Updated: 02-27-11 05:08 AM
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Updated:02-27-11 05:08 AM

Auditor  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 4.4.3
by: Alarisha [More]

PLEASE NOTE: Auditor is now made for LibDataBroker (LDB). A list of LDB Display Addons and other addons using LDB can be found here.

If you use FuBar, then just grab Broker2FuBar, and Auditor will merrily show up as it always has done for you, once you have enabled it in the Broker2FuBar options.

Author: Alarisha - alarisha [.at.] gmail [.dot.] com

Auditor is a nifty addon that tracks your incoming and outgoing money from a variety of sources, and provides an easy to use Data Broker interface to choose whose data you would like to look at, and for what time period. It is, essentially, MoneyFu for those who have obsessive information disorder. Like me. Yes, I *must* know how much I spent on training last week. Why? I dunno. But I must.

- LDB at last! Yes, your eyes don't deceive you. Probably.
- Money tracking, and lots of it.
- Data separated by realm.
- Character totals.
- Combined totals.
- Clickable tooltip to customise what you can and can't see.
- Ability to look at all your characters' specific data from any of your other characters on that realm.
- Accounts can be viewed per session, day, last seven days, or in their full, all-time glory.
- Cash notification options.
- Optional auto-repairs (per-character preference).
- Optional auto-sell for grey items (per-realm preference).
- Time offsets, so you can set Auditor to reset when dailies reset!
- Many things. Just get it and see!

What does Auditor track?
- Loot money! Whether you are solo, in a party or in a raid.
- Vendor money! Stuff you buy from or sell to vendors.
- Quest money! Money you gain from quests, and money you spend on quests (e.g. the Scholomance Key quest).
- Trade money! Doing enchants or transmutes? Yep, it catches money exchanged in trade.
- Mail money! Sending money to/from your alts or friends? Tracked.
- AH money! At last, both outgoing AND incoming Auction House money is tracked.
- Training money! How much did you spend on training and respecs? Do you care? Well, you'll know anyway.
- Flight money! Spent a day flying about Azeroth? See how much you should claim back on your tax expenses.
- Repairs money! See how much money you really spent on repairing your kit after those instances.
- Unknown money! Money gained/lost, but for whatever reason, Auditor can't work out where it's from. Better than nothing, anyway.
- Reconciliation money! That's money for when you just installed Auditor, and it has to account for the cash you have right now, or for when you crashed, or were logged on at a friend's house. It's all good.
- Guild Bank money! Money you deposit or withdraw from your Guild Bank. Exciting, I know.
- LFG reward money! Guild contributions money! Reforging money!

When does it track it for?
Auditor tracks your money on a per session, per day, per last-seven-days and all-time basis.

Known Bugs:

Version 4.4.3
* Fix for tiny bug causing incorrect Contributions for guilds over level 15.

Version 4.4.2
* Fix for bad category upgrading (which assumed that all toons in the database already had historical data).
* Thanks to Zidomo from WoWi for the accurate bug report.

Version 4.4.1
* Added new category for LFG reward money.
* Completed Contributions category.

Version 4.4.0
* Bumped .toc for 4.0.
* Library updates.
* Added new category for Reforging.
* Added beginnings for Contributions category for Guild contributions based on looted cash.

Version 4.3.3
* Bumped .toc for 3.3.
* Library updates.

Version 4.3.2
* Rejigged event code in the data engine. This fixes the issue with Scrap, as well as being slightly neater.

Version 4.3.1
* Updated for newfangled LQT.
* Removed LQTC.
* Bumped .toc.
* Added .toc line for WoWi Minion. Woot!

Version 4.3.0
* Omg, so much awesome new clicky stuff.
* Right-click now cycles backwards.
* You can now click-through to Absurd and back again. It's pretty awesome. Try clicking a category and see what happens!
* Fix for tooltip not showing with NinjaPanel. Thanks, Torhal! <3

Version 4.2.0
* Buh, I suck.
* Fixed stupid error.
* Thanks to CodeRedLin from WoWi for pointing out my tardiness.

Version 4.1.9
* Reverted to 4.1.6 while I fix some stupid mistakes I made.

Version 4.1.8
* Reordered a function to hopefully fix nil error some people are getting.

Version 4.1.7
* LQTC-1.1.
* Efficient efficiencies. Efficiently.

Version 4.1.6
* Auditor now remembers which timeframe you were looking at.

Version 4.1.5
Auditor now respects bar money style once again.

Version 4.1.4
* Fixed combined audits.
* Filtered character setting is now respected by the combined audit.

Version 4.1.3
* Plays more happily with other LQT addons.
* General efficiency improvements.
* Fix to possible bug with tooltip cash counting.

Version 4.1.2
* Temporary fix for annoying column clipping problem.
* Fix for misleading repair notification.

Version 4.1.1
* Filtered characters no longer contribute to realm total display.
* Added toggle for character total on broker display.
* Bugfix related to setting time offsets.
* Bugfix related to cashflow minimisation.
* A ton of code optimisations.
* Better implementation of graphical broker display.
* Some .toc changes.

Version 4.1.0
* Added toggleable net profit to broker display.
* Added graphical display for broker display (coins). Bear in mind that graphical mode prevents realm and net profit totals from showing.

Version 4.0.5
* Fix for Time Offset error.

Version 4.0.4
* Added in Profile management.
* Fix for icon setting not saving when using Broker2FuBar.

Version 4.0.3
* Added adjustable tooltip scale.
* Removed a couple of random commented out bits I forgot to take out earlier.

Version 4.0.1
* Oops. Bad me. Bad!

Version 4.0.0
* Ell dee bee (LDB).
* Spicy meatballs.
* An icon I quite liked. Spot it if you can!

Version 3.2.1a
* Reuploaded for some people who are having issues with being unable to download the latest version for some reason!

Version 3.2.1
* Fixed stupid error caused by removal of certain globals in patch 2.4.2. Undocumented Blizz rando-changes ftw!

Version 3.2.0
* Finally fixed timezone issues, which was seriously complicated!
* New option: Time Offset - you can use this to make Auditor reset at a time other than midnight, local time. Useful for dailies etc.
* Reworked date storage system: A random side-effect of this is that if you play in a non-English locale, the month should bizarrely be localised for your language!
* Combined totals: You can now access this option by clicking on 'Total' at the bottom of the tooltip. It is a toggleable, per-realm option, and will override the 'Character to show...' option while active.
* PLEASE NOTE: Your seven day audit will be cleared out upon installing this update. Your Total audit will not be affected. Essentially, it will just appear like you haven't logged on for a week. No data is lost!

Version 3.1.0
* Added in optional use of guild bank for auto-repairs. This function also keeps a running total of the amount of guild money you have used so far for repairs, per toon, displayed in chat (like the Cash Notify stuff).
* Reworked Auto-Repair function to work properly with faction reductions. This does, however, mean that Auto-Sell Grey Items mods will screw up the categorisation of repairs. So...
* Added Auto-Sell Grey Items function. This is accessible in the options menu under Merchant Options --> Auto-Sell. If you want to use Auto-Repair and Auto-Sell mods with Auditor, feel free - but the functions now included in Auditor are the only ones 99% likely to work properly. It is defaulted to off, and is a per-realm option.
* Changed menu options and options storage layout. These will be clarified below:
Merchant Options --> Auto-Repair (per-character option), Guild Repair (per-character option) and Auto-Sell (per-realm option).
Cash Notify --> AH, Mailbox, Vendor, Trainer, Guild Bank (per-realm options)
And various other cleanups of tooltip options into better organised categories.
* P.S. Using other Auto-Repair and Auto-Sell mods is cool, like I said, nothing will break - but your Repair and Vendor categories will not maintain accuracy.
* .toc bump for 2.4.

Version 3.0.4
* Fixed some library issues for those running without FuBar.

Version 3.0.3
* Added option to allow display of Realm Total on FuBar, e.g. 101.7g/5342.6g.

Version 3.0.2
* Nil check added for when AuditorFu has been disabled, or hasn't finished loading.

Version 3.0.1
* Added in Guild Bank category.

Version 3.0.0
* Complete rewrite. Crossed fingers, everyone. Hehehehe.
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Unread 11-07-06, 10:47 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Ignore Character

I have a request.

Since im the manager og our guildbank i would love to have an option to ignore a character, would that be a possibilty you would consider?

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Unread 11-07-06, 05:57 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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You're very welcome
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Unread 11-06-06, 09:06 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Been using MoneyFu and didnt think i needed anything more till i used this and realised how much more usefull it was. All working great and no bugs at all so far.

Cheers for all the time and effort you've put into not just the AccountantFu parts but now the full re-write of Accountant/AuditorFu. Much appreciated.

Shame more people cant show i bit of appreciation with a simple vote!

Keep up the great work.
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Unread 11-06-06, 08:19 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Muad'dib
Hmm, well i purged this characters data and it seems to have fixed it for now

Before i purged though the reports for this character were quite off, i took screen shots of the tooltips. if you'd like to see what it was doing send me a PM with your email and i'll send them to you
My email's at the top of the description of AuditorFu I'm sorry it went wrong for you, and am glad it is now working. I hope you find the rest of your use of AuditorFu to be reliable rather than the chore it seems to have been so far.

Edit: FYI, the purge routine runs the same routine as the initial data creation. Perhaps there was a library problem of some kind going on - especially with what you were saying about data not saving properly until you exited WoW completely, as data is saved on logoff or UI reload in all addons as that's the only method. *Shrug*!
Last edited by Alarisha : 11-06-06 at 08:35 PM.
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Unread 11-06-06, 07:36 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hmm, well i purged this characters data and it seems to have fixed it for now

Before i purged though the reports for this character were quite off, i took screen shots of the tooltips. if you'd like to see what it was doing send me a PM with your email and i'll send them to you
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Unread 11-06-06, 01:02 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Originally posted by Muad'dib
I'm encountering some funny math with 1.0.0, when I reload the UI or camp to the caracter selection screen then come back in, auditor reports something like this if i have 100g on me for example
__________incomings __outgoings
Unknown_____100g_____ 5g

Incoming 100g
Outgoing 5g
Net Profit 95g

Total 100g

this happens on the session and today timeframe, 7day and total don't seem to be affected
exiting to the desktop is the only thing that fixes this

also will my characters total moneys when i log in always be unknown income? currently session and today timeframes are useless because i always have a net profit of my total gold-gold spent, not gold gained-gold spent or vice versa
When a character first logs in, AuditorFu plonks your current money into the Unknown category, so that reality and the AuditorFu data match up. Thus, your initial money when you first loaded that character with AuditorFu installed will show an unknown amount equivalent to your current money in today/7day/total audits, and for that session audit. From that point onwards, no random data is added to Unknown unless you a) crash, causing AuditorFu to shuffle to make your data match up, or b) spend/gain some money while logged into your character from a different physical PC, again causing a shuffle or c) the server is lagging really badly, causing e.g. repairs money to go to unknown.

Not quite sure why the total is showing off - that is definitely strange. However, any monetary transaction would recalculate the totals right if they were wrong. Are you sure you're looking at the right timeframe? And at the right character?

Edit: Regarding the session/today totals - obviously, for the first day you have AuditorFu running it will show that in the totals, and for the first session you have AuditorFu running it will show that in the totals. It does the shuffle once, per toon, on first run.

Edit 2: The total bit - do you have multiple characters? That should be the total of all your characters on that server/faction if you do, or the total of just the character you are using if you only have one on that server. Something also to bear in mind, is that if you are looking at, say, 7day data, then the 'Total' at the bottom of the tooltip is still talking about your current cash. *Shrug*. Let me know what's up!
Last edited by Alarisha : 11-06-06 at 01:37 PM.
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Unread 11-06-06, 11:49 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I'm encountering some funny math with 1.0.0, when I reload the UI or camp to the caracter selection screen then come back in, auditor reports something like this if i have 100g on me for example
__________incomings __outgoings
Unknown_____100g_____ 5g

Incoming 100g
Outgoing 5g
Net Profit 95g

Total 100g

this happens on the session and today timeframe, 7day and total don't seem to be affected
exiting to the desktop is the only thing that fixes this

also will my characters total moneys when i log in always be unknown income? currently session and today timeframes are useless because i always have a net profit of my total gold-gold spent, not gold gained-gold spent or vice versa
Last edited by Muad'dib : 11-06-06 at 11:51 AM.
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Unread 11-04-06, 08:15 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Re: One other thing...

Originally posted by MetaHawk
Lol - just dropped by to mention this. Good to see you're already on it.
Hehe. And just in time for the new release too!

Hope ya like it as much as I like MetaMap!
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Unread 11-04-06, 03:22 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: One other thing...

Originally posted by Alarisha
Incoming cash from the AH is now supported in Auditor, so no more AH cash going straight into the Mail Incoming bit
Lol - just dropped by to mention this. Good to see you're already on it.
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Unread 10-31-06, 01:01 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Beta testing...

Is in progress. All data from Accountant, whatever version, can be imported now. If no major bugs are found in the next few days, it'll be up here for you to use!
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Unread 10-29-06, 09:54 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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One other thing...

Incoming cash from the AH is now supported in Auditor, so no more AH cash going straight into the Mail Incoming bit
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Unread 10-29-06, 06:33 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Rewritten Accountant

Hi peeps,

I have finished coding and am now beta-testing my rewritten version of Accountant, and its FuBar counterpart - Auditor and AuditorFu! My only reservations are about historical data. I have written Auditor to properly separate realms and factions etc, as well as numerous other niceties.

I am writing a data import function to allow importing of Accountant's data into Auditor. It should work perfectly with data from Accountant 1.3e, and will also work fine with Accountant 2.x providing you don't have characters on multiple servers with the same name. However, Auditor does feature intelligent data reconciling abilities, so it would mash your data into itself and auto-correct for the discrepancies i.e. if your Accountant data shows you have a net loss of 50g in your total data, which is obviously impossible, then Auditor will compensate by depositing an amount of money into your Unknown category so that your data and your current amount of money are consolidated. This also works if you crash and lose a session's data - it compensates. Which I love, cos I hated that in Accountant tbh :P

Anyway, I have some exams this week at Uni, so I may be a bit slow finishing the import and beta test, but expect the new version soon!
Last edited by Alarisha : 10-29-06 at 08:51 PM.
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Unread 10-12-06, 01:10 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Re: Re: requirements?

Originally posted by Zidomo
I'll vote for that. having two different branches of the same mod that are incompatible with each other is a major pain. Especially when a user (say) starts with 2.x and wants later to get multi-realm support. In which case they will loose all their old data.
Agreed, that is annoying. Although while testing it, I manually reformatted the saved variables files to move my data from being compatible with one to the other and back, it is hardly realistic to expect a user to do that.

Another issue with both 1.x and 2.x (have used both over the past year and a half): the weekly summaries never show up. The pages are blank on all characters. Daily appears and Total appears, but never weekly. This changed during a version move from early 1.x to later ones. So a new version that fixes this problem would be welcome as well.
Hehe, yeah, that was annoying while it happened to me, although it doesn't anymore. I'm not exactly sure why.

I don't know how much more "advanced" Dsanai's version 1.3e is. It adds multi-server character support, yes. But 2.3 adds collection of group/raid gold, which is likely more important to many people.
1.3e does group/raid gold too, as well as multi-server support. The difference between the two versions, other than the way in which they save data, is remarkably small.

Another thing with 2.x: the author (Shadowbind) declares on the Curse forums on Aug. 19 that the latest version 2.3 is his last update.
Yeah, I read about that. I might mail him to see what's up with continuing it, but as he mentioned in his comments, he did very little of the coding in it himself, he just ensured it remained compatible. Conversions always seem to be smiled upon rather than frowned upon, tho.

Not to mention, Ace 2.0 rules . So you have my vote.
Well then. I shall get my sparkly-painted fingers to work!
Last edited by Alarisha : 10-12-06 at 01:17 PM.
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Unread 10-12-06, 06:47 AM  
A Cliff Giant
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Re: Re: requirements?

Originally posted by Alarisha
Looks like it could be quite a bit of work, tho. Does anyone want an Aced Accountant? If there's demand, and if I get permission from DSanai/Sabaki/RandomAuthors to butcher their code, I might well go ahead with it. Thoughts?
I'll vote for that. having two different branches of the same mod that are incompatible with each other is a major pain. Especially when a user (say) starts with 2.x and wants later to get multi-realm support. In which case they will loose all their old data.

Another issue with both 1.x and 2.x (have used both over the past year and a half): the weekly summaries never show up. The pages are blank on all characters. Daily appears and Total appears, but never weekly. This changed during a version move from early 1.x to later ones. So a new version that fixes this problem would be welcome as well.

I don't know how much more "advanced" Dsanai's version 1.3e is. It adds multi-server character support, yes. But 2.3 adds collection of group/raid gold, which is likely more important to many people. Another thing with 2.x: the author (Shadowbind) declares on the Curse forums on Aug. 19 that the latest version 2.3 is his last update.

Not to mention, Ace 2.0 rules . So you have my vote.
Last edited by Zidomo : 10-12-06 at 06:47 AM.
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Unread 10-11-06, 08:39 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon

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Re: Re: requirements?

Originally posted by Alarisha
Weirdly enough, due to the way development of that program has occured by different people, DSanai's version (1.3e) is actually the most advanced one. However, if you use 2.x, beware that they are not interchangeable, as DSanai's version cunningly separates your characters by realm, whereas 2.x does not.
Wow. I was unaware of that (imagine that... a user unaware of how the addons work! Shocking! ) Thanks for the heads-up! now I need to decide if I want to lose all my data, and switch over to 1.3e.

Looks like it could be quite a bit of work, tho. Does anyone want an Aced Accountant? If there's demand, and if I get permission from DSanai/Sabaki/RandomAuthors to butcher their code, I might well go ahead with it. Thoughts?
I, for one, would use it!
Last edited by Kosh : 10-11-06 at 08:39 AM.
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