Updated: 08-16-08 03:53 PM
File Info
Updated:08-16-08 03:53 PM

WoW Recruit Manager

Version: Beta1
by: Kelem [More]

This is the readme/faq/changelog file for WOW Recruit Menu (WRM)

+ e107 CMS (
+ CXLib (

Table of Contents
1) What is WRM
2) Why was WRM Created
3) How do you install WRM
4) Who is involved in WRM
5) Will you support any other games?
6) Do you support other languages?

1. What is WRM?

WRM (short for WOW Recruit Menu) is a plugin designed for World of Warcraft
guilds to display the class recruit status on their front page in a simple
and easy to use module.

2. Why was WRM created?

People constantly ask what raid positions we are still recruiting and what
class/spec is open and there were no existing menu systems for WoW and e107 that I could find, so I wrote one (with a huge amount of help from WCM/REM)

3. How do you install WRM?

Download the zip file, copy it to your ftp server, extract it to your plugin
folder and install from the admin plugin manager package

The only other thing that is necessary, and it is not totally necessary, but
it makes everything look better, is to enable CXLib.

If you already have WCM, RPM, REM, ArmoryStats or some other plugin that uses CXLib then this is not necessary.

4. Who is involved in WRM?

Kelem Creator/Main Developer
Heavy/Mipp Author of WCM/AS/REM, whose code I learned from to make this

5. Will you support any other games?

I have no idea. Right now, no. But I did make the module fairly easy to edit
and add your own entries for everything so in theory you can make it support
any game/style you want by making new entries in the database

6. Do you support other languages?

Not yet, if you want to translate it, by all means let me know

Author Information:
Kelem ([email protected])

Kelem - 70 Balance Druid, Thunderhorn Horde
Kelemvor - 70 Resto Druid, Thunderhorn Horde

Icon Set - CrystalClear - available from

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