Updated: 11-28-22 04:54 PM
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Dragonflight (10.0.2)
Updated:11-28-22 04:54 PM
Created:03-24-12 12:33 PM
Categories:Mounts & Pets, Character Advancement, Data Broker, ToolTip

Collect Me  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 2.12
by: Jim-Bim [More]

Collect Me keeps track of your mounts, companions, titles, toys and followers in the game and can show you what mounts, companions, titles and toys you're missing with additional information on where to get them. It can also summon companions and mounts randomly from a user defined list.

Basic Features
* Ignore List
* Filters
* Zonebased filtering for mounts, companions, toys and followers
* LDB Plugin for missing companions, mounts, toys and followers in current zone
* Source-information
* 3D model previews
* Tooltip on wild battle pets for missing companions
* Chat messages in pet battles for missing, higher quality and level companions
* User- and Zone-defined random mount-summoning
* Userdefinded random pet-summoning
* Auto-summoning of companions when moving
* Keybinding Support
* WowAce profile support

Collect Me creates two macros for mount and companion summoning. All other features and settings can be accessed on the main window.

* CollectMeRC
* Left-Click: Summons a random companion
* Right-Click: Dismisses the current companion
* CollectMeRM
* You can configure the behavior of this macro in the Random Mount Tab
* If the macros are not created or updated accordingly you can try to run /cm macro to create them

Slash Commands
* /collectme or /cm will bring up the main window
* /cm randomcompanion or /cm rc will summon a random companion bases on your defined set
* /cm randommount or /cm rm will summon a random companion bases on your defined set
* /cm options will open the profile settings
* /cm macro will create or update the macro
* You can also use the "Collect Me" button in the Blizzard Mount Tab to open the addon

The Main Window
When you start the Main Window the add-on will automatically build a mount, companion, title list based on your faction, class. By hovering over a mount or title with the mouse you will receive additional information on where to get it in a tooltip.

Ignore List
You can add an item to the ignore list by Ctrl + right-clicking on them, if for any reason you don't want them or you have no way of obtaining them.

In addition to the Ignore List, you can add pre-configured filters. Those filters will hide mounts, titles and companions from the missing list. This will allow you to keep the list small to bring in some general survey. By combining the filters and the ignore list you should have a good compromise of speed and detail.

Random summoning
The add-on can summon a random companion or mount by using the macros the addon creates.

You can define a set of mounts and companions from which CollectMe will choose randomly in the "Random Companion" and "Random Mount" Tab.

Zone priorities for mounts
Collect Me tries to autodetect wich mount would be best for the current zone (example vashj'r, non flyable zones) and build the pool based on this suggestion and your defined mounts and than randomly choose one. Let's take a look to AQ40 for an example. You have 2 Qiraj mounts and 10 normal ground mounts and you are in AQ40.
Both Qiraj mounts are not added to the set for auto summoning. In this case Collect Me would summon a random ground mount. If one Qiraj mount would be enabled in your set Collect Me would always take the Qiraj mount. If both Qiraj mounts would be enabled, Collect Me would randomly choose between those two mounts.
Zone Mounts always weigh stronger than non zone mounts. Currently you can not influence that, but in a future release some options may be added.

3D Model Preview
* By left-clicking on a mount or companion in the main window you can bring up a window with a 3d preview of the mount.
* By Ctrl + left-clicking on a mount or companion in chat you can view a 3d preview of it.

Reporting issues and feature requests
* If you have a feature request of a bug you can open a ticket on github
* For general questions you can use the comments.

Translation and help with that
* Collect Me only comes in english and partial german but fully supports WowAce as translation library.
* If you want to help and submit translations in your language you can do so by using GitHub or if you aren't familiar with GitHub you can send an email.

Additional Information
* If you have anything the add-on doesn't have in its database, you will receive a message in your chat frame. Please leave a comment or a ticket on the addon page if this is the case.


## 2.12
* Updated TOC for Patch 10.0
* Fixed Heirloom issue (Dragonflight)
* Fixed FrameSize issue (Dragonflight)
* Updated included Libs to current versions

## 2.11
* Updated TOC for Patch 9.0
* Fixed Backdrop issue (Shadowlands)
* Updated included Libs to current versions

## 2.10.2
* Updated included Libs to current versions
* Updated all databases for BfA 8.2

## 2.10.1
* Updated all databases for BfA

## 2.10
* Updated TOC for Patch 8.0
* Fixed several API changes for BfA
* Updated included Libs to current versions
* Added toy expansion filters and fixed nil errors
* Removed unavailable titles from TitleData DB

## 2.9.6
* Added new zone information to pets, mounts and toys
* Updated map zone handling (ArkInventory problem)
* Fixed search functionality for toys
* Fixed player name placement in titles

## 2.9.5
* Added new zone information to pets, mounts and toys
* Added new titles and updated some old ones
* Fixed companion/mount model preview functionality

## 2.9.4
* Updated TOC for Patch 7.3
* Fixed PlaySound lua errors
* Updated libs to current version
* New database entries are coming in the next update

## 2.9.3
* Updated TOC for Patch 7.2
* Fixed CollectMe button placement for ToyBox frame

## 2.9.2
* Updated information for Brewfest toys and companions
* Updated displayed texts when mounting is not available
* Fixed rare issue of incomplete collected mount list

## 2.9.1
* Added option to show player name in random title list
* Added nil check to prevent heirloom lua errors
* Fixed mount list sorting and color favorites

## 2.9
* Added new heirloom tab with filters/ignore list
* Added new random title list/macro/key binding
* Added X button to quickly reset search box text
* Added missing zones to pets, mounts and toys
* Added workaround for false flying area zones
* Updated random summoning to better handle special mounts

## 2.8.3
* Added new zone information to pets, mounts and toys
* Fixed options didn't open CM category on first try

## 2.8.2
* Added Traditional Chinese (zhTW) localization
* Added the new Legion zones to the zone database
* Fixed chat reminder if no random mounts are set
* Fixed list refreshing after learning new mounts
* Updated drop information for Kor'kron Juggernaut

## 2.8.1
* Added new Legion titles
* Added zones to companions, followers, mounts
* Fixed Legion API calls with new mount_ids
* Fixed companion/toy filter checkboxes
* Fixed Ctrl + click on mount links in chat
* Fixed false link generation for companions

## 2.8
* First update for 7.0
* Fixed various API calls
* Updated included Libs

## 2.7.4
* Update for 6.2.2 Flying

## 2.7.3
* Update for 6.2
* Added 6.2 Mounts, Companions and Title data

## 2.7.2
* Fixed hiding of tooltips not owned by Collect Me (eg MasterPlan)

## 2.7.1
* Added 6.1 titles
* Fixed lots of data regarding mounts and companions
* Fixed Collect Me button not shown in Blizzard pet and mount journal
* Added Collect Me button in toy box
* Fixed toy filters not reacting in some cases
* Fixed title progress bar (thanks Tomaz82)
* Fixed missing followers list not being sorted properly
* Fixed ldb display not recognizing collected followers
* Added model preview for followers

## 2.7
* Added support for followers
* Added support for wod mounts (more filters will be implemented soon)
* Updated for patch 6.1
* Improved performance when crossing zone borders
* Fixed chat links
* Fixed random mount in flyable areas

## 2.6.2
* Fixed ground/flying mounts for Draenor zones
* Fixed collected information in companion tooltips

## 2.6.1
* Fixed LDB display not updating when learning a new toy
* Added Warlords of Draenor titles
* Fixed sort and progress bar in title list
* Fixed collected information in companion tooltips

## 2.6
* Added full support for toys
* Added hide ignore option to companions
* Minor performance improvements when switching zones
* Added new Warlord of Draenor zones

## 2.5.3
* Added new group auto summon options
* Added new type auto summon options
* Tweaked pvp auto summon option
* Fixed summon issue with old pet ids

## 2.5.2
* Added of the Black Harvest title
* Fixed auto pet summoning
* Fixed current zone filter

## 2.5.1
* Added of the Iron Vanguard title
* Added Legend of Pandaria title
* Fixed pet batch check in search mode
* Fixed random mount macro issues

## 2.5
* Updated TOC for Patch 6.0
* Updated libs to current version
* Tweaked batch check in search mode
* Added Warlord's Deathwheel
* Fixed API to list mounts again
* Fixed recognition of known titles

## 2.4.13
* Add multiple missing titles

## 2.4.12
* Add Warforged Nightmare
* Fix Nostance option

## 2.4.11
* Update mount data

## 2.4.10
* Add Dread Raven
* Updated No Data Text in LDB Display

## 2.4.9
* Fixed Data Broker Config for collected companions

## 2.4.8
* Added Iron Skyreaver (Mount)
* Added Emerald Hippogryph (Mount)

## 2.4.7
* NEW: Levelchecks in Pet Battles
* New options for Pet Battles
* Possible fix for tooltip 'Missing Companion' problem
* Added Palomino (Mount)
* Fixed info to Hearthsteed (Mount)
* Added info for Enchanted Fey Dragon (Mount)

## 2.4.6
* Fix Typo in Config.lua, thx Cidrei
* Fix LDB Display when player isn't in any zone

## 2.4.5
* New: Macro Options
* Improved Random Mount Macro to ignore Moonkin (thx Zenzara)
* Fixed PetTracker Button Collision in PetJournal
* Added info for Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent (Mount)

## 2.4.4
* Fixed keybindings
* Added 5.4 mounts, titles, and companions
* Added display id for Armored Bloodwing (Mount)
* Added Clutch of Ji-Kun (Mount)
* Added additional info for some 5.2 mounts

## 2.4.3
* IMPORTANT: Updated Macros, if you use own macros please update them to slash commands instead of /script...
* Some minor performance improvements on loading zone list
* Updated addon loading to hopefully avoid some unreproducable nil errors
* Updated some obtainable zone info for mounts
* Added Ancient Frostsaber (Mount)
* Fixed info to Onyx Cloud Serpent (Mount)

## 2.4.2
* Fixed LDB not considering companion ignore list
* Added drop chances to info for all pre MoP mounts.
* Removed BoP, BoA tags from all mounts (BoE tag will be kept)
* Updated Grand War Mammoth info (Mount)
* Fixed Subdued Seahorse being zone restricted
* Fixed info for Crimson Pandaren Phoenix Serpent (Mount)
* Fixed info for Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent (Mount)
* Fixed info for Crimson Cloud Serpent (Mount)
* Fixed info for Heavenly Crimson Cloud (Mount)
* Fixed Crimson Primal Direhorn to be Horde only
* Fixed Golden Primal Direhorn to be Alliance only
* Fixed some grammar in several lines of info

# 2.4.1
* Added Armored Bloodwing (Mount)
* Fixed Flametalon of Alysrazor being marked as a Flying mount

# 2.4
* Added zone based filtering of mounts with LDB support
* New Options Menu
* Options to configure LDB text and tooltip
* Added 5.3 mounts and titles

## 2.3.5
* Keybinding Support
* Fixed certain JC Panther mounts were not marked as flying
* Fixed unknown method of obtaining filters for ground mounts

## 2.3.4
* Added missing 5.2 mounts
* Improved zone filtering for better results

## 2.3.3
* Fixed several 5.2 ground mounts marked as flying mounts

## 2.3.2
* Fixed performance issues on tabs using the zone dropdown list
* Added several 5.2 mounts, zones and titles
* Fixed info for Swift Windsteed (Mount)
* Fixed info for Albino Riding Crane (Mount)
* Fixed info for Crimson Riding Crane (Mount)
* Fixed info for several Water Strider mounts (Mount)
* Added filters for unknown method of obtaining Yaks, Clound Serpents, Water Striders, Riding Cranes (Mount)
* Removed [BoE] tags from Tailoring mounts (Mount)
* Fixed duplicate LICENSE.TXT in zip

## 2.3.1
* Added Swift Windsteed
* Fixed zone filtering in AQ40
* Shorten LDB Text

## 2.3
* Added a textbox for searching through all lists
* Added zone based filtering of missing companions (titles and mounts may follow in a future release) - data provided by Nullberri of PetJournalEnhanced
* Added LDB plugin for missing companions in current zone (a broker display addon is needed to use this feature)

# 2.2.4
* Fixed capture notice on npc battles
* Added 5.1 titles

## 2.2.3
* Improved performance

## 2.2.2
* Fixed CollectMe Buttons in Pet- and MountJournal
* Added 5.1 Mounts and Teal Kodo

## 2.2.1
* Fixed 5.1 bugs
* NOTE: With 5.1 petids were changed with guids so you're random summon list has to be configured from start

## 2.2
* Tooltips of wild battle pets now have information if this companion is missing in your collection
* While in pet battles, chat messages will inform you if the enemy pet is missing from your collection or if it has a higher quality than the same companion of your collection
* The random companion tab now shows the level and the quality of your companions
* Fixed several issues with Summon/Dismiss Companion

## 2.1.2
* Fixed several issues which caused the display of an empty missing or summon random companion list
* Fixed an issue which caused autosummon on moving to consider only not captured pets
* Fixed Mount Great Purple Dragon Turtle

## 2.1.1
* Added info for the engineering profession mounts.
* Added some missing info for certain mounts.
* Added drop chance percentages to info for certain mounts.
* Fixed an issue with mount priorities message while in combat

## 2.1
* Added back the ability to manage and track what companions you're missing
* Added Mists of Pandaria titles
* Added Mists of Pandaria mounts
* Changed the amount of companions, mounts one can view on screen without scrolling
* Showing of last open tab after reopening the main window from a previous session

## 2.0.3
* Added White Stallion
* Fixed dual wield weapon preview bug
* Fixed a bug causing non druids to cancel their form as well (example Shadow Priests)
* Updated german translation

## 2.0.2
* Fixed a weapon preview bug
* Added Check/Uncheck all buttons
* Added /cancelform to the mount macro
* Fixed Swift Zehvra being tagged as a flying mount
* Fixed White Riding Camel

## 2.0.1
* Fixed DressingRoom only able to equip a single item
* Added options to configure the behavior of the mount macro
* Added command to update the macro
* Updated german translation

## 2.0
* Complete recode of the addon, with a new UI
* Removed companion list (replaced by Blizzard Pet Journal)
* Filters and options are now more easily accessible
* Random mount summoning (using a macro)
* Removed pet summoning button (replaced by a macro)
* Removed random summoning by priority - replaced random summoning of a list of chosen mounts/companions
* Added preview by using dressing room and display id's - no more cache
* Mounts linkable to chat
* Added translation support (English, German currently implemented)
* Added feature to ctrl+left click mounts, companions in chat to view their models
* Updated info for Recruit a Friend mounts (Mount)
* Added Obsidian Nightwing (Mount)
* Added Imperial Quilen (Mount)
* Added BoP, BoE and BoA tags to all mounts
* Added Filters for Titles.
* Added [SoEM] tags for mounts (Satchel of Exotic Mysteries)
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Unread 11-01-22, 07:30 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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The macros work for pet and mount but if you do /cm nothing happens. It shows in options ,emu but no way to get the UI to appear to add new mounts and pets. Has anyone picked up this addon and if not anyone know of a replacement that is as good?
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Unread 02-20-18, 01:05 PM  
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
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I get the following error when I enter the world of warcraft.
Uninstalled and reinstalled but the error remains.

610x CollectMe\DB\Toy-Toy.lua:46: table index is nil
CollectMe\DB\Toy-Toy.lua:46: in function `?'
...las\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:145: in function <...las\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:145>
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:4: in function <[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:4>
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:13: in function `?'
...las\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:90: in function `Fire'
AutoVendor\libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0-4.lua:120: in function <AutoVendor\libs\AceEvent-3.0\AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>

Better to fail then never have tried at all.
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Unread 05-31-13, 02:40 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Re: Re: Updated on Curse

Originally Posted by Barleduq
Originally Posted by excitor
Originally Posted by Barleduq
Updated to version 2.3.4 on April 5th on Curse.

Busy life I try not to forget WoWinterface but with lack of an update client on this site, less well known sadly it does not take priority. However I try to keep it up to date here as much as I can. Updated to 2.4 pending moderator approval.

Honestly, the reason I'm here is exactly because of the update client, at least on the download/install end. It doesn't play well with Linux, and I have enough problems getting wine to run wow that I don't need another program to make work with it.

If they give you a client to use to update to their site, yay for you! I do understand that WoW Interface is aimed at a slightly different audience. That's why I try to check on curse, periodically, at least for the addons I use, and post here if they've been updated there.

Regardless, thank you for your work in creating something so very useful!
Wasn't aware of the compatability issues with Curse, gives me a better reason to keep it updated here. 2.4.1 update here awaiting moderator approval.
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Unread 05-30-13, 04:59 PM  
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Re: Re: Updated on Curse

Originally Posted by excitor
Originally Posted by Barleduq
Updated to version 2.3.4 on April 5th on Curse.

Busy life I try not to forget WoWinterface but with lack of an update client on this site, less well known sadly it does not take priority. However I try to keep it up to date here as much as I can. Updated to 2.4 pending moderator approval.

Honestly, the reason I'm here is exactly because of the update client, at least on the download/install end. It doesn't play well with Linux, and I have enough problems getting wine to run wow that I don't need another program to make work with it.

If they give you a client to use to update to their site, yay for you! I do understand that WoW Interface is aimed at a slightly different audience. That's why I try to check on curse, periodically, at least for the addons I use, and post here if they've been updated there.

Regardless, thank you for your work in creating something so very useful!
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Unread 05-30-13, 01:00 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Updated on Curse

Originally Posted by Barleduq
Updated to version 2.3.4 on April 5th on Curse.

Busy life I try not to forget WoWinterface but with lack of an update client on this site, less well known sadly it does not take priority. However I try to keep it up to date here as much as I can. Updated to 2.4 pending moderator approval.
Last edited by excitor : 05-30-13 at 01:01 PM.
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Unread 04-09-13, 08:34 AM  
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Updated on Curse

Updated to version 2.3.4 on April 5th on Curse.

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Unread 03-14-13, 07:06 PM  
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Error when control-cicking to view somethign in the dressing room pane

Whenever I try to view something on me, I get this error. I do have another addon that replaces the dressing room; when I disable Collectme, I don't get this error.

Date: 2013-03-14 21:34:30
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\CollectMe\src\ModelPreview.lua line 11:
   attempt to index local 'link' (a number value)
   CollectMe\src\ModelPreview.lua:11: ?()
   (tail call): ?
   [C]: ContainerFrameItemButton_OnModifiedClick()
   [string "*:OnClick"]:10:
      [string "*:OnClick"]:1
self = <table> {
 SetDefaultModuleLibraries = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:383
 Enable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:315
 NewModule = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:256
 EnableModule = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:348
 modules = <table> {
 GetModule = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:231
 IterateEmbeds = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:458
 SecureHookScript = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:413
 defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
 RawHookScript = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:398
 GetName = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:300
 name = "CollectMe_ModelPreview"
 IsEnabled = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:467
 orderedModules = <table> {
 DisableModule = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:366
 HookScript = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:369
 IsHooked = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:496
 IsModule = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:238
 SetDefaultModulePrototype = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:425
 SetDefaultModuleState = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:403
 baseName = "CollectMe"
 PreviewCreature = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\src\ModelPreview.lua:31
 SetEnabledState = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:440
 Hook = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:277
 enabledState = true
 DressUpFrameResetButton = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\src\ModelPreview.lua:26
 DressUpItemLink = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\src\ModelPreview.lua:10
 OnInitialize = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\src\ModelPreview.lua:3
 hooks = <table> {
 display_creature = false
 SecureHook = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:339
 IterateModules = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:453
 UnhookAll = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:480
 RawHook = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:316
 Unhook = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:421
 moduleName = "ModelPreview"
 defaultModuleState = true
 Disable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:330
link = 8
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 8
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'link' (a number value)"

  Swatter, v4.2.0 (<%codename%>)
  WowheadLooter, v50008
  ACP, v3.4.2 
  AdvancedXPBar, v1.2
  Altoholic, v5.2.001
  Analyst, v1.2.0
  Archy, v1.8.40a
  AucAdvanced, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucFilterBasic, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucFilterOutlier, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucMatchUndercut, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucScanData, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatHistogram, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatiLevel, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatPurchased, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatSales, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucStatSimple, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatStdDev, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatWOWEcon, v5.15.5383.5323(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilAppraiser, v5.15.5383.5389(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilAskPrice, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilCompactUI, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilFixAH, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilScanButton, v5.15.5383.5320(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilScanFinish, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilScanProgress, v5.15.5383.4979(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilScanStart, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilSearchUI, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.15.5383.4828(5.15/embedded)
  AutoRepair, v
  Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
  BadBoy, v11.605
  BadBoyCCleaner, v3.64
  BadBoyHistory, v1.31
  BattlePetTabs, v1.1.5.1
  BeanCounter, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  BelowAverageItems, v1.07
  BetterBattlePetTooltip, v5.1.0.9
  BetterTooltips, vv1.4b
  CollectMe, v2.3.2
  Compass, v1.0.4
  Configator, v5.1.DEV.344(/embedded)
  CritterEmote, v1.7
  DarkmoonFaireQuestStatus, v1.1.2
  DataStore, v5.2.001
  DataStoreAchievements, v5.2.001
  DataStoreAgenda, v5.2.001
  DataStoreAuctions, v5.2.001
  DataStoreCharacters, v5.2.001
  DataStoreContainers, v5.2.001
  DataStoreCrafts, v5.2.001
  DataStoreCurrencies, v5.2.001
  DataStoreInventory, v5.2.001
  DataStoreMails, v5.2.001
  DataStorePets, v5.2.001
  DataStoreQuests, v5.2.001
  DataStoreReputations, v5.2.001
  DataStoreSpells, v5.2.001
  DataStoreStats, v5.2.001
  DataStoreTalents, v5.2.001
  DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
  DragEmAll, v1.0.3
  Dresser, v3.3
  Elephant, v3.3.1
  Engravings, v5.0.1.24
  Exonumist, v5.2.0.30
  FactionAddict, v1.10
  FBMergeDatabase, v1.2d
  FBOutfitDisplayFrame, v1.2i
  FBTrackingFrame, v1.2h
  FishingBuddy, v1.2k
  FlightMapEnhanced, v1.5.33
  Gatherer, v4.2.0
  GoblinVendorFilter, vv1.0.9
  Grail, v046
  GrailAchievements, v005
  GrailReputations, v004
  GuildRosterButtons, v3.3
  IgnoreMore, v1.1.1-40300
  InFlightLoad, v5.2.001
  Informant, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  KeepingTabs, v1.4.1
  LagBar, v3.2
  LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.342(/embedded)
  LightHeaded, v359
  MerchantFilterButtons, v1.5
  MetaMap, v5.2.3
  MetaMapBWP, v5.2.0
  MetaMapFWM, v5.2.0
  MetaMapNBK, v5.2.0
  MetaMapQST, v5.2.0
  MetaMapTRK, v5.2.0
  MetaMapWKB, v5.2.0
  PetLeash, v2.2.10
  Postal, v3.5.1
  RangeDisplay, vv4.0.0
  SilverDragon, vv3.0.4
  SimpleGold, v2.11
  SlideBar, v4.2.0 (<%codename%>)
  SpeedyGonzales, v1.7.1
  Stubby, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  SwindlerPreventer, v5.0.1 (15799) BETA
  TabardAddict, v2.16
  TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.343(/embedded)
  TomTom, vv50200-1.0.2-6d9489b
  TrackOMatic, v1.5.2
  WarcraftPetsExpress, v2.00b
  Wholly, v031
  ZoneAchievementTracker, v5.2.0.25
  BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.2.0.50200 <us>
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Unread 03-12-13, 12:09 PM  
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Updated over on Curse

3 days ago,
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Unread 02-22-13, 02:30 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Any chance we can get keybinding options instead of using actual macros?
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Unread 12-18-12, 06:50 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Re: Hate for teh first comment to be a bug report...

No worries, I'll take a look after some sleep tomorrow.

Originally Posted by Barleduq
Just installed this addon, and had this pop as I walked way from the mailbox:

Date: 2012-12-14 19:48:19
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua line 1013:
   attempt to call field 'GetSummonedPetID' (a nil value)
   (tail call): ?
   [C]: MoveForwardStart()
   [string "MOVEFORWARD"]:2:
      [string "MOVEFORWARD"]:1
self = <table> {
 TITLES = <table> {
 DismissPet = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:743
 IsInTable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:931
 modules = <table> {
 gametooltip_visible = false
 SecureHook = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:339
 CreateHeading = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:912
 BuildRandomPetList = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:323
 SetDefaultModulePrototype = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\AdvancedIconSelector\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:425
 ShowCheckButtons = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:264
 BuildRandomList = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:346
 AddTitle = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\DB\Title.lua:230
 SetProfession = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:180
 CreateItemRow = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:878
 CheckEnemyQuality = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:1075
 AddMount = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\DB\Mount.lua:424
 RegisterMessage = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118
 UnregisterMessage = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:181
 ItemRowClick = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:782
 item_list = <table> {
 BuildTitleDB = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\DB\Title.lua:6
 db = <table> {
 BuildMissingCompanionFilters = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:605
 BatchCheck = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:692
 SetEnabledState = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\AdvancedIconSelector\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:440
 Hook = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:277
 BuildFilters = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:592
 filter_db = <table> {
 BuildMountDB = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\DB\Mount.lua:11
 ItemRowEnter = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:834
 HandleMountMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:715
 GetMountInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:888
 OnInitialize = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:83
 NewModule = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\AdvancedIconSelector\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:256
 AddMissingRows = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:518
 CreateButton = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:269
 active_tab = 4
 GetName = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\AdvancedIconSelector\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:300
 name = "CollectMe"
 UpdateProfessions = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:169
 InitMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:193
 IsInEnemyTable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:1065
 Disable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\AdvancedIconSelector\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:330
 PrintProfessions = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:960
 Unhook = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:421
 Print = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\AdvancedIconSelector\Libs\AceConsole-3.0\AceConsole-3.0.lua:54
 known_mounts = <table> {
 BuildTab = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:278
 MOUNTS = <table> {
 ColorizeByQuality = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:1024
 BuildList = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:470
 MOUNT_SPELLS = <table> {
 tabs = <table> {
 IsFiltered = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:576
 UnregisterEvent = <function> def
  Swatter, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  ACP, v3.4.1 
  AdvancedIconSelector, v1.0.5
  AdvancedXPBar, v1.2
  Altoholic, v5.1.001
  AltoholicSummary, v5.1.001
  Analyst, v1.2.0
  Archy, v1.8.38a
  AucAdvanced, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucFilterBasic, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucFilterOutlier, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucMatchUndercut, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucScanData, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatHistogram, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatiLevel, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatPurchased, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatSales, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucStatSimple, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatStdDev, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatWOWEcon, v5.15.5383.5323(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilAppraiser, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilAskPrice, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilCompactUI, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilFixAH, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilScanButton, v5.15.5383.5320(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilScanFinish, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilScanProgress, v5.15.5383.4979(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilScanStart, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilSearchUI, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.15.5383.4828(5.15/embedded)
  AutoRepair, v
  Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
  BadBoy, v11.400
  BadBoyCCleaner, v3.62
  BattlePetTabs, v1.1.5
  BeanCounter, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  BelowAverageItems, v1.04
  BetterTooltips, vv1.2b
  CollectMe, v2.2
  Compass, v1.0.4
  Configator, v5.1.DEV.344(/embedded)
  CritterEmote, v1.6
  DailyTodos, v1.3a
  DarkmoonFaireQuestStatus, v1.1.2
  DataStore, v5.1.001
  DataStoreAchievements, v5.1.001
  DataStoreAgenda, v5.1.001
  DataStoreAuctions, v5.1.001
  DataStoreCharacters, v5.1.001
  DataStoreContainers, v5.1.001
  DataStoreCrafts, v5.1.001
  DataStoreCurrencies, v5.1.001
  DataStoreInventory, v5.1.001
  DataStoreMails, v5.1.001
  DataStorePets, v5.1.001
  DataStoreQuests, v5.1.001
  DataStoreReputations, v5.1.001
  DataStoreSpells, v5.1.001
  DataStoreStats, v5.1.001
  DataStoreTalents, v5.1.001
  DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
  DragEmAll, v1.0.3
  Dresser, v3.3
  Elephant, v3.1.4
  Engravings, v5.0.1.24
  Exonumist, v5.1.0.26
  FactionAddict, v1.09
  FishingBuddy, v1.2f
  FlightMapEnhanced, v1.5.33
  Gatherer, v4.1.0
  GnomishVendorShrinker, v5.0.1.15
  GoblinVendorFilter, vv1.0.9
  Grail, v043
  GrailAchievements, v005
  GrailReputations, v004
  GuildRosterButtons, v3.2
  IgnoreMore, v1.1.1-40300
  InFlightLoad, v5.1.002
  Informant, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  KeepingTabs, v1.4
  LagBar, v3.0
  LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.342(/embedded)
  LightHeaded, v356
  MerchantFilterButtons, v1.3
  MetaMap, v5.1.0.0
  MetaMapBWP, v5.0.4
  MetaMapFWM, v5.1.0
  MetaMapNBK, v5.0.4
  MetaMapQST, v5.0.4
  MetaMapTRK, v5.0.4
  MetaMapWKB, v5.0.4
  Postal, v3.5.0
  RangeDisplay, vv4.0.0
  SilverDragon, vv3.0.2
  SimpleGold, v2.10
  SlideBar, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  SpeedyGonzales, v1.7.1
  Stubby, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  SwindlerPreventer, v5.0.1 (15799) BETA
  TabardAddict, v2.14
  TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.343(/embedded)
  TomTom, vv50100-1.0.1
  TrackOMatic, v1.5.0
  WarcraftPetsExpress, v2.00b
  Wholly, v028
  ZoneAchievementTracker, v5.1.0.23
  BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.1.0.50100 <us>
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Unread 12-14-12, 06:58 PM  
Premium Member
Barleduq's Avatar
Premium Member

Forum posts: 135
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Hate for teh first comment to be a bug report...

Just installed this addon, and had this pop as I walked way from the mailbox:

Date: 2012-12-14 19:48:19
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua line 1013:
   attempt to call field 'GetSummonedPetID' (a nil value)
   (tail call): ?
   [C]: MoveForwardStart()
   [string "MOVEFORWARD"]:2:
      [string "MOVEFORWARD"]:1
self = <table> {
 TITLES = <table> {
 DismissPet = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:743
 IsInTable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:931
 modules = <table> {
 gametooltip_visible = false
 SecureHook = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:339
 CreateHeading = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:912
 BuildRandomPetList = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:323
 SetDefaultModulePrototype = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\AdvancedIconSelector\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:425
 ShowCheckButtons = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:264
 BuildRandomList = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:346
 AddTitle = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\DB\Title.lua:230
 SetProfession = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:180
 CreateItemRow = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:878
 CheckEnemyQuality = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:1075
 AddMount = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\DB\Mount.lua:424
 RegisterMessage = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118
 UnregisterMessage = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:181
 ItemRowClick = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:782
 item_list = <table> {
 BuildTitleDB = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\DB\Title.lua:6
 db = <table> {
 BuildMissingCompanionFilters = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:605
 BatchCheck = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:692
 SetEnabledState = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\AdvancedIconSelector\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:440
 Hook = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:277
 BuildFilters = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:592
 filter_db = <table> {
 BuildMountDB = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\DB\Mount.lua:11
 ItemRowEnter = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:834
 HandleMountMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:715
 GetMountInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:888
 OnInitialize = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:83
 NewModule = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\AdvancedIconSelector\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:256
 AddMissingRows = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:518
 CreateButton = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:269
 active_tab = 4
 GetName = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\AdvancedIconSelector\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:300
 name = "CollectMe"
 UpdateProfessions = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:169
 InitMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:193
 IsInEnemyTable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:1065
 Disable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\AdvancedIconSelector\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:330
 PrintProfessions = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:960
 Unhook = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\Analyst\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:421
 Print = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\AdvancedIconSelector\Libs\AceConsole-3.0\AceConsole-3.0.lua:54
 known_mounts = <table> {
 BuildTab = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:278
 MOUNTS = <table> {
 ColorizeByQuality = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:1024
 BuildList = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:470
 MOUNT_SPELLS = <table> {
 tabs = <table> {
 IsFiltered = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\CollectMe\CollectMe.lua:576
 UnregisterEvent = <function> def
  Swatter, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  ACP, v3.4.1 
  AdvancedIconSelector, v1.0.5
  AdvancedXPBar, v1.2
  Altoholic, v5.1.001
  AltoholicSummary, v5.1.001
  Analyst, v1.2.0
  Archy, v1.8.38a
  AucAdvanced, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucFilterBasic, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucFilterOutlier, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucMatchUndercut, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucScanData, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatHistogram, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatiLevel, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatPurchased, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatSales, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucStatSimple, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatStdDev, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucStatWOWEcon, v5.15.5383.5323(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilAppraiser, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilAskPrice, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilCompactUI, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilFixAH, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilScanButton, v5.15.5383.5320(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilScanFinish, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilScanProgress, v5.15.5383.4979(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilScanStart, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilSearchUI, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.15.5383.5381(5.15/embedded)
  AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.15.5383.4828(5.15/embedded)
  AutoRepair, v
  Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
  BadBoy, v11.400
  BadBoyCCleaner, v3.62
  BattlePetTabs, v1.1.5
  BeanCounter, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  BelowAverageItems, v1.04
  BetterTooltips, vv1.2b
  CollectMe, v2.2
  Compass, v1.0.4
  Configator, v5.1.DEV.344(/embedded)
  CritterEmote, v1.6
  DailyTodos, v1.3a
  DarkmoonFaireQuestStatus, v1.1.2
  DataStore, v5.1.001
  DataStoreAchievements, v5.1.001
  DataStoreAgenda, v5.1.001
  DataStoreAuctions, v5.1.001
  DataStoreCharacters, v5.1.001
  DataStoreContainers, v5.1.001
  DataStoreCrafts, v5.1.001
  DataStoreCurrencies, v5.1.001
  DataStoreInventory, v5.1.001
  DataStoreMails, v5.1.001
  DataStorePets, v5.1.001
  DataStoreQuests, v5.1.001
  DataStoreReputations, v5.1.001
  DataStoreSpells, v5.1.001
  DataStoreStats, v5.1.001
  DataStoreTalents, v5.1.001
  DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
  DragEmAll, v1.0.3
  Dresser, v3.3
  Elephant, v3.1.4
  Engravings, v5.0.1.24
  Exonumist, v5.1.0.26
  FactionAddict, v1.09
  FishingBuddy, v1.2f
  FlightMapEnhanced, v1.5.33
  Gatherer, v4.1.0
  GnomishVendorShrinker, v5.0.1.15
  GoblinVendorFilter, vv1.0.9
  Grail, v043
  GrailAchievements, v005
  GrailReputations, v004
  GuildRosterButtons, v3.2
  IgnoreMore, v1.1.1-40300
  InFlightLoad, v5.1.002
  Informant, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  KeepingTabs, v1.4
  LagBar, v3.0
  LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.342(/embedded)
  LightHeaded, v356
  MerchantFilterButtons, v1.3
  MetaMap, v5.1.0.0
  MetaMapBWP, v5.0.4
  MetaMapFWM, v5.1.0
  MetaMapNBK, v5.0.4
  MetaMapQST, v5.0.4
  MetaMapTRK, v5.0.4
  MetaMapWKB, v5.0.4
  Postal, v3.5.0
  RangeDisplay, vv4.0.0
  SilverDragon, vv3.0.2
  SimpleGold, v2.10
  SlideBar, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  SpeedyGonzales, v1.7.1
  Stubby, v5.15.5383 (LikeableLyrebird)
  SwindlerPreventer, v5.0.1 (15799) BETA
  TabardAddict, v2.14
  TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.343(/embedded)
  TomTom, vv50100-1.0.1
  TrackOMatic, v1.5.0
  WarcraftPetsExpress, v2.00b
  Wholly, v028
  ZoneAchievementTracker, v5.1.0.23
  BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.1.0.50100 <us>
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