Updated: 06-22-10 02:47 AM
File Info
Updated:06-22-10 02:47 AM

RuneWatch  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: v1.2.12 Stable
by: Voorije [More]

I've recently converted RuneWatch over to a Locale-Based system. I'm currently looking for people willing to help localize (translate) RuneWatch into various languages.

Note: v1.2.12 works with Wow 3.3.5

The following localizations are still in need of help:

- esES - Spanish
- deDE - German (Found)
- frFR - French (Found)
- ruRU - Russian (Found)

If you can help me translate my mod please contact me via PM on (Click Here). As I find people willing to help with the above localizations I will cross them off the list.

Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Due to some problems with comments and the fact that they aren't the best venue for reporting, I've asked WoWInterface Admins to disable comments on my mods.

If you would like to report a bug or request a feature please use the appropriate buttons on the right of this page. (Underneath the big download button) This will redirect you to a proper form on my project portal which will help me keep track of problems and flag bugs as fixed.

Bug Reporting - Please use the Portal 'Report Bugs' Feature
Feature Requests - Please use the Portal 'Feature Request' Feature
Comments & Questions - Please post on The Project Thread In the forums.
Mod Graphics
Since I've been getting a number of questions about the graphics, I'd like to point out right away that they're an iterative development. (This means they're a work in progress and will be updated every couple versions)

Planned Graphical Features:
  • Three Major Skins - Full, Compact, Lightweight
  • Variety of Rune Graphics - Default (Blizzard), Custom, Etc...
  • Vertical Flip Mode - Allows you to flip the mod upside-down for placement above your character.
  • >> If you have any suggestions, please use the request feature button for this project.
RuneWatch Description
RuneWatch is a simple RuneBar Replacement Mod which is visually bigger, less cluttered and movable.

RuneWatch also counts down the cooldown on your runes to make them more obvious and easy to monitor.

Note: RuneWatch is an Ace3 Mod and only works in Wrath of the Lich King
Additional Information
I would like to extend a special thankyou to Elderidge for the designing of the graphics for RuneWatch. He's a very talented artist and has contributed greatly not only to the visual component of RuneWatch but aided with ideas and testing.

To access the commands for the mod type either /rune or /runewatch
Known Issues
Please see the "Bug Reporting" Section of my Portal for a list of bug reports and resolved issues.
Upcoming Features

Below is a list of features planned for future versions of RuneWatch
  • Cooldown Watching
  • Various Options to control behavior & appearance.

v1.2.3 Stable

- Minimap Icon now is hideable.
- Fixed some issues with the main frame not saving it's location.
* Note: This may be the last version until I release the new v2.x.x line that's currently in development.

v1.2.2 Stable

- Localizations for deDE, frFR, ruRU added
- Support for LibDataBroker based mods (Like Fortress)
- Support for AddonLoader
- Revised Config Structure
- Support for full Config options in Blizzard Interface Options
- Minimap Icon

v1.2.1 Beta

- Disease Tracker fixed for all locales
- Locale Support Added, Waiting on translations

v1.2.0 Stable

- Disease Tracker now supports all diseases and only counts your own.
- Various upgrades & Tweaks
- New Art for Diseases.

v1.1.5 Beta


- [Modified] Full & Compact
----- [Fixed] Numerical Runic Power Indicator
- [Modified] Rune-Skins
----- [Modified] Death Runes now are purple(magenta).

--[[Frame Widgets]]--

- [Modified] Disease Tracker
----- [Modified] Numerical Counter now only tracks your own diseases.

v1.1.4 Beta


- [Modified] Full Skin
----- [Added] Themes ('Generic', 'Blood', 'Unholy', 'Frost')
----- [Modified] Frame Design, Allows for better support of 'Top' Orientation
- [Added] Compact Skin
----- [Added] Orientation Modes ('Top', 'Bottom')
----- [Added] Themes ('Generic', 'Blood', 'Unholy', 'Frost')
----- [Supports] Frame Widget: Disease Tracker
----- [Supports] Frame Widget: Runes
----- [Supports] Frame Widget: Runic Power (Numerical Only)

--[[Frame Widgets]]--

- [Modified] Runes
----- [Added] Spin-Cooldown Display
----- [Modified] Cooldown Timer Text is now cuztomizable with custom colors.

v1.1.3 Beta

- Disease Tracker This new widget for the rune frame is designed to help Death Knights track their diseases. Center Widget tracks number of diseases on the current target.
- > Frost Fever Tracks your Frost Fever disease on the current target.
- > Blood Plague Tracks your Blood Plague disease on the current target.
- Blizzard Rune Frame Toggle Allows you to select RuneWatch's behavior regarding the official Blizzard Rune Frame. This feature allows you to not hide the Blizzard Rune Frame.

If you use X-Perl it is recommended you HIDE the blizzard rune frame.

v1.1.0 Beta
- Refactored entire project to make room for upcoming features
- Added Vertical Flip
- Reorganized Configuration Panel

v1.0.2 Stable
- Added Rune Order Configuration & Options
- Added Runic Power Bar Configuration Options

v1.0 Build 24
- Bug Fixes

v1.0 Build 22
- Reorganized Configuration
- Added Out-Of Combat Fade-Out option & Config
- New Graphics
- New RP Color
- New RP Border
- Graphics fixed to align better

v1.0 Build 15
- Smoothed RP Changes
- Fixed a bug that caused RP to get stuck at 1 or 2.

v1.0 Build 14
- Fix for improved runic power

v1.0 Build 13
- Added Graphics for RuneWatch
- Added Runic Power (Numerical) Display
- Added Runic Power (Bar) Display

v1.0 Build 9
- Added UI-Scale Option (Allowing you to resize everything)
- Fixed a bug where rune cooldowns would continue below 0.

v1.0 Build 8
- Small Fixes
- Updated with new Rune Icons

v1.0 Build 6
- Mod is now hidden when not playing a Death Knight

v1.0 Build 6
- Fixed Display Bug on First Load

v1.0 Build 5
- Initial Release
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11-20-11 03:47 PM

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