Updated: 12-04-12 05:26 PM
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Updated:12-04-12 05:26 PM
Created:10-30-10 06:20 PM
Categories:Beta-version AddOns, Mounts & Pets

Yay Mounts  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 1.5.0
by: FaldonCow [More]

Pet support is back in. It may be a bit buggy, so please let me know with a comment if something's not working right, or the way you'd expect it to.

--Please comment with any bugs, errors that occur, or with any additional features you'd like to see added.

Known bugs/issues: Worgen can still be a bit buggy with Running Wild?

If a mount is not showing up, try "/ym reload" to force a reload and check if it shows up then. If it still doesn't show up, leave a comment about it.

Provides a one button solution for mounting; allowing you to ground or flying mount, dismount, exit vehicles and shapeshift as a druid or shaman with one button. It includes a GUI for selecting which mounts you want to use. Yay Mounts is most useful for players with a large number of mounts, but only a handful that they actually want to use regularly. Players with very few mounts can still find it useful.

The GUI can be accessed by typing "/ym" or from the Blizzard options window. You can set the keybinding from the /ym GUI options or the Blizzard keybinding menu.
You can also make a macro by using "/click YayMountsButton".

Vashj'ir - Yay Mounts will use the abyssal seahorse once you have it, where it can, and a ground mount in the 2 giant turtle things. Please let me know if the Abyssal seahorse isn't working in an area it should. The seahorse isn't usable while standing on the ground floor (with or without this mod) so please just hop off the floor before trying to use it.

Hunters - You can choose 2 Aspects to swap between in the options menu. These options will be used while moving or while in combat. There is an option to disable Aspect swapping while in combat. Known Bug: Due to limitations with the Blizzard macro system, Aspect swapping in combat will switch aspects as you dismount, if you dismount using YayMounts while in combat. This won't occur outside of combat.

Druids - Supports Flight Form, Swift Flight Form, Travel Form and Aquatic Form, as well as normal mounts. When trying to use Flight form in the water, you may have to jump and spam the keybind to get it. You can use a flying mount while not moving at the water's surface, but Flight Form is sometimes buggy while treading water.

Shaman - Supports instant Ghost Wolf while moving, or cast time Ghost Wolf while indoors.

Priests or Mages - Supports casting Levitate or Slow Fall when you are falling, or when you are moving and in combat. Pressing the keybind a 2nd time will cancel Slow Fall or Levitate, but will also trigger a GCD. WARNING: Mashing the keybind to cast Levitate/Slowfall will also probably instantly cancel it! This is an optional feature that defaults to on, but may be turned off in the options.

Monks - Supports using Roll when in combat, moving or indoors.

Rogues - Supports using Sprint when in combat, moving or indoors.

Special Mounts - Supports Flying Broom, Oculus mounts, Northrend Loaned mounts, Abyssal Seahorse, Subdued Seahorse, Sea Turtle, and Running Wild (Really buggy for fresh 20 worgens, please type /ym rl when you hit level 20).

Swimming - YayMounts will use a ground mount while underwater, or a flying mount if you are at the surface.

Localization - Nespirah and L'Ghorek (in Vashj'ir) are not localized for anything except English and zhCN. Option text is not localized for anything except English.

-Added missing mounts(Both kites)
-Fixed a riding crane (fly->ground)
-Fixed monk roll not disabling in combat even when set to disabled
-Fixed (I think) hunter aspects not updating when talents are changed
-Fixed auto-pet summoning interrupting fishing or eating
-Updated Pet summoning for 5.1 API changes

-Fix for Magic Broom

-Fixed an issue with the Pet Selections resetting
-Fixed an issue with Pet Filters not restoring
-Added Roll to mount button for Monk
-Added Sprint to mount button for Rogue
-Added missing mounts (Tiller goats, Red Flying Cloud)
-Added some in-game help text for user adding new mounts

-Should no longer call a pet while you are stealthed
-Pet GUI and calling shouldn't clear itself as often

-Fixed Druid Cat Form while indoors
-Fixed Hunter aspect swapping when Aspect of the Iron Hawk is useable
-Added profiles
-Put class options in the GUI into their own tab

-Added an option for using repair mounts and setting the min. durability to use them at

-Fixed a small issue with pet summoning
-Cleaned up the filter code.
-Finally fixed the dissapearing scrollbars (I hope!)
-Changed the pet tab to prioritize named pets, and higher level pets
-Set Guild Herald/Pages to disabled by default
-Automatically use a repair mount if equipped or in bag durability is under 40%
-Fixed moonkins always using flightform

-Added options to control pet summoning delay
-Mount and pet tabs now display totals

-Added pet support back in

-Fixed a bug with scaling and special tabs clear/select all
-Fixed non-profession classes attempting to use profession specific mounts

-Fixed an issue with Ghost Wolf (Shaman)

-Updated toc Interface #

-Fixed some issues with some classes in combat special abilities not functioning correctly

-Fixed taint on certain classes while in combat

-Fixed keybindings not saving
-Updated libraries for 5.0
-Fixed some issues with water mounting while at the water's surface
-Added an option to only use scaling mounts while in flyable areas (off by default)
-Added new Cata mounts
-Added current MoP mounts
-Removed mini-pet support

-Fixed a few bugs when mounting in ground only areas
-Fixed a bug with mounting underwater

-Updated to include new mounts added in 4.3.0
-Limited functionality for cancelling Levitate/Slowfall with a 2nd button press
-Fixed Levitate/Slowfall from casting even when that option is off
-Added a keybind for summoning mini-pets
-Fixed a bug when trying to clear keybinds
-Updated zhCN localization

-Added an option to use certain flying type mounts in ground only areas and underwater
-Maybe fixed a bug with low level Worgens hitting level 20
-Fixed a mounting while Swimming bug
-Fixed a Subdued Seahorse bug

-Added patch 4.2 mounts
-Added hunter secondary aspects swapping
-Fixed a few Seahorse bugs
-Added Guild Page/Herald back into the petlist (defaulted to unselected)
-Added an option to always dismiss mini-pets while stealthing

-Fixed a bug with low level shaman without a mount trying to use Ghost Wolf
-Added new mounts
-Added a database size check. YM should enable mounts in the GUI displays when adding new mounts manually.
-The GUI should refresh if you are looking at it while a mount or pet is learned.

-Fixed a bug with Running Wild when updating YayMounts from a version before 1.1.93
-Fixed a bug when learning a new mount or pet

-Added an option to disable/enable levitate and slow fall on priest/mages (default on)
-Improved some code with selecting and clearing mounts and pets from the GUI
-Improved database reset code
-Removed Guild Page and Guild Herald from the pet list
-Prevented YayMounts from trying to summon a Tiny Snowman when the player lacks snowballs
-Blizzard has fixed shifting out of Moonkin->Mount error. Moonkin mounting should be totally fixed now
-Fixed a small Running Wild selection bug
-Fixed a Wintergasp timer bug
-Fixed a bug; Yaymounts wasn't updating properly when a player performed a race change
-Fixed a bug with OnEnable database reloading detection

-Fixed Moonkin Shifting again!
-Fixed AQ40 filter bug
-Gave priority to AQ40 mounts if they're selected while in AQ40
-Fixed possible Oculus bug
-Fixed Pet summoning bug when only 1 pet is selected
-Fixed Pet list bug when learning a new companion

-Fixed Moonkin Shifting

-Fixed a bug with pet auto summon option not working
-Prevented auto pet summoning from occurring while flying, falling, mounted or in a vehicle
-Added: YayMounts will now dismiss any active mini-pet when entering stealth and PVP flagged

-Tried a bugfix for level 20 Worgen and Running Wild
-Improved Hunter Aspect swapping with an improved selection GUI
-Added pet choosing and summoning support

-Added some additional hunter options for Aspect swapping

-Fixed a bug if a character race changes and can't use old mounts
-Fixed a seahorse/Vashj'ir bug along the outer edges of Vashj'ir
-Fixed a bug with low level Worgen's hitting level 20 and not having Running Wild show up
-Fixed a translation bug with Running Wild
-Changed Druids: Aquatic form to use when moving and mounted underwater

-Fixed some mounting detection; Yay Mounts should more accurately choose the correct mount now
-Mounting at water's surface should work a lot better

-Fixed a problem with new cata flying mounts
-Fixed ground mounts in Deadmines dock area
-Added cat form indoors when 2/2 Feral Swiftness
-Added "no dismount while flying" option
-Added option to use flight form while on a flying mount and moving

-Fixed a ton of Vashj'ir/Abyssal Seahorse stuff. Still really rough, this zone sucks to work with
-Fixed Running Wild. It will show up at the bottom of ground mounts, for now
-Fixed Vortex Pinnacle. Why is this place flagged as outdoors but unmountable?

-Fixed Flight Master's License

-Fixed Sea turtle in non-flying areas
-Added Moonkin unshifting with keybind to help fix moonkin not shifting into a mount
-Ghost wolf changed slightly; it now fires when moving in water
-Fixed Aquatic Form Priority over Sea Turtle
-Changed it so druids use flying mounts at water's surface instead of flight form if not jumping

-Changed Tailoring and Engineering mounts to scaling
-Added Running Wild
-Added Cataclysm mounts
-Added Abyssal Seahorse in Vashj'ir
-Fixed Sea Turtle
-Fixed Spell checking bug
-Fixed Mount checking bug
-Fixed a Druid swimming bug
-Fixed a Vehicle Exit error message bug

-Fixed Oculus issues
-Fixed a giant bug I made cause I am really stupid

-Added support for Sea Turtle while in water
-Hopefully fixed a bug with Druid flight form not working in some cases

-Fixed Yay Mounts trying to use a flying mount in Azeroth without Flight Master's License

-Minor fix for a Chinese localization bug that would occur on startup

-Added Support for Slow Fall and Levitate
-Fixed a bug with AQ40 mount filtering
-Fixed a bug with flight form's priority
-Added Support for all Localizations

-Fixed druid Flight Form not working properly
-Fixed a bug with Ghost Wolf not working in combat

-Fixed some druid shifting problems
-Fixed some non-flying area bugs
-Added keybinding buttons to the GUI options
-Added a keybinding to only use ground mounts

-Added support for Loaned Gryphon and Loaned Windrider mounts
-Added Aspect of the cheetah (and pack) while moving for hunters

-Rewrote all the mount selecting code
-Added Localization support
-Added a remount option
-Fixed some misc bugs

-Some more minor bugs fixed
-Better macro support

-Fixed (hopefully) a frame display issue
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Unread 12-15-10, 07:41 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Ya, thanks for the heads up, I'll work on a fix for that. For yourself, just delete the yaymounts saved variable file (make sure you're logged out when you do) and it should work fine after that.
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Unread 12-15-10, 03:18 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally posted by FaldonCow
Hmm, what level is your goblin shaman, and how many mounts (ground) does he have? If possible, can you try disabling every mod but Yay Mounts and see if the error still occurs when it's only Yay Mounts active?
Goblin is level 85. He only owns a Goblin Trike and Goblin Turbo-Trike for ground mounts.

Opening up /ym both are checked. I have tried only enabling the Turbo-Trike, but same issue still happens.

It feels like its trying to use a random mount, because it will mount the Turbo or Regular Trike first, about 50% of the time.

I have a feeling that its trying to use my old wolf mounts (this character did race change, from Orc), and those mounts are not available anymore. That is just a wild guess.

EDIT: This was all tested with only Yay Mounts loaded, forgot to specify.

EDIT 2: Ok, since my race change just hit me while replying to this, i did check the saved variables and see the old wolf mounts listed as a usable mount.

So obviously i can fix this myself by either deleting the saved variable or editing out the wolf mounts. But this will be an issue for anyone who race changes in the future.
Last edited by Angrysteel : 12-15-10 at 03:23 PM.
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Unread 12-15-10, 02:35 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Hmm, what level is your goblin shaman, and how many mounts (ground) does he have? If possible, can you try disabling every mod but Yay Mounts and see if the error still occurs when it's only Yay Mounts active?
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Unread 12-15-10, 12:03 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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I am having a lot of issues with the goblin trikes.

Mod works just fine on all my other characters, but when my goblin shaman has to use a ground mount (in bgs, or other non fly areas), i will have to mash the button 2-4 times in a row to get him to mount the trike.

Every other class works just fine.

Any ideas whats causing this?
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Unread 12-15-10, 07:18 AM  
Sentient Plasmoid
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I was able to test the indoors Cat Form thing last night but totally forgot to try to shift straight into SFF while flying on a regular mount. Or, I did and it did what I was always used to so I didn't notice because it was good!

Anyhow, thanks for making those changes so quickly! Thanks for representin' the Durids .

If I could favorite you twice, I would.
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Unread 12-15-10, 12:04 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Boogalo
downloaded the new version labeled 1.1.4, when unzipping, it defaults to unzip to a folder labeled 1.1.3, and in game it is still coming up as 1.1.3 with the new drake not working. i deleted my old folder and reloaded, but its still displaying 1.1.3. the files insiade are dated 12/12/10

i see the changelog, thanks for the "no dismount while flying" option.

and now its finally downloading the right version. strange. don't mind me.
You probably tried to dl 1.1.4 before wowinterface had ok'd it, so it was giving you the older 1.1.3 version. It takes them 5-30min usually to check and ok a file that I upload, but the site will display the new change log and version # instantly.

Yay Mounts seems to have issues reliably using flying mounts at the water's surface (at least in Northrend, might be a Cold Weather Flying issue, could happen elsewhere)
As far as I can figure out, there's no way for me to tell if a character is at the surface of water or not, except by checking if you have a breath bar or if the breath bar is increasing. This means water breathing buffs screw with it like mad, and it's not always accurate. Unless I find a better way to detect the water surface, it's a limitation of Blizzard's API that I can't get around.

I'll look into it though, and make sure it's not being screwy from my end, incase I broke it with some recent changes or something.
Last edited by FaldonCow : 12-15-10 at 12:08 AM.
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Unread 12-14-10, 09:22 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Yay Mounts seems to have issues reliably using flying mounts at the water's surface (at least in Northrend, might be a Cold Weather Flying issue, could happen elsewhere)
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Unread 12-14-10, 09:03 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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downloaded the new version labeled 1.1.4, when unzipping, it defaults to unzip to a folder labeled 1.1.3, and in game it is still coming up as 1.1.3 with the new drake not working. i deleted my old folder and reloaded, but its still displaying 1.1.3. the files insiade are dated 12/12/10

i see the changelog, thanks for the "no dismount while flying" option.

and now its finally downloading the right version. strange. don't mind me.
Last edited by Boogalo : 12-14-10 at 09:13 PM.
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Unread 12-14-10, 04:33 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Ya I figured out why the new mounts weren't all showing up. The short answer is cause I'm stupid. The long answer is coding during cataclysm release as fast as I possibly can so I can get back to WoW makes for some sloppy mistakes.

The last section of Heroic Dead Mines is mountable (where the dock begins all the way to the top of the boat).
Ya, for some reason all of deadmines is flagged as flyable, so it's trying to use a flying mount in the dock area. This happens constantly in areas, Blizzard's really inconsistent with how the flag different areas. They also seem to have some kind of flag that says whether or not you can use ground/flying/swimming mounts that I can't access (or just don't know), although I wish I knew what it was.
Last edited by FaldonCow : 12-14-10 at 05:45 PM.
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Unread 12-14-10, 11:45 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by Boogalo
the script returns:

47651 Vitreous Stone Drake 88746 INTERFACE\ICONS\inv_misc_stonedragonblue nil

/ym reload just shows "YayMounts: Mount list reloaded"

I had the same results, I tried editing the LUA file for the database to see what would happen, if I change the number for the Vitreous Stone Drake to 47651 when I load the game the addon will print the message that it has found the drake. After that point its not in the menu. So I put it back to the real value.

Maybe there is some kinda bug on Blizzard's end... Characters still don't appear on top of the drake yet...
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Unread 12-14-10, 07:42 AM  
Sentient Plasmoid
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You might be right about that. It's probably a behavior unique to Moonkin form. I've never actually specced Balance. Come to think of it, I can't say with certainty that I don't always just press my cancelform macro before I mount. I'll have to test that.

That said, like I said in response to your PM, item 1 and 3 are probably the more significant of the things I thought would be nice.

Thanks again .

Originally posted by FaldonCow
Tested on my druid.

AutoUnshift = 0, I can't use a mount from any form.

AutoUnshift = 1, I can use a mount from every form except moonkin form.

Is anyone able to use a mount (manually, not with the mod) directly from moonkin?

Nazrhyn, why do you want direct shifting from flight form (like, the !Swift Flight Form) added? Won't you just be stuck in flight form then, or is there a reason for having it that I don't know about? I can add it regardless of course, but I need to know how you want it to shift out of flight form, since with this option, once you're in flight you'll be stuck in it.
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Unread 12-13-10, 06:49 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Tested on my druid.

AutoUnshift = 0, I can't use a mount from any form.

AutoUnshift = 1, I can use a mount from every form except moonkin form.

Is anyone able to use a mount (manually, not with the mod) directly from moonkin?

Nazrhyn, why do you want direct shifting from flight form (like, the !Swift Flight Form) added? Won't you just be stuck in flight form then, or is there a reason for having it that I don't know about? I can add it regardless of course, but I need to know how you want it to shift out of flight form, since with this option, once you're in flight you'll be stuck in it.
Last edited by FaldonCow : 12-13-10 at 07:13 PM.
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Unread 12-13-10, 06:31 PM  
Sentient Plasmoid
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Originally posted by FaldonCow
Unless I'm doing something drastically wrong, I can't manually shift from moonkin form straight into a mount, it throws a "You can't mount while Shapeshifted" error.
What is the value of your autoUnshift variable? AFAIK, 1 is the default value, but yours might have gotten set to 0?
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Unread 12-13-10, 05:11 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by FaldonCow
Hmm, ya, type this into WoW "/script print(GetCompanionInfo("MOUNT", ID))" where ID is the # the mount is. That's the slot ID, starting at 1, so you'd go to your mount page and count to where the mount is under. Each page has 12 mounts so 12xPage # and then find the ID on that page, add it up, and put it in that /script.

One other thing to check, if you type "/ym reload" does it print some "New mount found!" stuff to the chatbox?
the script returns:

47651 Vitreous Stone Drake 88746 INTERFACE\ICONS\inv_misc_stonedragonblue nil

/ym reload just shows "YayMounts: Mount list reloaded"

thanks for you hard work. i've been hanging on to livestock forever and ran across your addon today.

is there functionality to disable dismounting while flying if i accidentally hit the mount button?
Last edited by Boogalo : 12-13-10 at 05:12 PM.
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Unread 12-13-10, 01:43 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Raeyxn
The Camels worked right away, but the Drake still doesn't show up. What can I do to retrieve the spell ID for you so we can have it updated?
Hmm, ya, type this into WoW "/script print(GetCompanionInfo("MOUNT", ID))" where ID is the # the mount is. That's the slot ID, starting at 1, so you'd go to your mount page and count to where the mount is under. Each page has 12 mounts so 12xPage # and then find the ID on that page, add it up, and put it in that /script.

One other thing to check, if you type "/ym reload" does it print some "New mount found!" stuff to the chatbox?
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