(190 b)
Updated: 11-01-16 03:53 PM
Legion (7.0.3)
Updated:11-01-16 03:53 PM
Created:07-20-16 06:04 PM

GS-E myMacros Addin Pack  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: N/A
by: TimothyLuke [More]

This mod is no longer needed and is not compatible with 7.1. It may work but it's not supported.

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Unread 10-21-16, 01:22 PM  
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First of all...I'd like to thank you for this addition to I am a self proclaimed
I like being able to use other people's macros as I have found some of the preloaded macros a bit meh.
I do wish there was a way that the same macros I add on my laptop would show up on my PC and vice versa. I normally save macros to my google drive, but I've been kind of lazy lately or just hella tired.
Also, is there a way to keep that "You are approaching x amount of macros...17 limit, blah blah blah" bit?
Keep up the good work, hun!
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Unread 10-13-16, 05:07 PM  
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Re: extremely buggy

Originally Posted by rcoones
So i love GS, great addon. However, since the launch of legion and GS-E I have had nothing but problems with this addon. I cant edit anything from within the game, just does absolutely nothing, or acts like its going to edit it and I change what I want changed to improve the generic lackluster macros that it comes with and then click the close/save button and it reverts immediately back to what it was before. There is also about a 20/80 chance that importing a good macro is going to work. Sometimes it just works great... thats the 20 percent. 80 percent of the time, however it just does absolutely nothing. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, updated, and reloaded about a dozen times, no change. So since none of that worked and I was already fairly avid at editing macros using the notepad method I tried just going back to that, it worked and rarely had any issues, but any changes I make and reload do not apply. This addon is heading down a slippery slippery slope into failure. It would be great if they could get it back on track, or just go back to the way things used to be, steep learning curve for those without programming experience, but once you understand it, super super easy to manage.
Hi RC,

Appreciate your feedback.

I would look at the following:

The current version is 1.4.3. I would check that you are running this version.

The only times I have had problems importing is from problems like the wrong "'s and copy/paste errors like missing }'s. The main cause of this is copying a macro that is not within a code block but you would have the same problem with doing that with notepad++ anyway.

If you plan to edit via notepad you can but you must do ALL edits via notepad. If you make a tweak in game there will be a version situation where the local version will overwrite any changes you make outside.

If you had a sequences.lua file in GS-Core this will no longer work and you will need to use this myMacros plugin. If you check the wiki it talks a lot about the why.

I'm afraid that you are in the minority though regarding going back. For every 1 message I get like this one I get 30-40 thanking me for making it easier to use. All the old versions are available no one is making you update.
BattleNet: TimothyLuke#1860
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Unread 10-08-16, 01:08 AM  
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Cool extremely buggy

So i love GS, great addon. However, since the launch of legion and GS-E I have had nothing but problems with this addon. I cant edit anything from within the game, just does absolutely nothing, or acts like its going to edit it and I change what I want changed to improve the generic lackluster macros that it comes with and then click the close/save button and it reverts immediately back to what it was before. There is also about a 20/80 chance that importing a good macro is going to work. Sometimes it just works great... thats the 20 percent. 80 percent of the time, however it just does absolutely nothing. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, updated, and reloaded about a dozen times, no change. So since none of that worked and I was already fairly avid at editing macros using the notepad method I tried just going back to that, it worked and rarely had any issues, but any changes I make and reload do not apply. This addon is heading down a slippery slippery slope into failure. It would be great if they could get it back on track, or just go back to the way things used to be, steep learning curve for those without programming experience, but once you understand it, super super easy to manage.
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Unread 09-07-16, 03:43 PM  
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Re: not working

Originally Posted by zombeez
i extracted this addon folder to the wow addons folder....

copied a macro from the core, changed the name of it and pasted in the new macro file (to keep the working format etc), and it isnt showing up on available macros. it isnt showing up on the add ons list either

yes i used notepadd ++
If it's not showing in the addon list the folder is in the wrong place. Please check its c:\path\to\World of Warcraft\Interface\Addons\GS-myMacros

Also with 1.3.3 you don't need this externally to create and edit and can do everything in game.
BattleNet: TimothyLuke#1860
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Unread 09-07-16, 10:15 AM  
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not working

i extracted this addon folder to the wow addons folder....

copied a macro from the core, changed the name of it and pasted in the new macro file (to keep the working format etc), and it isnt showing up on available macros. it isnt showing up on the add ons list either

yes i used notepadd ++
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Unread 08-17-16, 06:36 AM  
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Lightbulb Accentuation + UTF-8

I guess there's some important information missing (maybe in the main page) about foreign languages that use accents like mine (Brazilian Portuguese). If you script a macro with these accents without saving the document with UTF-8 encoding, the macros won't work. You should put this info somewhere or people tend to think your addon isn't working.
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Unread 07-23-16, 10:30 PM  
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Re: Re: myMacros potential issues

Originally Posted by Starsilver
Originally Posted by TimothyLuke

Ok the Long and the short of it.

- A lot of fixes in 1.0.4

- Dont copy the sequences from DraiksMacros total into myMacros. You mentioned the duplicates but its a case of you dont know which macro you are actually running. You could be running the myMacros one and then are looking at the Draiks ones to sort the problem Use myMacros for the ones you have edited or changed. What I imaging most people doing is starteding with DraiksMacros and then moving on and disabling or ignoring it.

If you are going to do a copy/paste from Draiks to myMacros, do a find replace on DB_ to something else to avoid the confusion.

At the bare minimum you need GS-Core and sequences either in a or multiple seperate sequence addons (GS-DraikMacros, GS-HighPerformanceMacros (Coming Soon), GS-myMacros etc) or editing the sequences.lua file

The downside to editing the sequences.lua file directly in GS-Core is that wowinterface updater (minion) and CurseClient dont handle the local changes the best and can at some times wipe it out if you use that.

All fixed in 1.04, aside from the *potential* issues people can have pasting things into the mymacro folder that exist in the DraikMacro folder, while having both enabled which I just wanted to have posted here so people could be informed. I am fairly certain people WILL do it, if not from your folder then unintentionally from wowlazymacros etc. I was aware of the behavior of the sequences.lua file being overridden when gs updates but thanks for making that clear for others, I was only using it as an alternative to fixing all the errors in the lua files in the older version of the draik pack

I spent the past days trying all but a few of the macro's (don't have healing gear) as I have all the classes except DemonHunter. Ideas I have for possible tweaks would be:

The blue text for the author is a bit hard to read in the chat box. If that is something we could add code to inside the lua file to change let us know. Optionally consider a color picker in the addon itself for the different information that gets sent to the chat window when you do /gs, IF that is a simple thing which I expect it is not

We also probably need a "standard" syntax for the talents as some are listed as 123321, others as 1,2,3,3,2,1 and they do make a difference in readability. If authors could write them more like 1,2,3,x,x,3 where the x's are NOT required talents for the macro it would be a quality of life improvement and allow people to choose their own movement/cc talents etc not used by the macro.

It would also be nice if people included the intended usage of the macro in the helptxt section, ie leveling / grinding/ dungeons or raiding etc, just to make it simpler for people to pick a macro from the ones listed via /gs. This is more important now with the macro packs as people might not be able to read all the notes from a website that actually explain things better unless authors code in excluded text with all the relevant notes and even then if it comes in a pack many will never even see it to be honest.

This might be not be possible but if it is, having the ability to pick a macro then have the option for gs set the talents required for you in game would be amazing! Perhaps easier done in a rest area as no item would also be required. I often have multiple macro's for the same spec separated for solo / raid and if the talents are different it can be bad

Do you know how to properly use spells with a ' in them such as the mage's Dragon's Breath spell work in gs? As an example '/cast Dragon's Breath', will not work as the ' in Dragon's cuts off the *s Breath',* part. It is easy to see the problem using Notepad++ as the first part would be grey and the end is black. Having that it in a macro will prevent /gs from working right, no chat text for talents etc, no macro populated in the macro window though it does open the macro window still!

Thank you very much for all the improvements!
Some great questions in this.

for this one - '/cast Dragon's Breath' put in in "'s like "/cast Dragon's Breath". The ingame editor puts these all in "'s just to be safe

The ingame Editor standardises this a bit at 1233211 . It will put a 0 in where someone hasnt chosen a talent but the The downside is that its a free text field. I get the note on colour and will add to the options panel the ability to changes these colours. The downside is that I can take horses to water I cant make them drink.
BattleNet: TimothyLuke#1860
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Unread 07-23-16, 09:24 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: myMacros potential issues

Originally Posted by TimothyLuke

Ok the Long and the short of it.

- A lot of fixes in 1.0.4

- Dont copy the sequences from DraiksMacros total into myMacros. You mentioned the duplicates but its a case of you dont know which macro you are actually running. You could be running the myMacros one and then are looking at the Draiks ones to sort the problem Use myMacros for the ones you have edited or changed. What I imaging most people doing is starteding with DraiksMacros and then moving on and disabling or ignoring it.

If you are going to do a copy/paste from Draiks to myMacros, do a find replace on DB_ to something else to avoid the confusion.

At the bare minimum you need GS-Core and sequences either in a or multiple seperate sequence addons (GS-DraikMacros, GS-HighPerformanceMacros (Coming Soon), GS-myMacros etc) or editing the sequences.lua file

The downside to editing the sequences.lua file directly in GS-Core is that wowinterface updater (minion) and CurseClient dont handle the local changes the best and can at some times wipe it out if you use that.

All fixed in 1.04, aside from the *potential* issues people can have pasting things into the mymacro folder that exist in the DraikMacro folder, while having both enabled which I just wanted to have posted here so people could be informed. I am fairly certain people WILL do it, if not from your folder then unintentionally from wowlazymacros etc. I was aware of the behavior of the sequences.lua file being overridden when gs updates but thanks for making that clear for others, I was only using it as an alternative to fixing all the errors in the lua files in the older version of the draik pack

I spent the past days trying all but a few of the macro's (don't have healing gear) as I have all the classes except DemonHunter. Ideas I have for possible tweaks would be:

The blue text for the author is a bit hard to read in the chat box. If that is something we could add code to inside the lua file to change let us know. Optionally consider a color picker in the addon itself for the different information that gets sent to the chat window when you do /gs, IF that is a simple thing which I expect it is not

We also probably need a "standard" syntax for the talents as some are listed as 123321, others as 1,2,3,3,2,1 and they do make a difference in readability. If authors could write them more like 1,2,3,x,x,3 where the x's are NOT required talents for the macro it would be a quality of life improvement and allow people to choose their own movement/cc talents etc not used by the macro.

It would also be nice if people included the intended usage of the macro in the helptxt section, ie leveling / grinding/ dungeons or raiding etc, just to make it simpler for people to pick a macro from the ones listed via /gs. This is more important now with the macro packs as people might not be able to read all the notes from a website that actually explain things better unless authors code in excluded text with all the relevant notes and even then if it comes in a pack many will never even see it to be honest.

This might be not be possible but if it is, having the ability to pick a macro then have the option for gs set the talents required for you in game would be amazing! Perhaps easier done in a rest area as no item would also be required. I often have multiple macro's for the same spec separated for solo / raid and if the talents are different it can be bad

Do you know how to properly use spells with a ' in them such as the mage's Dragon's Breath spell work in gs? As an example '/cast Dragon's Breath', will not work as the ' in Dragon's cuts off the *s Breath',* part. It is easy to see the problem using Notepad++ as the first part would be grey and the end is black. Having that it in a macro will prevent /gs from working right, no chat text for talents etc, no macro populated in the macro window though it does open the macro window still!

Thank you very much for all the improvements!
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Unread 07-23-16, 05:51 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally Posted by Hanslov
Originally Posted by TimothyLuke
Originally Posted by Hanslov
How do I use this addon?
Were do I place the file?
You Need GS-E first. THen you extract this to the same addons folder. From there in a text editor you can save your macros from the Sequence Editor into the files of this addon. Do a /console reloadui and your macros will be ready to use.
Just to clear (still a little confused). The place to save it (for me) should be here: H:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\interface\addons.



Thanks for all help.
You need these:
H:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\interface\addons\GS-Core
H:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\interface\addons\GS-DraikMacros
H:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\interface\addons\GS-SequenceEditor
H:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\interface\addons\GS-myMacros

You dont need GnomeSequencer.
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Last edited by TimothyLuke : 07-23-16 at 05:52 AM.
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Unread 07-23-16, 05:49 AM  
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Re: myMacros potential issues

Originally Posted by Starsilver
Hello, firstly Thank you for all the work on this great mod!

If you are like me and are using the myMacros addon, AND tried to copy the macro's from the GS-DraikMacros to the myMacro's folder in order to have a baseline to fiddle with / edit like I did, you may have the same problems I did. Or if you copy/paste a macro with the same name as comes with the DraikMacros folder into your myMacros folder that came from a website such as wowlazymacros.

If BOTH addons are enabled then when you type /gs in game and press enter the macro window does not open to populate the new macro into (*see notes below). Also you will get duplicate lines in your chat window as both addons are sending you the notes (minor issue).

Potentially a major issue if you have both running and working right at the same time and had duplicate macro names in both, but different code in the macros, I do not know what would happen for sure but it might run the one you did not want if one over rides the other. Or if is identically coded they both run simultaneously with no noticeable issues. Or they are differently coded and run simultaneously and may or may not spontaneously open a portal to a hell dimension as a result of this abomination.

The above MAY be solved by disabling the DraikMacros ingame. Optionaly disable myMacros, just be sure to use one or the other IF you might have the same macro names in a lua file in both.

1* Note with a fresh install of GS-E ONLY, no myMacros or my own sequences.lua file in the GS-Core folder when I type /gs in game and press enter the help text shows up (with talents etc) in chat but the macro window never opens nor populates with the built in macros from the DraikMacros folder when DraikMacros is also enabled .

2* Without myMacros folder present and enabled the only way it works properly is to put my own sequnces.lua in the GS-Core folder, otherwise it behaves as below.

3* Also the /gs text remains in the chat window in game and does not go away like it does when it is working right where it should open the macro editor then vanish from the text edit window. So I suspect there is something wonky in the DraikMacros folder as I never could get that to work in either 1.0.x or 1.0.3.

PS: If everyone could stop using /startattack in ALL CASTER (melee and hunter is fine) macro's that would be GREAT. Those of us using a wand especially do not want to be using it to auto attack when we should be casting. The animations go crazy in this situation (spastic wanding) and wanding might lower dps. Easy to miss for casters using other weapons unless they get into melee range and then it is possible they just do not notice the melee swings.

Sorry for the long post,
Thank you again and have a great day!
Ok the Long and the short of it.

- A lot of fixes in 1.0.4

- Dont copy the sequences from DraiksMacros total into myMacros. You mentioned the duplicates but its a case of you dont know which macro you are actually running. You could be running the myMacros one and then are looking at the Draiks ones to sort the problem Use myMacros for the ones you have edited or changed. What I imaging most people doing is starteding with DraiksMacros and then moving on and disabling or ignoring it.

If you are going to do a copy/paste from Draiks to myMacros, do a find replace on DB_ to something else to avoid the confusion.

At the bare minimum you need GS-Core and sequences either in a or multiple seperate sequence addons (GS-DraikMacros, GS-HighPerformanceMacros (Coming Soon), GS-myMacros etc) or editing the sequences.lua file

The downside to editing the sequences.lua file directly in GS-Core is that wowinterface updater (minion) and CurseClient dont handle the local changes the best and can at some times wipe it out if you use that.
BattleNet: TimothyLuke#1860
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Last edited by TimothyLuke : 07-23-16 at 05:50 AM.
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Unread 07-22-16, 02:46 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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myMacros potential issues

Hello, firstly Thank you for all the work on this great mod!

If you are like me and are using the myMacros addon, AND tried to copy the macro's from the GS-DraikMacros to the myMacro's folder in order to have a baseline to fiddle with / edit like I did, you may have the same problems I did. Or if you copy/paste a macro with the same name as comes with the DraikMacros folder into your myMacros folder that came from a website such as wowlazymacros.

If BOTH addons are enabled then when you type /gs in game and press enter the macro window does not open to populate the new macro into (*see notes below). Also you will get duplicate lines in your chat window as both addons are sending you the notes (minor issue).

Potentially a major issue if you have both running and working right at the same time and had duplicate macro names in both, but different code in the macros, I do not know what would happen for sure but it might run the one you did not want if one over rides the other. Or if is identically coded they both run simultaneously with no noticeable issues. Or they are differently coded and run simultaneously and may or may not spontaneously open a portal to a hell dimension as a result of this abomination.

The above MAY be solved by disabling the DraikMacros ingame. Optionaly disable myMacros, just be sure to use one or the other IF you might have the same macro names in a lua file in both.

1* Note with a fresh install of GS-E ONLY, no myMacros or my own sequences.lua file in the GS-Core folder when I type /gs in game and press enter the help text shows up (with talents etc) in chat but the macro window never opens nor populates with the built in macros from the DraikMacros folder when DraikMacros is also enabled .

2* Without myMacros folder present and enabled the only way it works properly is to put my own sequnces.lua in the GS-Core folder, otherwise it behaves as below.

3* Also the /gs text remains in the chat window in game and does not go away like it does when it is working right where it should open the macro editor then vanish from the text edit window. So I suspect there is something wonky in the DraikMacros folder as I never could get that to work in either 1.0.x or 1.0.3.

PS: If everyone could stop using /startattack in ALL CASTER (melee and hunter is fine) macro's that would be GREAT. Those of us using a wand especially do not want to be using it to auto attack when we should be casting. The animations go crazy in this situation (spastic wanding) and wanding might lower dps. Easy to miss for casters using other weapons unless they get into melee range and then it is possible they just do not notice the melee swings.

Sorry for the long post,
Thank you again and have a great day!
Last edited by Starsilver : 07-22-16 at 09:13 PM.
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Unread 07-22-16, 02:31 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally Posted by TimothyLuke
Originally Posted by Hanslov
How do I use this addon?
Were do I place the file?
You Need GS-E first. THen you extract this to the same addons folder. From there in a text editor you can save your macros from the Sequence Editor into the files of this addon. Do a /console reloadui and your macros will be ready to use.
Just to clear (still a little confused). The place to save it (for me) should be here: H:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\interface\addons.



Thanks for all help.
Last edited by Hanslov : 07-22-16 at 02:43 AM.
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Unread 07-21-16, 06:09 PM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally Posted by Hanslov
How do I use this addon?
Were do I place the file?
You Need GS-E first. THen you extract this to the same addons folder. From there in a text editor you can save your macros from the Sequence Editor into the files of this addon. Do a /console reloadui and your macros will be ready to use.
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Unread 07-21-16, 09:36 AM  
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How do I use this addon?
Were do I place the file?
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Unread 07-20-16, 07:06 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Thanks for doing this. i tried to made my own addon pack yesterday, but wasn't able to get it to work.
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