Updated: 07-29-23 06:06 AM
Addon for:
File Info
Fractures in Time (10.1.5)
WotLK Patch (3.4.2)
Classic (1.14.3)
TBC Patch (2.5.4)
Updated:07-29-23 06:06 AM
Created:10-12-11 07:38 AM

Atlas Transportation  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: v1.52.04
by: arith, dubcat, Dynaletik

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About Atlas Transportation

This is an Atlas plug-in that display transportation' maps. You can browse the transportation nodes in each of the continent. In the past this plug-in was built-in with Atlas' core release. And right now we are splitting it out to be an individual addon so that you can decide whether to download it or not.

Before Installing

Note that in order to make this addon to work properly, you will still need to have a latest Atlas downloaded and installed.


Atlas is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

= Change Log =

v1.52.04 (Jul. 29, 2023)
- Toc update to support WoW 10.1.5 / 3.4.2

v1.52.02 (Mar. 20, 2023)
- Toc update to support WoW 10.0.7 / 3.4.1

v1.52.01 (Nov. 20, 2022)
- Toc update to support WoW 10.0.2
- Added Dragon Isles

v1.52.00 (Nov. 06, 2022)
- Toc update to support WoW 10.0.0

v1.51.08 (Sep. 04, 2022)
- Fixed Stormwind docks' destination info
- Foxed Ashran's portal destination info

v1.51.07 (Sep. 04, 2022)
- Map revamp: Retail Alliance's / Horde's Cosmos map
- Map fixed: Retail Horde East map, correction on some nodes

v1.51.06 (Aug. 30, 2022)
- Added WOLTKC maps' achievements
- Retail East / West maps revamp
- Fixed horde Kalimor map's routing path, remove path between Everlook and Orgrimmar; added below path:
- Everlook and Valormok
- Valormok and Thunder Bluff
- Alliance Nazjatar revision
- Fixed position of Wreck of the Old Blanchy
- Enhance the numbers's display so that it's more obserable
- Added Ashen Strand

v1.51.05 (Aug. 21, 2022)
- Fixed WORTKC's Ship / Zeppelin route path
- Fixed BCC Alliance sailing path, Auberdine's path should be to Menethil Harbor, not Stornwind City
- Pandaria map revamp

v1.51.04 (Aug. 20, 2022)
- Added support for WOLTKC 3.4.0

v1.51.03 (Aug. 17, 2022)
- Toc update to support WoW 9.2.7

v1.51.02 (Jul. 27, 2022)
- Updated quest ID to get taxi nodes in Zandalar for Alliance's faction

v1.51.01 (Jul. 26, 2022)
- Added taxi noodes in Zandalar for Alliance's faction:
- Deadwood Cove
- Veiled Grotto
- Mugamba Overlook
- Verdant Hollow
- Mistvine Ledge
- Grimwatt's Crash
- Vulture's Nest
- Shatterstone Harbor

v1.51.00 (Jul. 24, 2022)
- Retail ToC update to support WoW 9.2.5
- Classic ToC update to support WoW 1.14.3
- Added sailing rout to Alliance Kul Tiras map

v1.50.11 (May 12, 2022)
- Update Horde's Nazjatar map
- Added taxi node: The Tidal Conflux

v1.50.10 (Apr. 10, 2022)
- Added horde's taxi nodes in Kul Tiras introduced with Horde War Campaign
- Stonefist Watch
- Wolf's Den
- Windfall Cavern
- Hillcrest Pasture
- Stonetusk Watch
- Mudfisher Cove
- Swiftwind Post

v1.50.09 (Apr. 05, 2022)
- Added Horde's taxi node - Swiftwind Post in Drustvar

v1.50.08 (Mar. 29, 2022)
- Added cosmos maps for Classic and BCC
- Updated Horde East Map in Classic

v1.50.07 (Mar. 23, 2022)
- Correction on config's expression

v1.50.06 (Mar. 23, 2022)
- BCC ToC update to support WoW 2.5.4

v1.50.05 (Mar. 20, 2022)
- Horde Kul Tiras map update

v1.50.04 (Mar. 19, 2022)
- Added option toggling for Transportation maps, allowing you to show only your faction's taxi maps, or show all factions' maps.
- Horde Zandalar map update

v1.50.03 (Mar. 3, 2022)
- Fixed version info

v1.50.02 (Mar. 2, 2022)
- Fine-tuned taxi noeds in Northrend

v1.50.01 (Mar. 1, 2022)
- Maps revamp: Northrend

v1.50.00 (Feb. 23, 2022)
- Toc update to support WoW 9.2.0

v1.49.07 (Feb. 20, 2022)
- Added tzxi nodes' coordinates for Ardenweald, Bastion, Maldraxxus, Revendrethmaps
- Correct the taxi node name in Maldraxxus and added missing node of Renounced Bastille
- Branch data file into 3, each for specific WoW version.

v1.49.06 (Feb. 13, 2022)
- Updated Classic and BCC maps to add ship and Zeppelin's sailing path

v1.49.05 (Feb. 12, 2022)
- Added BCC's Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor mpas

v1.49.04 (Feb. 9, 2022)
- Support multiple ToC
- BCC ToC update to support WoW 2.5.3
- Classic ToC update to support WoW 1.14.2
- Fixed zone name issues in Classic Era and BCC that Tanaris Desert should be "Tanaris" only

v1.49.03 (Feb. 3, 2022)
- ToC update to support WoW 9.1.5

v1.49.02 (Jul. 01, 2021)
- Added Ardenweald, Bastion, Maldraxxus, Revendreth

v1.49.01 (Jun. 30, 2021)
- ToC update to support WoW 9.1.0
- Added Nazjatar which was missing from BfA

v1.49.00 (May 22, 2021)
- ToC update to support WoW 9.0.5
- Support WoW Classic Era and TBC

v1.48.00 (Oct. 18, 2020)
- ToC update to support WoW 9.0.1

v1.47.03 (Apr. 21, 2020)
- Eastern Kingdom map revamped

v1.47.02 (Jan. 30, 2020)
- Updated Daralan map's transportation destinations
- Updated Orgimar map's transportation destinations
- Updated Stormwind City map's transportation destinations

v1.47.01 (Jan. 23, 2020)
- Added BfA transportation maps

v1.47.00 (Jan. 20, 2020)
- ToC update to support WoW 8.3.0

v1.46.00 (Jan. 07, 2020)
- ToC update to support WoW 8.2.5
- Added Argus

v1.45.00 (Sep. 04, 2019)
- ToC update to support WoW 8.2.0

v1.44.01 (Dec. 18, 2018)
- ToC update to support WoW 8.1.0

v1.44.00 (Aug. 09, 2018)
- ToC update to support WoW 8.0.1
- MapID convert to uiMapID

v1.43.01 (Jan. 19, 2018)
- Fixed to support WoW 7.3.5
- Translation update:
- Korean (netaras)

v1.43.00 (Aug. 30, 2017)
- ToC update to support WoW 7.3.0

v1.42.00 (Jun. 29, 2017)
- Updated to support Atlas 1.42.00
- Translation update:
- Korean (netaras)

v1.40.00 (Apr. 06, 2017)
- Added portal information in Deliverance Point, Broken Shore

v1.39.02 (Mar. 30, 2017)
- Added Warrior's new jumping destination - Deliverance Point, Broken Shore

v1.39.01 (Mar. 28, 2017)
- Fixed node number for Windrunner's Sanctuary, Chamber of the Guardian,
Greyfang Enclave, and Portal to Dalaran in Broken Isles Maps
- Translation update:
- Simplified Chinese (ananhaid)

v1.39.00 (Mar. 27, 2017)
- Toc update to support WoW 7.2

v1.38.01 (Mar. 22, 2017)
- Updated Broken Isles maps for taxi nodes in the Broken Shore (7.2)
- Added Broken Isles' large map
- Added Surarma's large map

v1.38.00 (Mar. 16, 2017)
- Translation update:
- Korean (netaras)

v1.37.01 (Jan. 24, 2017)
- Added continent maps' achievements (exploration and missions)

v1.37.00 (Jan. 23, 2017)
- Added Hunter's taxi nodes in Suramar
- Translation update:
- Korean (netaras)

v1.36.01 (Jan. 03, 2017)
- Added Astravar Harbor in Suramar

v1.36.00 (Jan. 01, 2017)
- Added Evermoon Terrace, this is available after the Waning Crescent is destroyed
- Translation update:
- Korean (netaras)
- German (pas06)

v1.35.01 (Nov. 11, 2016)
- Map revamped:
- Dalaran
- Remove portal path from Outland to Badlands
- Remove portal path from Shrine of Two Moons to Ratchet
- Added the cosmos maps

v1.35.00 (Oct. 27, 2016)
- Toc update to support WoW 7.1.0
- Added Hunter's taxi nodes via the Great Eagle in Broken Isles
- Added Mage's portals in Broken Isles

v1.34.05 (Oct. 17, 2016)
- Added Trueshot Lodge's coordinate
- Translation update:
- Traditional Chinese

v1.34.04 (Oct. 03, 2016)
- Added Falanaar's 2nd / 3rd entrances' location
- Translation update:
- Russian (dartraiden)

v1.34.03 (Sep. 23, 2016)
- Added taxi nodes' coordinates to Broken Isles' maps
- Translation update:
- German (pas06)
- Added portal to Dalaran in Stormheim

v1.34.02 (Sep. 20, 2016)
- Added Suramar map to include taxi nodes and teleportation
- Translation update:
- German (pas06)
- French (onslaugh2)

v1.34.01 (Sep. 08, 2016)
- Added coordinates of Hunter- and Deathknight-only's taxi points to broken isles maps
- Adjust Azurewing Repose's position in broken isles maps
- Added information regarding to warrior's landing and jumping points in broken isles
- Translation update:
- German (pas06)

v1.34.00 (Aug. 31, 2016)
- Added class-only taxi nodes in Broken Isles:
- Hunter, Death Knight
- Added Dalaran map
- Translation update:
- German (pas06)

v1.33.03 (Aug. 18, 2016)
- Maps revamped:
- Stormwind City
- Orgrimmar
- Large size of map added (feature will be enabled in Atlas 1.34.00):
- Stormwind City
- Orgrimmar
- New translation language added:
- Brazilian Portuguese (Markllan)
- Simplified Chinese (ananhaid)
- Added faction info to the maps
- Added portal to Dalaran in Stormwind City and Orgrimmar maps

v1.33.02 (Aug. 06, 2016)
- Revamped Broken Isles maps
- Added WorldMapID info
- Added Emerald Dreamway map's coordinates

v1.33.01 (Jul. 24, 2016)
- Enable Broken Isles maps and added nodes' coordinates
- Added Druid-Only's Emerald Dreamway map;
added Druid-Only's portals in Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, and Northrend
- Translation update:
- German (pas06)

v1.33.00 (Jul. 19, 2016)
- Toc updated to support WoW Legion pre-patch (7.0.3)
- Added LibBabble-Faction lib to replace the faction looking-up with AtlasIngameLocales's GetFactionInfoByID
- Replace punctuations by using Atlas' localization
- Translation update:
- Simplified Chinese (ananhaid)
- German (pas06)

v1.32.06 (Jul. 01, 2016)
- Minor fixes:
- Orgrimmar map: changed portal of Nordrassil in purple text color
- Stormwind City map: changed subway's text from TRAIN to DUNGEON_FLOOR_DEEPRUNTRAM1 (Deeprun Tram)
- Maps revamped:
- Both Alliance and Horde's Draenor maps now use faction color for taxi nodes
- Added Legion - Broken Isles' taxi nodes data and maps
(but will be excluded from official package; for now only available in SVN's latest revisions)
- Translation now being managed on curseforge:
- Added itIT, ptBR, and koKR translation files (placeholder until we get any translation added)

v1.32.05 (May 26, 2016)
- Corrected the poral from Orgrimmar City to Draenor, the destination should be Ashran
- Added Orgrimmar map

v1.32.04 (May 25, 2016)
- Corrected the poral from Stormwind City to Draenor, the destination should be Ashran
- Added Stormwind City map

v1.32.03 (May 18, 2016)
- Added Ashran maps

v1.32.02 (May 12, 2016)
- Removed Axefall from Aliance Draenor map
- Re-numbering Draenor taxi nodes as Akeeta's Hovel is supposed to be in Shadowmoon Valley
- Added Draenor maps' taxi node info

v1.32.01 (Apr. 25, 2016)
- Re-ordered taxi points in Tanaan Jungle
- Added Throne of Kil'jaeden

v1.32.00 (Jul. 13, 2015)
- TOC update to support WoW 6.2
- Draenor Alliance / Horde map updated
- added taxi nodes in Tanaan Jungle

v1.31.03 (Mar. 01, 2015)
- Draenor Alliance map updated
- added transportation from Lunarfall to Everbloom Wilds
- added trabsportation from Lunarfall to Stormshield

v1.31.02 (Mar. 01, 2015)
- TOC update to support WoW 6.1

v1.31.01 (Nov. 24, 2014)
- Eastern Kingdoms maps updated
- Added the Nethergarde Keep (Alliance) and Dreadmaul Hold (Horde) nodes back

v1.31.00 (Nov. 10, 2014)
- Added Draenor maps
- Eastern Kingdoms maps updated
- Taxi nodes - Nethergarde Keep (Alliance) and Dreadmaul Hold (Horde) are gone
- Added portal path:
- Dreadmaul Hold to Orgrimmar
- Stormwind City to Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance)
- Horde Kalimdor map updated:
- Orgrimmar to Frostfire Ridge (Horde)

v1.30.01 (Oct. 18, 2014)
- Fix code syntax issue
- Eastern Kingdoms maps updated
- Taxi nodes - Nethergarde Keep (Alliance) and Dreadmaul Hold (Horde) are gone
- Added portal path:
- Dreadmaul Hold to Orgrimmar
- Stormwind City to Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance)

v1.30.00 (Oct. 15, 2014)
- TOC update to support WoW 6.0
- Update Portals
- Blasted Lands portals have been changed to Hellfire Peninsula Portals.
- Added Shattered Beachhead in Blasted Lands
- Added Shattered Landing in Blasted Lands

v1.26.04 (Dec. 31, 2013)
- Update Pandaria map
- Update Violet Rise and Dawnseeker Promontory portals' positions
- Added portal from Shado-Pan Garrison to Shan'ze Dao

v1.26.03 (Dec. 22, 2013)
- Added portal for Sparkrocket Outpost <-> Ruins of Ogudei
- Added comment to Lion's Landing and Domination Point
- Added portal for Lion's Landing <-> The SkyFire and Stormwind City
- Added portal for Thunder Cleft <-> Shrine of Two Moons, Ruins of Ogudei, and Orgrimmar

v1.26.02 (Dec. 06, 2013)
- Update Pandaria map to add transportation to Ratchet

v1.26.01 (Nov. 27, 2013)
- Update Pandaria Alliance map - Lion's Landing position;
also added the transportation from Lions' Landing to Shrine of Seven Stars
- Update Pandaria Horde map - added the transportation from Thunder Cleft to Shrine of Two Moons
Archived Files (22)
File Name
03-30-23 08:20 AM
11-19-22 10:20 PM
11-07-22 07:40 AM
09-04-22 11:21 AM
08-30-22 11:04 AM
08-20-22 10:34 AM
08-20-22 03:32 AM
08-17-22 09:51 AM
07-25-22 10:51 AM
07-24-22 01:33 AM
04-10-22 04:02 AM
03-29-22 07:20 AM
03-24-22 08:30 AM
03-19-22 10:56 AM
03-03-22 08:25 AM
03-02-22 10:00 AM
02-23-22 10:11 AM
02-21-22 07:16 AM
02-19-22 03:23 AM
02-09-22 10:59 AM
07-06-21 06:38 AM
06-28-21 06:35 AM

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Unread 10-16-14, 08:11 AM  
Xylan Trueheart
Premium Member
Premium Member

Forum posts: 64
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Error on log in

Error as seen by BugGrabber, enUS client

1x Atlas_Transportation\Atlas_Transportation-1.30.00.lua:625: '}' expected near '.'

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Unread 01-17-18, 06:55 PM  
A Cliff Giant
Ookami.kun's Avatar

Forum posts: 79
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Getting the following error upon logging in after the 7.3.5 update.

Date: 2018-01-17 19:52:34
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...AddOns\Atlas_Transportation\Atlas_Transportation.lua line 2298:
   attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil value)
   ...AddOns\Atlas_Transportation\Atlas_Transportation.lua:2298: in main chunk
_G = <table> {
 ERR_OUT_OF_CHI = "Not enough chi"
 DH_HAVOC_CORE_ABILITY_2 = "Strong melee attack that consumes Fury. If it critical strikes, some Fury is refunded."
 Inst80Quest2name3 = "Accused Wristguards"
 GetTrainerServiceTypeFilter = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 ARL_DatamineCopyFrame = ARL_DatamineCopyFrame {
 SetTrainerServiceTypeFilter = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_71 = "This partygoer wants to dance with you."
 Inst12Quest6description1_HORDE = "Two-Hand, Axe"
 CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameHealthTextDropdownButtonNormalTexture = CompactUnitFrameProfilesGeneralOptionsFrameHealthTextDropdownButtonNormalTexture {
 Inst116Quest2_HORDE = "2. Trouble Brewing"
 Inst39Quest10_HORDE_Aim = "Caza'rez inside the Shattered Halls of Hellfire Citadel wants you to kill 4 Shattered Hand Legionnaires, 2 Shattered Hand Centurions, and 2 Shattered Hand Champions. "
 Inst70Quest1_HORDE_Location = "Dark Ranger Marrah (Utgarde Keep; Entrance)"
 AudioOptionsVoicePanelOutputDeviceDropDownButtonHighlightTexture = AudioOptionsVoicePanelOutputDeviceDropDownButtonHighlightTexture {
 Inst55Quest6 = "6. Wanted: A Warp Splinter Clipping (Heroic Daily)"
 LFGListInviteDialog_OnEvent = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\LFGList.lua:2392
 MerchantItem3AltCurrencyFrameItem1Text = MerchantItem3AltCurrencyFrameItem1Text {
 BINDING_NAME_NAMEPLATES = "Show Enemy Name Plates"
 MultiBarBottomRightButton8Shine5 = MultiBarBottomRightButton8Shine5 {
 IsReferAFriendLinked = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 AudioOptionsVoicePanelMicrophoneVolumeThumb = AudioOptionsVoicePanelMicrophoneVolumeThumb {
 PaperDollTitlesPaneButton14BgTop = PaperDollTitlesPaneButton14BgTop {
 CALENDAR_RAID_RESET_DESCRIPTION = "%1$s resets at %2$s."
 Inst93Quest1_Prequest = "None"
 HasZoneAbility = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\ZoneAbility.lua:152

Colossus Smash increases your damage."
 Inst22Quest2_HORDE_QuestID = "27192"
 Inst153Quest2Rewardtext_HORDE = " Reward: "
 CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameHiddenModeToggleTopRight = CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameHiddenModeToggleTopRight {
 LFGTeleport = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 GetMonitorAspectRatio = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 ToggleEncounterJournal = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:853
 Graphics_QualityText = Graphics_QualityText {
 Inst91Quest1_HORDE_Prequest = "Echoes of Tortured Souls (Forge of Souls)"
 TalentMicroButtonAlertShadowTopLeft = TalentMicroButtonAlertShadowTopLeft {
 OverrideActionBarButton6Shine11 = OverrideActionBarButton6Shine11 {
 Inst72Quest1ID2 = "43182"
 CompactUnitFrameProfilesSaveButton = CompactUnitFrameProfilesSaveButton {
 Inst39Quest3ID2 = "25805"
 Inst51Quest4_HORDE_Note = "This daily quest can only be completed on Heroic difficulty.

Epoch Hunter is at [3]."
 RaidGraphics_EnvironmentalDetailSlider = RaidGraphics_EnvironmentalDetailSlider {
 Is64BitClient = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 Inst67Quest8_HORDE_Prequest = "None"
 CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameFilterOptionsFilterRoleTankMiddleMiddle = CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameFilterOptionsFilterRoleTankMiddleMiddle {
 TutorialFrame_OnMouseDown = <function> defined @Interface\FrameXML\TutorialFrame.lua:383
 SortQuestWatches = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 ContainerFrame4Item16Cooldown = ContainerFrame4Item16Cooldown {
 Inst27Quest3 = "3. Breaking and Entering"
 Inst157Quest6_HORDE_Attain = "110"
 Inst146Quest3_HORDE_Location = "Lilian Voss (Garrison - Lunarfall Inn or Frostwall Tavern)"
 Inst169Quest6_Aim = "Help Darius soothe the old casts egos by finding
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