Updated: 09-29-16 03:41 PM
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Legion (7.0.3)
Updated:09-29-16 03:41 PM
Categories:oUF: Layouts, Raid Mods, Unit Mods

oUF Nivaya  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: r65
by: Luzzifus [More]


  • Updated for 7.0.3.
  • Only for use with oUF 1.6.9+!
  • If you have any questions or feature requests, please read the FAQ at the bottom of this page first.
  • Most likely coming soon: Boss Frames
oUF_Nivaya is a unitframe addon with low memory and cpu usage. It is based on oUF by Haste, but still it offers the possibility to configure a large variety of settings ingame to adapt functionality and appearance.

So in order to use it you need the oUF core! If there happen to be any bugs or errors, feel free to report them here. However, before reporting bugs make sure you definitly have the latest release of both this layout and oUF!

Ingame Config
This Layout comes with an ingame configuration dialog, which is included as load-on-demand module accessible via "/ouf". You can change settings like frame positions and sizes, portrait settings, use of custom textures and fonts (using SharedMedia), buff / debuff position and size and alot more. Also you can toggle all my custom features and adjust settings concerning the Healer Mode.

Positioning: "Unlocking" the frames enables you to freely move the Player Frame, the Party Frame and the Raid Frames via mouse dragging. All other units stay anchored to those, however all the relative positions can be changed in the options too. By default, the target frame is automatically positioned symmetrically to the player frame as you move it. You can unlock the frames in the settings dialog or by typing "/ouf lock" or "/ouf unlock" (they both toggle).

Of course, if you don't change any source codes, you can update the layout without losing your own settings. More over this, it doesn't use significantly more memory or cpu time than other oUF layouts (currently it's about 90kb, excluding the config module).

Supported Frames
  • Player, Target and Pet
  • Target of Target and Focus
  • Target of Target of Target and Focus Target (both optional)
  • Party and Raid (also optional, both "Grid"-like, party including player, raid up to 40 players)

The "Healer Mode"
There are two different modes for Party-/Raidframes display. The first is a very minimalistic "grid-like" setup, containing no numbers at all. The second one has slightly larger frames and contains more information like health and deficit values. This one is supposed to be used by healers, but of course you can choose the one you prefer. Both setups are shown in the screenshots.

Also, in case you want to use both setups with different characters, I have included an option that makes the layout automatically pick the healer mode based on your character class. You can adjust this behaviour in the configuration dialog ("/ouf"). More over this, the layout is able to remember different positions and raidframe settings for both modes.

More Features
  • Castbar support for player, target, target of target and focus (can be disabled)
  • Built-in aggro coloring
  • Built-in heal prediction
  • Fancy debuff highlighting (A debuff filter is enabled by default, so you will only see highlighting for debuffs you can cure).
  • Options to automatically color health- and/or manabars by class or mobtype.
  • Adjustable colors, textures, fonts, positions and sizes for most frames and elements.

Supported oUF Modules
  • oUF_PowerSpark
  • oUF_Smooth
  • oUF_TotemBar
  • oUF_Experience
  • oUF_Reputation
  • oUF_GCD (Make sure to set a reference spell as described here, otherwise it won't work. I can't do that for you since those spell names are localized.)

Here I'll answer all those questions which become a little bit annoying when I have to answer them a gazillion times in the comments.

Q: "I want my raid groups to grow from left to right instead of right to left / from top to bottom instead of bottom to top."
A: Open the config module and go to the raidframes page. There you'll find an option called "Spacing between raidgroups". For this value, positive values make the raidgroups grow from left to right (bottom to top), negative values make them grow from right to left (top to bottom).

Q: "I have a SharedMedia Addon with additional fonts/textures/whatever and I can't pick them from your config or they are not saved on relog/reloadui."
A: The problem here is, that these addons must be loaded before the layout, or else their stuff won't be recognized. This is usually achieved by adding the addon in question to the OptionalDeps in the .toc files of the layout and its config module. You can do that yourself or if you want it to be permanently added, tell me.

Q: "I'd like to edit the text tags on my unit frames (health, mana, etc)."
A: Currently you cannot change them ingame, but there are tag functions for HP, power, names, levels, classification and status information. You can find them in "tags.lua".

Q: "Can you add buff/debuff/hot/dot indicators to the raidframes?"
A: Very unlikely.

Q: "Can you add [insert random big feature]? I miss it from Pitbull/Grid."
A: My layout is not meant to be a replacement for Pitbull or Grid. It is meant to be lightweight without denying you the possibility to adjust the basic appearance and functionality. I am currently very satisfied with the features and I probably won't add more biggies. However, as long as I play WoW, I will keep it updated and working. Of course, you may always ask for easy-to-add improvements. But I really don't have much time currently, so you should prepare to wait a little bit before it will be done.

Credits go to Seiyu and his layout "oUF_Pazrael", since I used that as a template for my layout and learned alot about LUA by improving it further and further.

- fixed role icon display.

- updated for 7.0.3, make sure to also update the oUF core to 1.6.9+!

- replaced role icons with role indicators in the form of little dots in the upper left corner for each group unit frame.
- role assignment indicators are now also visible in raidgroups.
- added option to hide health text / health deficit text in healer mode.
- fixed color update bug in config module.

- player frame position (and all derived frame positions) are now saved separately for healer mode and normal mode.
- cast bar position is now saved separately for healer mode and normal mode.

- bug fix release for MoP 5.3.
- updated to work with oUF 1.6.5.
- disabled alternative ressource displays (soul shards, holy power, runes, totem bar), because getting them to work again takes more time. use other addons for that instead.

- Added support for oUF_Swing (anchored to player castbar).
- Fixed unit names not updating correctly in raids and battlegrounds (requires oUF 1.5.5+).
- Fixed config error on updating unit name positions.
- Fixed dungeon role icon postions (didn't differentiate between healermode and non-healermode).

- Added an option to display all debuffs, not only your own.
- Fixed classification tag.
- Removed support for oUF_RuneBar and replaced it with the rune bars from oUF.
- New position for rune bars and totem bars, similar to HolyPower and SoulShards.
- Added option to change the position of rune bars and totem bars (positions tab).

- Added .frequentUpdates to health tags (global) and power tags (player only).
- Updated CanDispel table to reflect changes made in WoW 4.0.
- LFDrole icons positions now correctly complies with the vertical groups setting.
- Fixed LFDrole icons not correctly updating.
- Clicking on the LDB icon will open the config again.
- More tag conversions (names, levels, classification).

- Fixed a bug causing an error message when changing textures.

- Fixed clicks going into void on party/raidframes.
- First go on tags (HP/power/status of all units).
- Blizzards Raidframes will be completely hidden now (including the manager).

- Improved position and size of SoulShards and HolyPower.
- Added option to change the position of SoulShards and HolyPower (positions tab).
- Fixed errors with oUF_Experience and oUF_Reputation.
- Added mouseover show/hide for oUF_Experience and oUF_Reputation (again).

- Fixed bug that prevented all frames from showing up with oUF 1.5.1+.
- No more packaged oUF. Get the release version!

- Only works with WoW 4.0.1+!
- Included oUF 1.5 beta in the .zip until it will be released.
- Added option to change maximum heal prediction overflow.
- Added option to limit maximum number of visible raid groups.
- Added HolyPower display (Paladin).
- Added SoulShards display (Warlock).
- Added support for the new HealPrediction element in oUF.
- Added option to toggle HealPrediction.
- Removed oUF_HealComm4 support (done by HealPrediction).

- Added option to display combo points as text value.
- Fixed TotemBar position (Shaman).
- Fixed RuneBar position (Deathknight).
- Fixed Castbar display problems for ToT and focus frames.
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Unread 05-25-09, 03:05 AM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Ok, here's my script which does dynamic showing/hiding of the party/raidframes background and adjusts the width based on the number of raid members. This automatically adjusts to your raidframe settings in my layout:

This one goes to the OnEvent part of one of your panels:
if (event=="PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") or (event=="PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") or (event=="RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE") then
  local rs, ps = GetNumRaidMembers(), GetNumPartyMembers()
  -- extract width and raid offset values from oUF_Nivaya:
  local tw, toffs = nivcfgDB.prWidth, nivcfgDB.raidOffset
  toffs = (toffs < 0) and -toffs or toffs
  -- width of your border (both sides together):
  local tb = 6
  -- default width (max 5 party- or raidmembers):
  local x1 = tw+tb
  local x2 = tw+(2*tb) -- I have 2 panels as bg and one is slightly larger
  if rs > 0 then
    local tmod = (rs-1)%5
    -- integer part of division result (number of active groups):
    local t = ((rs-1-tmod)/5)+1
    x1 = (t*tw)+((t-1)*toffs)+tb
    x2 = (t*tw)+((t-1)*toffs)+(2*tb)

  local fr1 = kgPanels:FetchFrame("Grid_VG")
  local fr2 = kgPanels:FetchFrame("Grid_HG")
  -- This handles showing and hiding:
  if (rs > 0) or (ps > 0) then
And this one belongs to the OnLoad part of the same panel:
The result looks like this:

"Grid_VG" and "Grid_HG" correspond to the two backgound panels, you'd have to change that of course (blue lines). Also change the border width to your preference (red line), note that "tb" is the value for both sides, so tb = 6 means you have 3 units of border on each side.

As you may have noticed, I'm only setting the width, height is fixed in my UI.

I have anchored these panels to UIParent, since I usually don't move my raidframes around. If you want them anchored to the raidframes, use "oUF_Party" or "oUF_Raid1" as an anchor (to prevent that fading thingy). Then you'd have to do some dynamic positioning of course, it's not in my script. Maybe I'll make an enhanced version with all that height and positioning stuff.
Last edited by Luzzifus : 05-25-09 at 03:23 AM.
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Unread 05-24-09, 04:39 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Originally posted by Luzzifus
I see you edited your comment, however I already read the "bitchy" version of it. So here's a more in-depth explanation:
  1. I still want my layout to be lightweight, not a Pitbull replacement. So when adding features I always think about what would be next. Which leads me to point 2.
  2. If I add a background, people want options for it. Color, border, textures, alpha, etc. Everybody wants the background to look different. Even I have backgrounds made with kgPanels. The point is, kgPanels can do an awesome lot of customizations to your background, alot more than I could ever implement in my layout.
  3. You don't need a single script for panels to show and hide based on the shown-/hidden-status of your frames, you simply have to set the parenting options.
  4. I have one single script in my UI to hide/show/resize the panel behind the raidframes automatically. If anyone requests it, I can give you that script for the default settings of oUF_Nivaya. Anyways, scripts like this can also be obtained from the wowace wiki page of kgPanels. So there's really nothing which can't be done by everybody, really.

Concerning your idea to add a portrait overlay, I honestly have to say I don't quite understand what the visual effect would be you're trying to achieve.

And just to be complete: I'll look into that more-info-on-tags-thingy in healer mode.

If you read more comments you'll see that I'm totally open to suggestions. But I can't spend all my time on my addons and I still have some goals with them (see above point 1). So I have to filter. That is in no way meant to be rude.
yah, original version was lengthy (incredibly) and pretty rude really, i appologize for that... it's a great layout and really it's not like people dont have a life outside WoW... really it's nice of you to even have a layout as great as this out for people to get..... the lack of options in pretty much all other layouts is a huge turn off and then some of them have pretty conplicated code to understand (as a noob like me).

on the borders... i've done them with kgpanels.... there's only a couple problems i ran into as a noob when it comes to kgpanels... if you parent a panel with party button 1 (oUF_PartyUnitButton1, was using a script to get the name of a frame you're mousing over and used that as the mouseover) it causes a error with layout addon.... could easily be because of one of the changes i've made but dont see how it would be.... then again i have no idea how it's causing a conflict anyway, the line it's saying is having a problem with is:
local function styleFunc(self, unit)
	local _, class = UnitClass('player')

	local unitInRaid = self:GetParent():GetName():match"oUF_Raid" 
	local unitInParty = self:GetParent():GetName():match"oUF_Party"
	local unitIsPartyPet = unit and unit:find('partypet%d') = menu
	self:SetScript("OnEnter", UnitFrame_OnEnter)
    	self:SetScript("OnLeave", UnitFrame_OnLeave)
	self:RegisterForClicks("anyup")   <----- this line
	self:SetAttribute("*type2", "menu")
the error is Wrong object type for member function.

i fixed it by parenting with uiparent and anchoring with the button then adding scripts:


local pmems = GetNumPartyMembers()
if (pmems > 0 and pmems < 6) then

also, when i parent with the unit button for raid party 1, button 1 or party 2, button 1 etc... it makes the panel fade when the frame fades due to out of range.... i'm guessing there's something better to parent it with to get it to show when in a raid but dono what it'd be... another issue i've hit that i'm guessing will need scripting is to make the border around my groups / party members change size based on how many party members there are in that group..... so it's a work in progress but really a bit much for someone with no idea how to script to do.

as far as the color and what to use for a border etc.... what i had done is changed the inlays for the backdrop (which is virtually unused) so it would be wider and taller than the rest of the frame.. think there's a way to change the color of that already, can't remember and the only problem i can forsee with it is having the border color appear behind the portrait.... well, technically there was another problem with it and that's that some frames seem to have the health and mana bars higher than really should be or further to the side than they really should be but that should just be an offset to find somewhere. the great thing about using that though was it was change 4 insets then one for all frames 'cuz all the frames use the same setting for that.

but anyway... i'm on the road to getting kgpanels going on it... it looks pretty good really right now i just need to figure how to make it change the height of the frame based on members of the party / group and figure how to make them not fade when the first member of the group/party is out of range. if u care to see it, this is what i have done so far...

ok..... i love the banana dance so gonna put it again.

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Unread 05-24-09, 10:57 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Unread 05-24-09, 02:45 AM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Make the Raidframes X-Offset a positive value.
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Unread 05-23-09, 03:15 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I'm probably missing this and it's staring me in the face, but I want group 1 of the raid to be on te left. I can't for the life of me see the option to change it.

You can observe raid frames style in the second screenshot. Each column represents one party and the first party is the one at the right side (this can be changed in the config).
Can you point me in the right direction
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Unread 05-23-09, 04:05 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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I recently switched to Nivaya from Caellian for my oUF layout.

One issue that I've come across is that every time I log in or reload my UI, the player health bar doesn't seem to get any info. It shows the grayed out background and no health. As soon as I take damage or swap gear to change my max hp, it updates and displays properly.

Aside from that, I'm loving this layout.
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Unread 05-23-09, 02:28 AM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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I see you edited your comment, however I already read the "bitchy" version of it. So here's a more in-depth explanation:
  1. I still want my layout to be lightweight, not a Pitbull replacement. So when adding features I always think about what would be next. Which leads me to point 2.
  2. If I add a background, people want options for it. Color, border, textures, alpha, etc. Everybody wants the background to look different. Even I have backgrounds made with kgPanels. The point is, kgPanels can do an awesome lot of customizations to your background, alot more than I could ever implement in my layout.
  3. You don't need a single script for panels to show and hide based on the shown-/hidden-status of your frames, you simply have to set the parenting options.
  4. I have one single script in my UI to hide/show/resize the panel behind the raidframes automatically. If anyone requests it, I can give you that script for the default settings of oUF_Nivaya. Anyways, scripts like this can also be obtained from the wowace wiki page of kgPanels. So there's really nothing which can't be done by everybody, really.

Concerning your idea to add a portrait overlay, I honestly have to say I don't quite understand what the visual effect would be you're trying to achieve.

And just to be complete: I'll look into that more-info-on-tags-thingy in healer mode.

If you read more comments you'll see that I'm totally open to suggestions. But I can't spend all my time on my addons and I still have some goals with them (see above point 1). So I have to filter. That is in no way meant to be rude.
Last edited by Luzzifus : 05-23-09 at 02:30 AM.
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Unread 05-22-09, 02:46 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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possible but...

lol, found the offset and can not believe i didn see it before lol! it's right at the top...

Originally posted by Luzzifus
That would be totally possible with kgpanels, so I don't need to do this myself.
it's possible with kgpanels but really, it's easy to impliment into the layout and seems a few people have requested it...

if you're not open for suggestions as to possible improvements, just say something like 'i dont like borders so my layout doesn't have them...


o, also..... isn't it gonna be a pain to do a border on the raid frames with kg panels...? really it's easy to do it in the layout, i'd imagine it's harder to get them right with scaleing and such in kgpanels.
Last edited by Aerials : 05-22-09 at 08:34 PM.
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Unread 05-22-09, 02:11 AM  
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Originally posted by Freez
Liked Nivaya the most.. but one thing i wouldn't mind changing. I have no idea how to do that lua stuff and was wondering how to change the party frame from the grid to the same as the player/target frame.
This is possible but not very easy. An option for that would produce alot of code overhead so as I already said to someone else: I probably won't add it.

Originally posted by air
Nice addon however, is it possible to add Gold/Silver Dragon texture around portrait when elite is on target ?
It surely is, but since it wouldn't fit into most styles possible with my layout I won't include them myself.

Originally posted by Aerials
one suggestion i'd have... the options menu doesn't have a place to set the gap between the raid frame parties (horizontal gap) but it's in the saved variables which tells me that the option exists but hasn't been implimented into the options menu. so my suggestion would be to add that to the options menu. reason for it is as a healer, i use the ouf plugin that makes heals show and it helps to have a gap between the frames to be able to see overhealing.
The option is there already ("Raidframes X-Offset" under the Positions-Tab).

Originally posted by Aerials
another suggestion would be the ability to put a border on the frames, while unnecesary borders do have a wonderful way of making things look a little cleaner... i'm going to work on adding it to the Nivaya i'm using but just a suggestion for future releases.
That would be totally possible with kgpanels, so I don't need to do this myself.
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Unread 05-21-09, 06:30 PM  
A Warpwood Thunder Caller
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Hi, love the layout... been modifying it a little to my likeing (added a overlay for the portrait and used the options to move things where i want them) but it's really a nice layout as is

one suggestion i'd have... the options menu doesn't have a place to set the gap between the raid frame parties (horizontal gap) but it's in the saved variables which tells me that the option exists but hasn't been implimented into the options menu. so my suggestion would be to add that to the options menu. reason for it is as a healer, i use the ouf plugin that makes heals show and it helps to have a gap between the frames to be able to see overhealing.

another suggestion would be the ability to put a border on the frames, while unnecesary borders do have a wonderful way of making things look a little cleaner... i'm going to work on adding it to the Nivaya i'm using but just a suggestion for future releases.

would also be cool if there was an option to set an overlay for the portrait

but all in all this is a very good layout as is (as i said earlier) and really is the easiest to set up to the users likeing i just think that really with a few more options nobody would need any other oUF layouts... they'd jsut need to change the options of this one to what they want.

oh, almost forgot.... another suggestion, have the player and target frames show ammount negative/max for hp and mana when in heal mode... very nice to know what the max is in some situations.... ie when checking for buffs i dont look at all icons and search them all i just know what my hp / mana should be when buffed...
Last edited by Aerials : 05-21-09 at 06:56 PM.
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Unread 05-19-09, 08:19 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Nice addon however, is it possible to add Gold/Silver Dragon texture around portrait when elite is on target ?
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Unread 05-19-09, 04:06 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Yo, awesome addon. Downloaded oUF when trying to find a unit frame that is slightly different to Xperl and Pitbull.

Liked Nivaya the most.. but one thing i wouldn't mind changing. I have no idea how to do that lua stuff and was wondering how to change the party frame from the grid to the same as the player/target frame.

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Unread 05-17-09, 03:18 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I can't seem to get ToT Debuffs to show any ideas? In testing the ToT is me but in raids its my OT and well I kinda need to see the debuffs on him from the raid boss.
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Unread 05-15-09, 11:19 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Any news on the ouf_Runebar support? Last piece I need to make my DK UI complete.
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Unread 05-15-09, 03:54 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally posted by Luzzifus

Would it be enough for you to have a configurable offset (space) between player and target castbar? [/b]
Yeah, that would be great.
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