Updated: 11-20-14 01:40 AM
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Warlords of Draenor (6.0.3)
Warlords of Draenor Pre-Patch (6.0.2)
Updated:11-20-14 01:40 AM
Created:09-10-14 08:57 PM
Categories:Tank, Paladin

CLCProt for WoW Warlords of Draenor 6.0  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

by: adeya [More]

November 20, 2014

Version is the last update which the author expects to make because personal circumstances now require an indefinite halt to playing WoW.

The only change in this update is to reactivate the keybinding feature for switching rotations, which is still disfunctional unless and until Blizzard repairs whatever happened to TOGGLEROTATION during WoD development. If they fix it, then it should work.

Note that no actions have been implemented for any "perks," such as the Empowered Hammer of Wrath, which the paladin receives while leveling to 100, and none for the Empowered Seals talent. Anyone who has the interest, knowledge, skill, and the time to make the effort is welcome to become the maintainer of CLCProt. Adding actions for these WoD features is probably not especially difficult, but pay particular attention to the method used to validate actions which require a specific talent or glyph to be active.

Be that as it is, many flaws yet remain from the Warlords of Draenor pre-patch. Whether they affect CLCProt in particular is often unclear. Of course, CLCProt cannot remedy deficiencies and bugs in the Blizzard game software.
--- Adeya

CLCProt for WoW Warlords of Draenor 6.0
is a Paladin raid tool for Protection spec that is useful for tanking dungeons, too.

CLCProt helps the player execute the paladin's "rotation". The rotation which you specify consists of a sequence of abilities ("actions") in an order of priority for their use.

CLCProt simply informs you of the action that has the highest priority which is currently usable and satisfies the conditions -- if there are any -- to use it, such as whether a required amount of Holy Power is available.

CLCProt is designed for flexibility and adaptibility. Its options and configuration settings facilitate optimal use of the paladin's skills, buffs, and armor tier set bonuses.

Also, you may create "aura buttons" for skills, items, and buffs that disclose their status. Since you specify their size and location onscreen, you can create a layout which you want for a set of aura buttons that you want to see. (Although they are called "buttons" they only display information.)

Save option choices, configuration settings, and aura button layouts in profiles that you can restore.

CLCProt is compatible with its counterpart for Retribution spec, CLCRet. The WoW game client will load both, but CLCProt does not execute unless Protection is the paladin's active spec. You may change the spec from Protection to Retribution or vice-versa without disabling either of the two addons. CLCProt is also compatible with some custom user interfaces such as Elv UI.

This addon package includes a file named


in the folder CLCProt.

Please be sure to read it before you use the addon!

nil carborundum illegitimi

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Unread 01-27-15, 10:53 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: Glyph of the Consecrator

Originally Posted by apozira

I tried your amazing addon just now on my level 82 prot paladin. I'm using the Glyph of the Consecrator and that seems to break CLCProt's ability to know when consecration is on cooldown.
Without the glyph it works just fine.

Don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is a bug you should know about.

Here is a screenshot where you can see the cooldown on consecration on action bar and right above it is the recommendation from CLCProt.

I fix that problem (Glyph of Consecrator).
If you want to fix it too, You have to follow this steps:
1º Open \World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\CLCProt\clcprot.lua using a text editor.
2º Move to line number 44 and add this new line

3º Move to line 515 and add this new lines:

4º Move to line 799 and add this new line:

I did this and Its working fine for my.
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Unread 11-20-14, 02:05 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Re: Glyph of the Consecrator

As stated on the main screen, I will not be playing Warlords of Draenor for the forseeable future, if ever. Since I will not have the expansion installed and its features available to me, it will not be feasible to maintain CLCProt. I sincerely hope that someone who has the interest, knowledge and skill can be found to continue my work, but I am not personally acquainted with another player who could do it.

The complete source code for CLCProt as it exists on my computer is in version It has numerous comments as well as many statements and a couple of features that are specifically useful for debugging -- which is a significant task without a Lua debugger that will step-over the API functions that are used to get data from the game client and server. (If you know anything about the WoW Ace 3 library file debugging features, then you know more than I do.) If these two previous remarks are mostly meaningless to you, then you have a lot to learn if you want to assume responsibility for maintaining CLCProt (no offense intended). Start with the WoWAce website.

Thank all of you for using CLCProt. I am well aware that downloading and installing it, learning how to use its features, and configuring its settings and options requires a significant amount of time and effort. That is one reason that I wrote the You Must Read Me file -- no such document existed previously. My first experience was with CLCRet, which I had to learn how to use by trial-and-error figure-it-out-yourself, and by asking a few intelligent questions on Elitist Jerks and similar forums where players were acquainted with it. Nor did the extant versions of CLCProt have any instructions or documentation. That is the way that it tends to be for game addons.

So I depart by recommending the Maintankadin forum hosted by Theck, the well-known "bringer of numbers and headaches". Their Tanking 101 section is excellent. :-) They cannot, however, offer any instructions or advice for using CLCProt.


--- Adeya
Last edited by adeya : 11-20-14 at 02:29 AM.
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Unread 11-19-14, 11:46 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Glyph of the Consecrator


I tried your amazing addon just now on my level 82 prot paladin. I'm using the Glyph of the Consecrator and that seems to break CLCProt's ability to know when consecration is on cooldown.
Without the glyph it works just fine.

Don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is a bug you should know about.

Here is a screenshot where you can see the cooldown on consecration on action bar and right above it is the recommendation from CLCProt.
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Unread 11-04-14, 08:18 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Just knowing the options are on your to do list is excellent news. Looking forward to future updates.
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Unread 11-04-14, 05:31 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Alandra645
Thanks Adeya for all of your hard work on updating this addon. ...

To consolidate my keybinds I have macroed a single target priority command and AoE priority command into Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous respectively, but using these macros makes my chat window rather spammy during combat. If at all possible could you add an option to disable the addon from reporting priority changes to the chat window?
Yes, I have been thinking of adding such an option. If you use a keybind and switch frequently between the "normal priority" and the "alternate priority", the output can indeed become a bit much on the Chat Window General Tab.

Also, when a player uses macros, as we do, to change the normal action priority sequence (or the alternate one), then CLCProt must update its "working" sequence before it proceeds with the next rotation. When the update is complete, it sends a message to the chat window General tab to disclose the actions in the sequence that it will actually follow.

So, I can offer an option to disenable / enable sending the message.

Secondly, an option to place Avengers Shield glyphed with Focused Shield seperately in a rotation to avoid having to adjust the priority sequence when changing glyphs would be helpful. Often the priority for a Focused Shield AS moves up in single target priority and down in Multi Target priority. Something along the lines of "ASFS" for a normal Avengers shield glyphed with focused shield and "ASFSGC" for Avengers Shield glyphed with Focused Shield and a Grand Crusader proc active.
Okay, those sound useful and interesting, and I can implement them.

That said, I probably will not have time to add either the message toggle or the two actions until after the WoD launch on November 13.

My first priority, in the meantime, is to resolve another issue: detecting whether a global cooldown has been triggered and determining the time that it will expire. This was easy with the Global Cooldown spell (id 61304) but that feature is no longer functioning, and I have no idea whether Blizzard will restore it. If they do, it will probably be done shortly after I develop the other method. .....

Again, thank you for all of the hard work you have put into updating and maintaining this great addon.
You are welcome. And I must admit, it has required much more time and effort than I ever realized when I first set out to find out why I could not use the Holy Prism talent spell with WoW 5.4. .....

--- Adeya

nil carborundum illegitimmi
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Unread 11-02-14, 08:03 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thanks Adeya for all of your hard work on updating this addon. I recently returned from a year long break from WoW and it is good to see a current version of CLCProt with so many options available. I spent most of MoP clumsily trying to jury rig an older version with little to no experience in lua programming.

I realize most of your work right now is focused on getting the addon functioning for lv100 and working through the problems created by the 6.0 patch, but i have a couple of suggestions for when you have the time to work them in.

To consolidate my keybinds I have macroed a single target priority command and AoE priority command into Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous respectively, but using these macros makes my chat window rather spammy during combat. If at all possible could you add an option to disable the addon from reporting priority changes to the chat window?

Secondly, an option to place Avengers Shield glyphed with Focused Shield seperatly in a rotation to avoid having to adjust the priority sequence when changing glyphs would be helpful. Often the priority for a Focused Shield AS moves up in single target priority and down in Multi Target priority. Something along the lines of "ASFS" for a normal Avengers shield glyphed with focused shield and "ASFSGC" for Avengers Shield glyphed with Focused Shield and a Grand Crusader proc active.

Again, thank you for all of the hard work you have put into updating and maintaining this great addon.
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Unread 11-01-14, 01:29 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally Posted by Oggami
Thanks for the update Adeya,

Tested it yesterday and look's very solid ill try to make a full report on the next raid reset.

Best Regards
You're welcome. Please update with the most recent release of CLCProt (v. beta). I have not tested it in combat yet, just against target dummies. If you have any feedback about using WoG, please let me know whether you are using the default method or the alternative method.

-- Adeya
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Unread 10-31-14, 06:32 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Thanks for the update Adeya,

Tested it yesterday and look's very solid ill try to make a full report on the next raid reset.

Best Regards
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Unread 10-21-14, 02:18 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Your work to re-release this addon is greatly appreciated. I didn't realize how used to using the addon I became until it was taken away and I have so many more things to pay attention to now. If you need anything at all during your work on this addon, please let me know.

Thanks again,
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Unread 10-20-14, 09:50 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hello Adeya,

If you need an "Alpha Tester" just let me know i'm more than welcome to help.

Once again keep up the good work.

Best Regards
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Unread 10-20-14, 01:51 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Thank-you very much for your encouragement!! I appreciate it.

The main thing remaining for me to re-code is the use of Eternal Flame and Word of Glory for healing. That is complex and it will take a while to do. But I also need to "alpha test" the work that I've done so far. Doing that usually shows at least one bug which I need to remedy. And I cannot ignore performance issues, either.

But there are still problems that arise from the bugs in Blizzard's software which they need to fix and, in some case, absolutely must fix. Until they do, attempting to use CLCProt to tank would be an exercise in frustration and futility.

Part of this work is learning the changes to addon programming that Blizzard has also made, and I am still learning them. So it is all a work in progress.

--- Adeya

nil carborundum illegitimi
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Unread 10-17-14, 08:28 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hello Adeya,

Thank you very much for the update on the status of the addon. It's sad that we are not able to use clcprot will wait for better news.

Keep up the good work.

Best Regards
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