Updated: 07-26-16 10:07 AM
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Legion (7.0.3)
Updated:07-26-16 10:07 AM
Created:01-04-09 11:55 AM
Categories:Data Broker, TradeSkill Mods

Ara Broker Tradeskills  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 703.03
by: Aranarth, Alyred, griffin224

Currently has limited functionality. Rewrites coming.

This data broker plugin provides easy access to tradeskills & tracked CDs (now stable, thanks to beta testers ).

Supported languages: English, French, German, Chinese, Korean. Looking for Russian, Italian, Spanish, Latin American Spanish localizations!

The first time you use this addon, you will have to scan for existing CDs, or craft them. Then, CD tracking will be automatic.

New in 603.12
- Draenor cooldowns added
- a couple of bug fixes added
- updated TOC for 6.0.3

New in 540.1:
- Added new crafting skill cooldowns (Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Engineering).
- Updated TOC for 5.4.

New in R505.21:
- German localization complete.
- Added back in Lockpicking as a displayable skill on Rogues.

New in R44Beta:
Mostly fixes for MoP. Added in most of the new cooldowns.

Block interactions:
- Click to open the last selected tradeskill.
- Right-click to access the config menu.

The list has 3 categories: tradeskills, cooldowns and shortcuts. The ingame hints show how you can interact on each entry. Here is a list:

Tradeskill interactions:
- Click to open the tradeskill panel.
- Shift+Click to link in chat.
- Right-click to scan for CDs.
- Middle-click to hide it from the list.

Cooldown interactions:
- Click to craft; if it's cooling down, it opens the tradeskill panel and scroll to the CD instead.
- Right-click to open the tradeskill window and scroll to the CD.
- Control+click to set or remove an alias.
- Middle-click to remove (only remove ready CD, unless you set the option to bypass this protection).

Shortcuts interactions:
- Click to craft.
- Shift+Click to craft all. (also works with buttons 4-5 and no modifiers)
- Right-Click to open the associated panel and scroll to it.
- Control+Click to set or remove an alias.
- Middle-Click to remove.

Config menu:
- Filter tradeskills (2 filtering levels).
- Track a particular profession.
- Include ready CDs when scanning: by default, when you scan a profession, it only adds cooling down CDs.
- Show/Hide hints.
- Show/Hide alts skills.
- Show only primary skills in the alt. tooltip (can be combined).
- Show only professions that have a craft window (can be combined).
- Remove alts data.
- Display the number of ready CD (instead of the last selected tradeskill).
- Edit signaletic colors (see below).

I went overboard with colors ._. and you can edit 7 different ones:
- Headers
- Name of interactive skills (with panel)
- Name of informative skills (without panel)
- CDs belonging to the current player
- CDs belonging to an alt.
- Last selected skill
- Highlight

Default tradeskill signaletic:
- Orange entry is the tracked or last selected profession.
- Yellow/gold entries have a panel and can be clicked.
- Darker yellow/gold entries only provide information (they have no panel).

Default cooldown signaletic:
- Yellow/gold entries are CDs owned by the current character.
- Darker yellow/gold entries are CDs owned by your other characters.

If you have AddonLoader, the loading of this addon will be delayed.
If you have Skinner, this plugin will be automatically skinned.
If you have ProfessionsBook, an entry to open it will be added to the list.

Known bug: Broker display will show REAGENTS if the reagents are in your reagent bank, the item however is still craftable, looking for a fix now.

Added a bug fix because I can't proofread!

Transmute: savage Blood added
TOC updated to 6.1.3
Couple of bug fixes added, thanks to user comments!

Draenor cooldowns added. A couple of bug fixes added. Updated TOC for 6.0.3

Added new crafting skill cooldowns (Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Engineering). Updated TOC for 5.4.

German localization complete. Added back in Lockpicking as a displayable skill on Rogues.

r44 Beta
Mostly fixes for MoP. Added in most of the new cooldowns.

More updates to the cooldown tracking and timers. Added the Serpent's Heart.

r530.11b BETA
Minor update to the Magnificence cooldown group. Think this should work better.

r530.1b BETA
Well... I got a cooldown workaround working! Guess it took a few months, sorry about that. Still may be a bit of a problem with both of the leatherworking magnificence cooldowns going on CD once the other is (they should), so that needs some testing there, and I don't have a leatherworker at 90 yet. Also test the cooldown time reporting in general. It should work. Let me know what you guys think.

r530.01b BETA
Updated TOC, added in Lightning Steel and Magnificence cooldowns (The lightning steel I had already built, the Magnificence cooldowns, I hadn't -- thanks Griffin224), finished the shared group so that the cooldown for the scales and leather should show up. Has some minor debugging messages still in it, as I still haven't had time to finish and fix the cooldown code. It was still returning errors last I tried it in 5.1, but I haven't checked since and the issues may be fixed. I will try to revisit it soon.

Please treat this as a beta. Some things won't work, but most of the cooldowns and shortcuts do.

Things to work on still:
- Cooldown timing fixed up, either using Blizzard's native code if it's finally working or hacking a better method using some other addons' methods.
- Storage of cooking skills (This is a blizzard interface error as well).

Minor update, added Living Steel to the transmute cooldown group. Haven't had time to look into displaying lockpicking on alt rogues or the minor checkmark issue in the config menu.
- Path fixed to include the addon folder from earlier version of this release (31/OCT/12)

-Fix for rogue detection in gender-specific languages, though at this time only German is implemented. Please test and let me know!

Couple more bugfixes.
- German localization and rogue detection localization complete (I think -- this needs to be tested and let me know if anything in the translation looks wrong).
ToDo: Fix checkbox toggle when choosing skills to track, display Lockpicking on rogues in alt panel.

I've quashed most of the bugs, and pretty sure I have a good system in-place to get herbalism back in the list for non-english locales -- please test this for me!
- Added back in support to show Lockpicking for rogues, since I always forget and don't want to think about math in my game time (hah)! It can be toggled on or off as any skill.
- Quashed a bug when selecting Runeforging or Lockpicking as the main tracked skill.

Next to work on:
- Clicking a skill to track it also clicks the checkbox next to tracking, which shouldn't happen.
- More robust German localization.
- Other localizations. Volunteers needed!

Think I have almost everything originally listed fixed. I thought that called for a bump of the version number to match the version of the WoW client.
- Fixed Herbalism and Fishing for localization, I think (though this is a VERY hacky fix; I'll need to verify it works for most of the other localizations -- don't have other clients to test it on. Feedback is necessary!)
- Fixed green boxes appearing in the config menu.

- Fixed Herbalism and Fishing not appearing in list, and icon for fishing.
- Added cooldowns (thanks for the assist in the groupname and icon, Uggers).
- Fixed scanning in skills with subheaders.
- Think I fixed the error thrown while caging pets (Not completely sure as I couldn't get it to error myself)
- If the error still occurs, please post relevant details. Not sure what I can do at this time if it is a localization issue).

- Removed debug messages left in r41. :o

- Fixed disappearing professions for real (implemented GetProfessions).
- Fixed tailoring CDs (dream of Ragnaros & Azshara).
- Changed Fire Prism CD to 20 hours.
- Removed cataclysm rare gem transmutes from CD list.

- Fixed disappearing professions (@Goncyn: not using GetProfessions yet, for several reasons).
- Added cataclym tradeskill CDs (not tested).
- Changed Mysterious Egg / Disgusting Jar duration to 72 hours.
- Fixed goblal functions to be local.

- Fixed a graphical issue introduced with r38 (the highlight was covered by the alt list).

- Fixed alchemy research to reset the 3rd midnight after the research.
- Fixed a stupid mistake that was considering all cooldowns as not ready, thus preventing the craft action.

- Long alt list now break into a second row instead of going out of screen. (Adjust automatically by default, but could be forced to break after the 5th character).
- Fixed the craft all action (was closing panel immediatly).
- Fixed tradeskill panel not showing when first opened externally.
- Fixed German skill tracking.
- Fixed: tooltip stuck on screen if after a ctrl+mousewheel the mouse was outside.
- Fixed: alt mining skill shown as smelting.
- Fixed: clicking on a non-ready cooldown wouldn't point to it if no panel was open at that time.
- Fixed: clicking on a zero quantity shortcut wouldn't point to it if no panel was open at that time.

- Added back alchemy transmutes for epic gems.
- Added ctrl+mousewheel to change the tooltip scale.
- Changed 20 hours CDs to "reset at midnight" CDs (not error proof if you're crafting in an instance).
- Fixed alias dialog not showing if the config menu was not opened previously.
- Fixed linking alt. professions in chat.
- Fixed actions to properly highlight and scroll to recipes, keep panel visibility to the state it was before the action, unless the action requires the panel to stay open.
- Fixed possible wrong placements of hints with a tooltip scale above or below 100%.

- Fixed craft links not saving after the first one.
- Added archaeology.
- Removed combat skills.
- Removed alchemy CDs: gem transmute.
- Removed lockpicking.
- Changed background: more opaque.
- Improved config menu.
- Code tweaking.

- Added the number of items you can craft on shortcuts.
- Fixed the craft all functionality (shift+click or button 4/5).
- If a cooldown has some missing reagents, "Reagents!" will be displayed instead of "Ready!".
- Changed the default background a bit.

- Tracking options are now handled like "Professions" and "Combat Skills" options: to toggle tracking, click the menu item; to select what to track, click a submenu item.
- Added experimental "Auto" tracking. For now, the tracked profession will be automatically set on selection (secondary professions are also selectable in this mode). In the future, you may be able to control if it auto switch on skill up and/or selection.
- Fixed a global variable that was causing some addon conflicts.
- Fixed previous tracking errors (but I probably added fresh ones!).
- Changed the scaling options to only affect clickable tooltips.
- Removed unnecessary Skinner and SharedMedia optional dependencies, it was also creating Skinner problems. (Credits goes to Jncl).

- Fixed the "Tooltip Size" > "Custom..." option.
- Removed the DockingStation fix, it was affecting some non-DockingStation users.

- Added CD: Glacial Bag.
- Removed CDs: Ebonweave, Moonshroud, Spellweave, Smelt Titansteel.
- Now usable even if flagged in combat.
- Fixed the following issue: if an entry was removed, thus shortening the main tooltip enough for the mouse to be outside, thus hiding the main tooltip, the alt. tooltip was still visible.
- To get around a DockingStation limitation(*) I had to make tooltips undetectable from it. The downside is this plugin won't benefits from the DockingStation's scaling option until that display is fixed.
- Added scaling options.
- Added a "Restore default colors" option.
- Updated zhTW translations.
- Fixed a deDE translation.
- Added support for MMOUI Minion in the TOC file.

(*) Because the DockingStation's handling of "tooltip"/"OnTooltipShow" and "OnEnter/OnLeave" is not uncoupled, plugins that need exclusive access to Show/Hide for complexe UI logic are floutted. :mad:

- Fixed an issue introduced with r30. It now saves correctly the icon and spell ID of your last transmute.
- Added "Shift+Click to craft all" on shortcuts (also works with buttons 4-5).
- Added an alt option to only show professions with a craft window (can be combined with "Primary only").
- Changed the config menu: alt options are now gathered in a submenu.
- Updated zhTW translations (thanks to Launcelot).

- Added an option to track a skill, displaying its value in real time.
- Added "iconCoords" for LDB displays that handle it.
- Removed Titanium transmute from CD list.
- Fixed dead CD errors (like Titanium transmute).
- Fixed the 2+ alchemists problem where only one transmute CD was visible.
- Fixed a rare issue where the list may not hide properly if alts were hidden (is that correct grammar ?).
- Fixed a minor issue where clicking the profession of an alt, and then clicking the same profession but from another alt, was closing the panel.
- Fixed support for Disgusting Jar and Mysterious Egg (still untested!).

- Added 6 alchemy transmute: Ametrine, Cardinal Ruby, Dreadstone, Eye of Zul, King's Amber and Majestic Zircon.
- Added support for Disgusting Jar and Mysterious Egg (untested). Activate when one of these items is bought.

- Fixed an error that war occuring for players with a primal mooncloth, shadowcloth and/or spellcloth in their list of CDs.

- Fixed files not being in the addon folder.

- Added support for ProfessionsBook.
- Removed the useless "Force CD removal" option. Middle-clicking a CD will now always remove it.
- Removed Primal Mooncloth, Shadowcloth and Spellcloth from the list of tracked CDs.

- Changed the alt. skills tooltip to a clickable one. Open a character tradeskill panel to be able to access and link it from your other characters.
- Changed the way tradeskills are sorted: primary skills are now on top of secondary skills.
- Fixed a weird bug that was occuring for players with Skinner.
- Removed the useless "Hide alt. skill names" option.

- Fixed an issue with the number of ready CDs that could be off by one in some random cases.

- Changed the integration of the "Click to create a shortcut." hint. It's now added to the main tooltip.

- Added Korean (koKR) translations (courtesy of shwy73 and mrgyver).

- Cafting a CD while in "x/y CDs" mode will now instantly refresh the display.
- Changed the backdrop of the alt. tooltip to match the main tooltip.
- Skinner now includes the alt. tooltip and refresh the skin at mouseover time instead of just applying it once at load time.

- Fixed an error that occured on log out by removing the "ExpandSkillHeader(0)" line.
- Fixed a logical error that occured when saving player skills for alts tooltip.

- Removed a debug message left in r18. Im awake now !

- Fixed a display issue where the number of CDs up was including all transmutes. My bad :p

- Fixed a display issue where the total number of CDs was including all transmutes.

- Fixed an error where the Blizzard TradeSkillUI wasn't loaded when I was trying to modify it.
- Fixed an issue where transmutes weren't properly showing that they were cooling down.

- Shortcuts are now sorted (by skill then by name).
- Updated zhTW translations (thanks to Launcelot).
- Added an option for alts to only display primary skills.

- Added a "Shortcuts" section. You can add a shortcut to a craft by clicking its icon in the associated panel.
- Updated the translations file along with frFR.

- Added an option to remove alts from database.
- Fixed display issues in CD mode (it was sometimes reverting to tradeskill names, or not updating icon).

- Fixed the cooldown hint issue that occured right after a scan. It was showing "Click to show CD in panel" instead of "Click to craft" for ready CDs.

- Fixed a table recycling error
- Fixed an issue where linking to chat wasn't properly linking when a tradeskill panel was open.

- Added the ability to Shift+Click a tradeskill to link in chat.
- Added an option to display the number of ready CD.

- Added a separate tooltip so you can see both alts & hints at the same time.
- Removed a "collectgarbage" that could potentialy freeze your computer.

- Code tweak / code cleanup.
- Re-added libs.

- Added a simple display for alt skills.
- Updated zhTW translations.
- Removed libs (displays provide these already, right ?)

- Changed the color formula curve from linear to inverse exponential to account for the difficulty of the last points (and easiness of the first ones).
- This formula also fixed a color bug that occured when the difference between current and max value was over 75 (ie. 55/150), it was representing a greenish value instead of a reddish one.
- Removed version checking that was necessary pre 3.0.8 to get the correct cooldown durations for titan-steel transmute and alchemy research.
- Removed value colors from config since color coding does the job.

- Fixed color coding (underestimated the problem :p).

- Added color coding for tradeskill values (experimental).
- Changed behavior for groups of CDs (like transmutes): click to cast the previous transmute used, right-click to show it in panel.
- Translations: added zhTW, added partial deDE, updated frFR.

- Fixed issues with cooldown icons (was retrieving spell icon instead of item icon, wasn't saving it properly in some cases).
- Fixed an error with Cooking (was using the bad ID).
- Added check marks to show/hide tradeskills and combat skills categories.
- Added global handling of special cases where spell name doesnt match skill name (Smelting/Mining, german Kochen/Kochkunst, french Runeforge/Runeforger).

- Fixed an error that occured when a CD was crafted before a scan can retrieve icons and names.
- Fixed an error where no transmute icons were available at display time.
- Added some strings to translate (see comments in "Translations.lua").
- Added support for SupplyAndDemand and ForkliftGnome (untested).

- Initial release.
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11-23-14 11:44 AM

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Unread 02-05-11, 07:41 PM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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I too am wishing that auto-track worked. Or that tracking worked at all when I'm leveling mining. (And I think Herbalism, but I haven't tried that in awhile; maybe I'm just remember wrong.)

/run print(ERR_SKILL_UP_SI) = Your skill in %s has increased to %d. My client is en-US.
Last edited by Jzar : 02-05-11 at 07:42 PM.
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Unread 02-05-11, 12:37 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Is there a way to remove a tradeskill from an alt's list (without just deleting the saved variables file and starting over)?

I started levelling a goblin priest, and picked up enchanting and mining. I planned to gather some ore and gems and then drop mining for jewelcrafting and powerlevel it (as I have three other miners already that can feed her gems and ore later).

I got to the point where I've dropped mining and picked up jewelcrafting, but the tooltip for that alt still lists mining under her tradeskills on the tooltip, stuck at the level that it was at when I dropped it.

I didn't see any obvious way to stop tracking that one specific tradeskill, but maybe I'm blind.
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Unread 01-14-11, 11:44 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Smelting / Mining Added


There's no link for Mining/Smelting, so that's not possible.
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Unread 01-13-11, 01:55 PM  
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Smelting / Mining Added

Am I missing something or can we get the ability to open the Mining/Smelting screen when clicking Mining on an Alt who does Mining? I have like 5 Miner Alts and forget what they need to level all the time.
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Unread 01-10-11, 08:38 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Re: Tradeskills not visible


I will check how to copy the tiptac style when I get time. Not sure if it's easy or not.


Auto tracking doesn't auto track yet. Currently, it only tracks your clicks in the panel and display the associated values. But it should auto track like reputation in a futur release.

For your update problem, what locale is using your client (frFR, deDE...) ? What's the value of ERR_SKILL_UP_SI ? /run print(ERR_SKILL_UP_SI)


I will try to make Skillet compatible if I get some time.


Disappearing professions should be fixed. That should subsequently fix your link issues once you open them again.

I don't have any issue with Truegold and Living Elements. Not sure what could be wrong.
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Unread 01-10-11, 01:46 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Tradeskills not visible

About two weeks ago, ABT suddenly stopped displaying Inscription and Tailoring on my Priest and Mage, respectively. I cleared the saved variables, but they still do not appear either in the main display, or in the "Professions" or "Tracking" menus.

They do appear in the alt professions display when I am on another character, but are unclickable and say "No link available. Open a character..." I have manually opened these characters' Inscription and Tailoring panels many times, since ABT won't allow me to access them.

Across my characters, I have every profession, but only these two are not working with ABT.

Also, it seems that the cooldown tracker does not automatically recognize that alchemy transmutes are on cooldown when creating Truegold, Living Elements, and possibly other new transmutes. Thanks.

Edit: Tailoring, not Enchanting.
Last edited by Eincrou : 01-10-11 at 01:54 PM.
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Unread 01-07-11, 04:25 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Crafting "Fire Prism" auto-sets the tooltip cooldown to about 35 minutes.

Right clicking to force a re-scan of cooldowns sets it to the proper value, 20 hours.
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Unread 01-06-11, 01:27 PM  
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Originally posted by Koreos
For some reason, I cannot see my character's tradeskills on my mule who is a level 1 and doesn't have any herself.

Would it be possible to change this?
Works fine for me! Must be you.
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Unread 01-06-11, 01:02 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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For some reason, I cannot see my character's tradeskills on my mule who is a level 1 and doesn't have any herself.

Would it be possible to change this?
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Unread 01-05-11, 02:44 PM  
An Aku'mai Servant
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Not sure if anyone's reported this or not. I love the "Shortcuts", but when I installed Skillet today found out that it prevents the adding of shortcuts from the trade skill window (since it replaces the window entirely). This is probably a Skillet issue, but thought I'd report it here as well just in case.


Also, I just tried to change the color for my 'highlight" and got this error:

Date: 2011-01-05 16:08:40
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: [string "ColorPickerOkayButton:OnClick"] line 2:
   attempt to call field 'func' (a nil value)
   [C]: func()
   [string "*:OnClick"]:2:
      [string "*:OnClick"]:1
Nightelf Hunter
Earthen Ring
Last edited by SilverShadow : 01-05-11 at 03:10 PM.
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Unread 01-03-11, 06:25 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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any possibility to add an option so that when you are looking at an Alt's tradeskills, it shows it with their skill level and inventory?
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Unread 12-24-10, 05:02 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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Fire Prism cooldown

The Fire Prism cooldown for Jewelcrafting is on a 20 hour cooldown and does not reset at midnight.
No idea if this is a bug and will be fixed at some point or intentional. But it seems odd.
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Unread 12-22-10, 01:41 PM  
A Cliff Giant
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Some Tailoring cooldown listing problems in r41, as the mod has incorrect, duplicate spell IDs for some of them.

First noticed the problem after doing three "Dream of..." cloth asemblies:

Dream of Hyjal (spellID 75144, which is correct in the mod)
Dream of Skywall (spellID 75141, also correct in the mod)
and finally one of the cooldown problems in the mod:
Dream of Azshara. Its listed in the mod as having a spellID of 75141, which is a duplicate of the previous item. The actual ID is 75146. After making that cloth, it didn't show up as an active cooldown in the mod's tooltip, while the other two did.

You also have Dream of Ragnaros with that same spellID of 75141, when its actually 75145.

After going in and manually changing the spellIDs to the proper ones, the Dream of Azshara cooldown finally showed up in the tooltip.
Last edited by Zidomo : 12-22-10 at 01:42 PM.
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Unread 12-22-10, 04:48 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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i seem to be having an issue where my alt tradeskills are not being updated to the correct list/skill. I.E. I work on one character and say i just hit 525 alchemy (finally..) then i switch characters to my banker alt to check the auction house. when i pull up my alchemists tradeskill ist now, it still shows me at being at 520. I even had one instance where it did not show me some recently learned items.

what specifically is triggering a characters tradeskill to be saved correctly?

I am using r41
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Unread 12-16-10, 07:17 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Like to use the plug-in.

Highlight the mouse but not.
Can not be used to establish an alias.
I'm sorry. I'm from Taiwan players.You can add localization.lua it?
On the other players also helped the local.
These are translated through Google. thanks.
Last edited by spring64783 : 12-16-10 at 07:33 PM.
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