Updated: 07-19-18 05:42 PM
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Battle for Azeroth (8.0.1)
Updated:07-19-18 05:42 PM

TasteTheNaimbow  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 7.0
by: Meeanda, Guillotine

Taste The Naimbow (Formally with COSMOS) is back after a long hiatus.

[1. General][Somenoob]: ROFL nobode iz roling night elf warlocks nemore.
To [Somenoob]: ... are you serious?
[Somenoob] whispers: lolz ya i dun see nun
<GM>[Cairenn] whispers: Greetings, this is Game Master Cairenn, what can I help you with?
(Here I pressed the R button to reply without seeing the GM message)
To [Cairenn]: Night elves can't BE warlocks
<GM>[Cairenn] whispers: Yes, that is working as intended.
To [Cairenn]: Wait! That wasn't my question ><


The above is completely 100% true. So I started looking for an easy way to differentiate whispers

I found Elkano's Colored Whispers (, but it had several problems. First, the colors changed over sessions. Second, most of the colors were unreadable.

So I created TasteTheNaimbow ^_^

TasteTheNaimbow is essentially Elkano's Colored Whispers with some very big changes.

What the addon does is color the name in ALL chat channels based on a cache of the person's name. This means that the color for the name will ALWAYS be the same.

Secondly, because I used an HSV formula to come up with a color, they are all bright, vibrant colors.

As of now, the addon has no options and should work with all chat channels. Please inform me if it does not.

In addition, you can now make sure that you are messaging the correct person just by looking at your ChatEdit frame!


This addon has Khaos support. You can activate/deactivate it via Khaos. Without Khaos, just enable/disable it via the Addon panel. Khaos will also let you disable coloring names in the ChatEdit frame. If there is enough demand for it, I will also create slash commands to do this. At the moment though, I don't believe it is needed.

Changelog: 1.46 Fixed a bug that may appear due to other addons interfering
Changelog: 1.45 Now works in Say and Tell
Changelog: 1.44 Names are now colored in the chat edit frame! Now you can confirm that you are sending a message to the correct person just by glancing at the color!
Changelog: 1.32 Now has localizations

*Added more colors variations

*updated TOC to 7.3.00
Added Loaded Successfully Message
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Unread 05-12-23, 04:33 PM  
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I don't suppose you're willing to update this for Dragonflight expac?
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Unread 11-30-11, 10:59 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Any plans to update this for 4.3?
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Unread 10-19-08, 10:23 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Your version is working for me. I've posted your link to my guild's forums.
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Unread 10-18-08, 08:43 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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a 1.46 version would be appreciated.
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Unread 10-17-08, 09:34 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Please Update for 3.0

Here's a working (afaik) version I threw together.

(This is based on the version in Cosmos, which appears to be 1.45. If anyone needs a 1.46 version I'll redo it.)
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Unread 10-17-08, 01:48 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Please Update for 3.0

Originally posted by sdkphoenix
I love this addon and without it my eyes bleed trying to read chat. I have used it for a year+ now and will miss it dearly if it doesn;t return. If anyone knows an alternative, please message me with a link.
I too really miss this one. Someone please update it! This should be a default UI option, but til then we need it fixed!
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Unread 10-14-08, 02:05 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Please Update for 3.0

I love this addon and without it my eyes bleed trying to read chat. I have used it for a year+ now and will miss it dearly if it doesn;t return. If anyone knows an alternative, please message me with a link.
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Unread 05-13-07, 03:30 PM  
A Cyclonian
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It's funny how much one gets attached to this addon. A while back I was redoing my UI, completely forgot to add it back in. The first time I logged in with the new interface, I had trouble keeping track of conversations due to the lack of colored names - It was horrible!

Realized what I was missing shortly after, and within a few minutes I was able to chat once more.

Thanks for the awesome mod, Guillotine. Such a small feature, but one I would have issues playing without. ^_^
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Unread 05-11-07, 03:15 PM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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New version up that adds some cool features!
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Unread 02-15-07, 02:03 AM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Originally posted by sonofgloin
to prevent mishaps you might add a path to the .zip
Sorry, didn't notice that ><

A new version is up with the path. It also has localizations. (These were not added by me. Yay for Cosmos SVN ^_^)
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Unread 01-09-07, 04:12 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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to prevent mishaps you might add a path to the .zip
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Unread 09-15-06, 08:07 AM  
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Love it, need it, use it.
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Unread 09-06-06, 03:59 PM  
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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well, I allways wanted to find a better algo for the colors than a simple rnd, but I was to lazzy ^^
Good to see that someone else picked up ^^
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Unread 09-06-06, 01:23 PM  
A Defias Bandit
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Cairenn is the evil of the universe!

GM's should not have the right to go around laughing and mocking any addon they wish, this is an outrage!

Love from,
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Unread 09-06-06, 11:10 AM  
Credendo Vides
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