Updated: 03-09-10 01:56 AM
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Updated:03-09-10 01:56 AM
Created:07-16-09 06:14 PM

oUF Noob  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 2.1.1
by: Aerials [More]

This is yet another oUF Layout. It requires oUF by Haste.

Note: If you've used 2.0, type /noob reset to activate new options (this will however reset any settings you have changed and reload the UI).

Another Note: the other addons shown in the pictures UI with party and UI with raid are not included, this is not a full UI compilation, it only handles the unit frame layout. the UI used in them is SpartanUI.

What this does: Replaces the Blizz Unit Frames
Unit frames:
Pet Target
Focus Target
Party Pets
Party Target
Raid Pets

Supported Plugins:
oUF_MoveableFrames (this actually integrates itself now, no need for layouts to include anything.)

Slash Commands:
/noob for list of options

Required Addons:
oUF by Haste:

Recommended Addons:
Dominos / Bartender / Something else that moves the action bars. (by default, some frames may be covered a little by the crap on the bottom.)

Credit where it's due (I am not a pro, most of this is remade using the following):
Most of the code is from oUF_Aion UI, all switched around and changed quite a bit.
Some code from:
AFK Icon from oUF_Aion UI
normTex.tga from oUF_Caellian (renamed to texture.tga to make this all easier for me, even though after cleaning up the code a lil the name is only in one line... it was in a lot before lol)
Thanks go out to all those authors for all their work, I wouldn't have been able to get these working without you guys.
Of corse, Thanks to Haste for making oUF!

2.1 wasn't very well dummy proofed, that's fixed a bit just incase.
basically the issue was you could set the new raid layout and the default scale would have the frames spawning off the screen a bit (other layout is meant to have a scale of 0.75 or less).
now that layout will max the scale out at 0.75 and give a message advising user that max is 0.75 and recommended is 0.65 when user uses /noob raid_scale.

some other somewhat bugs that currently caused no problems but potentially could were fixed.

I still need to find a way to dummy proof changing XP / Rep bar anchor frame. not sure how to do that yet. it's really currently somewhat safe because you'll get a error if you try to anchor it to a frame that doesn't exist and common sense should tell you that you probably mis-spelled something.... but that's not enough to satisfy me.

A lot more changes.
there's now arangements for raid frames and 2 arangements for party frames. to toggle between they type /noob toggleraid or /noob toggleparty (will reload UI).
There's also 2 options for HP text strings (can toggle between just showing the % or missing, current hp, %) to toggle between these type /noob togglehp.
there's also a lot of bug fixes.

NOTE: to activate new options, type /noob reset (will reset all options and reload UI)

Many changes... type /noob for lise of slash commands.
i've cleaned out a lot of the old code that wasn't really doing anything, and added more slash commands, along with fixed many bugs.
If you notice bugs, please post in the addon's comment section at
There's still more changes yet to come. if you have suggestions, post them on the addon's comments section at

small fixes. packaging was wrong, also some settings that i use that might fire errors for others were still active.

Many changes again.
Added slash commands for some options, including xp / rep bar width, height, positioning, anchoring, hiding.
Moved Party frames a bit, changed what buffs are shown.
Changed buffs shown on focus, focus target, pet, pet target. these frames will all also show debuffs.
Fixed pet HP bar coloring for hunters, will show color of happiness (as was intended a long time ago).

Many changes.
added background / border to frames.
changed location of buffs for player frame.
added LFD role icons.
moved party member names, and hid names that should have been hidden a long time ago.
party member health text fields now only show the %.
Debuff highlighting is done on the background of the frame.
Threat highlighting is done on the border of the frame (no need for Banzai anymore).
Fixed druid on vehicle bug causing mana value text field to show funky number (now hidden while on vehicle, eventually going to make the frame size change and buff positions change).
Removed the old .MoveableFrames support, because the new version doesn't require it and works a ton better.
Changed layout of Raid Frames, and moved the debuffs for them (debuffs are now below each member frame (not pets) and there's 3 parties per column).
Fixed bug causing some portraits to overlap the bottom of health bars.

:: I have NOT tested oUF_Experience or oUF_Reputation.
I really don't use them anymore, and am not a huge fan of them anyway
(support will probably be removed entirely next (major) version if there's no good place to put them by then,
their theoretically a good idea to have, but they don't need to be part of the unit frame layout / addon,
and it really doesn't make a lot of sense to have them be part of those either). ::

also, oUF_AFKIcon seems broken somehow, i'm not a fan of repairing other people's addons, or supporting non working ones.
so probably best to disable it for now. If there's no working version by next (major) release, i'll probably just remove support for them all together.
(maybe i'll just make the health bars grey out when AFK....)

another Noob mistake..... didn't have the files in the folder lol....

forgot to add oUF_Reputation to the TOC

oopse, i left party show and raid hide from testing (while in raid).

fixed all party members showing as leader
changed a lot of the code around to eliminate about 250 lines and make it easier to modify (simplified some things).
made default buff frame hidden (there's a variable at top of Main.lua to turn this off).
fixed a lot of problems with icons, their all repositioned and shouldn't be covered partly or entirely by anything.

Added variables at top of Main.lua for positioning, and changing size of XP/Rep bar.
Fixed error when entering raid group
Fixed Raid Mana Bars
Fixed Portrait issue for shaman class

Added Druid Mana Bar when in cat / bear.
Added Druid Mana Text when in cat / bear.
Fixed color for lvl number.
Updated rune bar for newer version of oUF
Fixed but that made XP bar always 1/2 size whether rep was loaded or not.

1.6 Fixes:

Fixed some run bar stuffs (coloring).

1.5 Fixes:
oUF_Reputation is fixed so I don't need to bundle a modified version
changed layout to use oUF for the rune bars, so you don't need oUF_RuneBar
added variable to easily turn oUF_Reputation on or off in Main.lua (it's at the top, called RepBar....
only needed for testing as you can simply disable the addon to do the same thing).
couple other fixes here and there.

1.4.1 Fixes:

Something in oUF_Reputation was broken... use the version included in this addon.

1.4: Fixes, Additions:

Now 3.2 compliant.
Added minimal amount of self cast raid buffs to focus frame (for PoM / Earth Shield / etc...)
Added oUF_MoveableFrames support.
Party frames will now be set positions so that they will update properly if you join a party while in combat.
PVP icons are all moved and player pvp icon is now working.
Added Player Pet Target. Changed Debuff positions, etc for all frames.

:: If you do not like being able to drag the party frames so easily, I suggest changing the lines: ::
--only move keys when alt key is down

if IsAltKeyDown() then
--only move keys when the ctrl + alt + shift keys are down

if IsAltKeyDown() and IsControlKeyDown() and IsShiftKeyDown() then
in oUF_MoveableFrames.lua from the oUF_MoveableFrames addon, if you dont have that addon, dont worry about it. I use that change because I use Clique for healing / buffing and often use alt as a click modifier.

1.3: Fixes:

party member lvls were hanging off the side of the screen.
Cast names no longer are allowed to be longer than the castbar.
added pet lvl
level wont show for player / pet if lvl is 80.

1.2: Feature added:

Added Focus Target
changed focus debuffs shown from 1 to 3, focus target will also show 3 debuffs.

1.1: Bug fix:

removed barfader support, didn't like it. (was actually disabled by default in 1.0)
fixed vehicle health color bug.
added combo points to target frame.
fixed portrait height overlaping bottom of health bar.

1.0: Initial release, some things i plan on changeing:

optimize the code (it's a little lengthy and scattered right now).
add combat icons for raid and party frames (oUF currently only supports combat icon for player.
add more notes (so u can change things more easily)
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Unread 03-02-10, 11:53 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Re: raid frames

Originally posted by Dedish
So I think the addon looks great, but is there a way to get rid of the raid frames they take waaay to much room?
at the bottom of Main.lua, you can comment out the whole raid spawn section, then in the party toggle function, comment out the raid hide / showing lines.

not sure if it'll be that simple in the next version though, a lot is changing. however, you'll be able to scale them and most likely change the width and height of them. guess i could add the ability to just hide them also, but it's gonna be more efficient for you to use a different layout than one that uses raid frames with portraits, but hide them and use another also handling raid frames.


i posted a new version today, to make the raid frames never show, go into PartyToggle.lua and change it from:

-- party toggle in raid

local partyToggle = CreateFrame('Frame')




function partyToggle:OnEvent(event)
	if initialized == nil then
	elseif initialized == true then

		if(InCombatLockdown()) then




			if(GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then
					for i,v in ipairs(raid) do v:Show() end

					for i,v in ipairs(raid) do v:Hide() end



partyToggle:SetScript("OnEvent", partyToggle.OnEvent);
-- party toggle in raid

local partyToggle = CreateFrame('Frame')




function partyToggle:OnEvent(event)
	if initialized == nil then
	elseif initialized == true then

		if(InCombatLockdown()) then




			if(GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then
					party:Show() -- CHANGE IS ON THIS LINE AND NEXT LINE!!.
					for i,v in ipairs(raid) do v:Hide() end

					for i,v in ipairs(raid) do v:Hide() end



partyToggle:SetScript("OnEvent", partyToggle.OnEvent);
Last edited by Aerials : 03-04-10 at 01:52 PM.
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Unread 03-02-10, 06:51 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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raid frames

So I think the addon looks great, but is there a way to get rid of the raid frames they take waaay to much room?
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Unread 03-02-10, 09:04 AM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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I know it's been a while, but I'm still working on this
I've been fixing a huge amount of code, and still have a lot to do. got rid of a ton of things that weren't really doing anything, and such. currently though, the amount of slash commands is getting... well, excessive. I might just end up trying to do an options window.

bottom line, right now I'm trying to decide between doing a pre-release because it is working, and fixes a large amount of bugs or waiting until I'm really happy with it as being a full version, which probably is going to be a little while.

Sorry for the delays,
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Unread 02-04-10, 05:25 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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I'm thinking the next thing to do with this addon would be make it easy to scale frames. this however isn't a small thing to do, because i need to change how most of the layout is written. also, i plan to make slash commands for changing them in game. this will probably take me some time though, so don't be expecting it too incredibly soon.
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Unread 01-30-10, 08:09 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Nice work
for rep / xp bars issue, my solution is stop to use oUF_Reputation
And I love your layout style, so waiting for your next version !!
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Unread 01-29-10, 09:24 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Originally posted by Seireimai
Dear Aerials:

Is there any options or gui mode can adjust the frames weight/height & fonts size? or i should fixed them in main.lua codes?
For now, that's all in the lua file only, I'm planning on eventually having more options available in slash commands, and maybe eventually have an options window (this is the perferable actually, but I haven't even started trying to figure out how to make a options window yet, and really some of the slash commands there are currently could have some bugs).

On another note, I realized what was wrong with the rep / xp bars. oUF_Reputation is trying to show the bar at various times, so I really should have made more dummy frames to show or hide and anchored to them. but that's something I'll fix eventually (or not... I have a only slightly sloppy work around in my current version (not the one avail for download), just trying to decide if I want to remake a ton of crap having to do with the xp and rep bars yet again or go with the work around). really, the work around shouldn't be a problem if you can use this addon anyway. it does after all have 3d portraits for all raid members, so I'm guessing that those who use this aren't running a 1.8 ghz, 1.5 gb ram pc anyway.

back on topic though, it should be pretty easy to change the font, the heights and widths might be an issue though.... at first, I was trying to stick with making it easy to change things like that by having all elements use a equation for size and position which was based on frame height / width multiplied by what fraction of the frame they took up, etc...... but it was having issues here and there so I strayed from it here and there. to fix that would require quite a bit of re-writing the layout (I will do this eventually, but it's not going to be done any time soon at all).

on yet another note, there is already a pretty much perfect for any oUF fan layout out there called oUF_Nivaya. you can change pretty much everything / anything in that layout via in-game options window. but their raid frames are entirely different, not very customizable, and somewhat lacking imo (that's why i stopped using it).
Last edited by Aerials : 01-29-10 at 09:28 PM.
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Unread 01-29-10, 06:51 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Dear Aerials:

Is there any options or gui mode can adjust the frames weight/height & fonts size? or i should fixed them in main.lua codes?
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Unread 01-26-10, 06:08 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Originally posted by Zidomo
The download here (oUF_Noob is not packaged properly.

The current enclosed folder paths start with \Libs\... & \Media. Try to unzip this as you do any other mod, it the files won't go in the proper locations.

Currently to get this installed properly, you need to manually enter \oUF_Noob\ as the root folder with most ZIP GUI utilities, which is a hassle. Instead, this root folder path should be included with the ZIP.
thanks for letting me know.


lol, i noticed after you mentioned this that i have been doing that incorrectly since 1.7.5b
Last edited by Aerials : 01-26-10 at 06:22 PM.
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Unread 01-26-10, 04:12 PM  
A Cliff Giant
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The download here (oUF_Noob is not packaged properly.

The current enclosed folder paths start with \Libs\... & \Media. Try to unzip this as you do any other mod, it the files won't go in the proper locations.

Currently to get this installed properly, you need to manually enter \oUF_Noob\ as the root folder with most ZIP GUI utilities, which is a hassle. Instead, this root folder path should be included with the ZIP.
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Unread 01-25-10, 11:22 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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There's currently a issue when world map update fires in certain conditions, it's nothing that severely interferes with play though, just has to do with the xp / rep bars if you're changed the settings and haven't logged out / reloaded ui. gonna work on fixing it on Wednesday and i should have an update that night. (busy until then).
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Unread 01-22-10, 12:47 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Hello all, Just updated the site to what i'm using, I've added slash commands for things, their as follows:

/noob - show options.
/noob rep - show / hide rep bar.
/noob xp - show / hide xp bar.
/noob xpx - change xp / rep bar x position from anchor.
/noob xpy - change xp / rep bar y position from anchor.
/noob xpanchorpoint (option) - changed point anchoring to and from to (option).
/noob xpanchor (option) - change frame anchoring to to (option)
/noob buffs - show / hide blizz buff frame.
/noob xpwidth (option) - set xp / rep bar width to (option).
/noob xpheight (option) - set xp / rep bar height to (option).
/noob reset - resets options to default (this will currently reloadui).
Last edited by Aerials : 01-27-10 at 12:27 PM.
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Unread 01-22-10, 02:57 AM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Originally posted by Seireimai
Dear Aerials:
I used oUF_MovableFrames to adjust frames position. But it can't work.
I type /mvf and unlock the frames, hold down alt key w/ mouse-click, but i can't drag any frame.
Can you help me ?
i'll check it out real quick

mmkay, problem is that the Moveable Frames plugin has changed quite a bit. it's nothing in oUF_Noob, you just need to do /omf then drag the boxes that the plugin makes. when done, type /omf again.

I haven't tested this plugin in raids since the update, so not entirely sure if it's working well for raid frames. but the plugin is made by Haste, so it should work great.

the change log for this addon does have old info about moving the frames, just ignore it and make sure you have the version of MoveableFrames that's made by haste, i'll put the link below


Here's the link:

also, very very soon there's going to be a update for this layout, I added the xp / rep bar back, and made slash commands for moving it and doing some other things as well (can't move it with MoveableFrames). I'm just finishing up testing / bug fixing on it (should be pretty much done, just want to get a good nights sleep to have a clear head to test it all with).
Last edited by Aerials : 01-22-10 at 03:07 AM.
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Unread 01-20-10, 07:48 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Dear Aerials:
I used oUF_MovableFrames to adjust frames position. But it can't work.
I type /mvf and unlock the frames, hold down alt key w/ mouse-click, but i can't drag any frame.
Can you help me ?
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Unread 01-12-10, 12:24 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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OK, i the xp and rep bars currently shouldn't show. it's mainly because i can't figure a decent place to put them on the unit frame and i dont want to have them in any certain spot on the screen because everyone's ui is different.

if i happen to decide where on the unit frames they work out well, i'll add it back in, but for now i just dont think they fit well on them.

other than that, there have been a ton of changes, you can look in change log for all that.

if you have suggestions, let me know
Last edited by Aerials : 01-12-10 at 12:26 PM.
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Unread 09-02-09, 08:23 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Originally posted by Flak
Sorry, the XP bar is there in v1.6. Was being covered by a hotkey bar I keep at the bottom of the screen.

In v1.7 the experience bar has grown substantially in length. And I'm not sure if this is meant or not, I see the moveable frames is set at the end of the frame creation but the XP bar is not moveable for me. Have tried clicking all over the bar. All the other frames move fine though. Also the health and mana bars on the raid frames overlap each other now. And the following error pops well in raids:

Message: Interface\AddOns\oUF_Noob\Main.lua:331: attempt to index local 'colorz' (a nil value)
Thanks for letting me know about the colors and bars in raids, i'm working on them now. I'll try to add moveable to XP and rep

Fixed for next release, gonna do 1.7.1 tonight for bug fix release so their useable in raid.
Last edited by Aerials : 09-02-09 at 11:26 PM.
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