar
Added ability to mark rollers with an !

Added options screen
More LDB support
Non-standard rolls are marked with a *

Added name to LDB button

Minor LDB support
Added width function

Added ability to track many rolls from one person
Added ability to track guild ranks
Added ability to give higher ranks priority

Changed the position of the item name (that is being rolled on) to make it easier to read

Automatic window resizing if the itemlink is too big

Added commands:
/rr enable - Enables raid rolling tracking
/rr disable - Disables raid rolling tracking
These settings are saved between sessions

Settings are now saved between sessions on a per character basis
When you create a new window it waits for someone to roll before counting down

Options are now displayed in the raid rolling window

Fixed a bug where someone saying an itemlink with "roll" in the name would open the rolling frame
Added a 60 second countdown to the top left of the frame
Allowed the tracking of non-announced rolls

Fixed a bug with a player roll 100
Added the ability to track all types of rolls (e.g. 1-50, 50-100)
Only tracks rolls made within 60 seconds of the announcement

Now tracks rolls made on items

Added ability to announce itemlinks using one of these commands:
/rr [Itemlink]
/rr re [Itemlink]

New command "/rr re" to reroll

Fixed a nil error

Fixed bug
Optional Files (0)

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Unread 04-13-11, 03:11 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Anyway to set the announcing channel of who have what PR when they roll when your running epgp? since atm all i can find in the options is to select what chan to post the winner in

since from my pov as a officer its better if that is "spamed" in the officer channel instead of the Raid channel

or add the option to select your own channel for all the announcing that the addon does
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Unread 01-13-10, 11:42 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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I have uploaded a new version that fixes the clash. I couldnt get my fps to drop though. Let me know if this fixes that too. If not then there is another bug or clash in there that i cant find.
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Unread 01-13-10, 03:04 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by quazzi58
Since the recent update this addon has began to fail for me. Ill explain

I am the an officer/raid loot master. We use EPGP. Previously Raid Roll was great when I would use raid roll it would track the highest PR and I could easily give the person the loot, then a window would pop up from EPGP and allow me to give that person there appropriate GP for the item, which was great saved me tons of time.

Now thou when I open RR window my fps tanks (even thou I'm on an insane computer 100fps in Dal on Max settings in window mode). The EPGP window begins to fail and not allow me to even open it. When I hand out loot using RR it somehow over rides EPGP and stops the EPGP window from popping up so i can give the GP. The addon is really great but, until this gets fixed, its going to be moved to the turned off list.

For more help I am using the EPGP addon from the link below (the official addon)

and I am using the most up to date Raid Roll.

I wasn't getting any lua errors that I noticed but it was also during a progression run in ICC and I had my lua errors show turned off for awhile and things move fast, not to much time to test out to see if i was getting an actual error.

please fix this if not please can someone direct me to an addon that would do something close to this but for EPGP. Thanks everyone
Hmmm that sounds worrying to me since i included epgp support since my guild runs with that system... Ill have a look into it when the eu realms come back up.
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Unread 01-13-10, 01:29 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Since the recent update this addon has began to fail for me. Ill explain

I am the an officer/raid loot master. We use EPGP. Previously Raid Roll was great when I would use raid roll it would track the highest PR and I could easily give the person the loot, then a window would pop up from EPGP and allow me to give that person there appropriate GP for the item, which was great saved me tons of time.

Now thou when I open RR window my fps tanks (even thou I'm on an insane computer 100fps in Dal on Max settings in window mode). The EPGP window begins to fail and not allow me to even open it. When I hand out loot using RR it somehow over rides EPGP and stops the EPGP window from popping up so i can give the GP. The addon is really great but, until this gets fixed, its going to be moved to the turned off list.

For more help I am using the EPGP addon from the link below (the official addon)

and I am using the most up to date Raid Roll.

I wasn't getting any lua errors that I noticed but it was also during a progression run in ICC and I had my lua errors show turned off for awhile and things move fast, not to much time to test out to see if i was getting an actual error.

please fix this if not please can someone direct me to an addon that would do something close to this but for EPGP. Thanks everyone
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Unread 01-10-10, 02:47 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by Nightspirit
*closes in 5 seconds*
Winner is <>

Less spam please
Go to options > interface > raid roll >

To remove the auto countdown messages disable "auto announce count"
To remove the countdown when you press the finish rolling button enable "no countdown"

Both these options are disabled by default
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Unread 01-10-10, 12:09 PM  
A Cyclonian
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Originally posted by (O)fer_cz
would be better, good idea
*closes in 5 seconds*
Winner is <>

Less spam please
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Unread 01-10-10, 05:06 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Russian translation completed.
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Unread 11-28-09, 11:34 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by killerpet1986
The winner announce doesnt sound like a bad idea, but for the other button i think a button that announces in raid 5 ---- 4 ----- 3 ----- 2 ----- 1 ----- "Winner is Killerpet with 100 (1-100)" would be better
would be better, good idea
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Unread 11-18-09, 06:20 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by (O)fer_cz
plz add button to announce CD and winner of roll just 2 small buttons ) thnx 4 great and easy 2use addon
The winner announce doesnt sound like a bad idea, but for the other button i think a button that announces in raid 5 ---- 4 ----- 3 ----- 2 ----- 1 ----- "Winner is Killerpet with 100 (1-100)" would be better
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Unread 11-16-09, 02:30 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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plz add button to announce CD and winner of roll just 2 small buttons ) thnx 4 great and easy 2use addon
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Unread 11-16-09, 04:03 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Re: Re: Rerolling bug fixed

Originally posted by wacko1
oke thx for fixin the reroll but.......

now i dont get a RW anymore it just announces the winner in RC

Yeah, i didnt really want there to be too many raid warnings so it only announces in RW the item being rolled and/or if there is a roll occurring. The name list and results are never displayed in raid warning.

Its more so to get the attention of the people in the raid that there is something being rolled on.

Of course, if you are not raid leader/assistant then it announces in raid chat rather than raid warning as you are not allowed to use raid warning
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Unread 11-15-09, 01:10 PM  
A Cyclonian
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Re: Rerolling bug fixed

Originally posted by killerpet1986
I have fixed the rerolling bug. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. It will also now announce when you are rerolling (and what item you are rerolling for if you use /rr re [itemlink])

It's currently pending here but can be found on the curse site (v3.7):

oke thx for fixin the reroll but.......

now i dont get a RW anymore it just announces the winner in RC

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Unread 11-14-09, 09:49 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Rerolling bug fixed

I have fixed the rerolling bug. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. It will also now announce when you are rerolling (and what item you are rerolling for if you use /rr re [itemlink])

It's currently pending here but can be found on the curse site (v3.7):
Last edited by killerpet1986 : 11-14-09 at 09:49 AM.
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Unread 11-11-09, 08:39 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Re: no announce on reroll

Originally posted by wacko1
love the addon

just 1 thing it doesnt do

when i used /rr [itemlink] it shows the winner in a rw and if someone alrdy has the item or doesnt want it.

then i reroll and it doesnt announce the winner , it just show the roll with the name in chat not the rw

am i doing something wrong or is this just a flaw?

otherwise great addon.
I dont usually use the reroll command (/rr re [itemlink] or /rr reroll [itemlink]) so when i modified the code in the last build i must have accidentally overlooked testing it. I will have a look at the code later on and see if i can track down the problem

Thanks for the feedback
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Unread 11-10-09, 04:30 AM  
A Cyclonian
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no announce on reroll

love the addon

just 1 thing it doesnt do

when i used /rr [itemlink] it shows the winner in a rw and if someone alrdy has the item or doesnt want it.

then i reroll and it doesnt announce the winner , it just show the roll with the name in chat not the rw

am i doing something wrong or is this just a flaw?

otherwise great addon.
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